Oct 9th Iron Sharpens Iron Seminars
Morning Equipping Seminars / Being a Warrior for God (30-55) Robert Legg - Lt Col USAF – USAFThis seminar covers the ideas of dreaming big, keeping revitalized, changing gears without grinding, and reaching your fullest potential. Lt. Col. Legg Executive pastor of Rock church in Dupont, Wa will share with key points how to be a Warrior for God.
Counter the Lies of Pornography Carl Ardsmar – Director – Union Gospel Mission
Men are continuing to buy into the lie of pornography. Join us for a real discussion on a tough issue that is destroying the lives of men and women even in the local church.
Effective Men’s Ministry – Rea Men Real Transformation Brad Stewart – Director – Kingdom Warrior
All too often the local church ramps up a ministry to men only to see it struggle and often diminish in attendance and impact. It feels more like flips and flops than men and ministry. This seminar covers having multiple entry points for men at different levels of maturity and importance of helping take the right next step.
Finishing Well (55+) Ross Holtz – Senior Pastor – The Summit
Biblical instructions and injunctions to older guys to stay ‘on duty’ in the kingdom battle as long as possible. We will observe men of the Bible who succeeded and some who failed and seek to discover why they finished as did. Then we’ll evaluate ways that empower men of God to stay strong to the end.
Real Men with Real Tools (Logos) Joe Miller – Representative – Logos Bible Software
Being a man is not easy... that is why they call it "being a man." The world needs real men! Your family needs a real man! Come discover the real tools you need to DAILY DEPEND and DISCOVER what it takes to be a real man of God!
Rough Cut Men – Using Hollywood Action Movies David Dusek – Director – Rough Cut Men
This seminar is a real and relevant introduction to this cutting edge men’s “rocket launch”, designed for guys who are having a difficult time rallying men for their men’s ministry. The purpose of ROUGH CUT MEN is really simple...to get men to begin engaging with one another in an authentic and transparent way.
The Barnabas Project Art Remington – Staff Pastor – Men At the Cross
We live in world where men need to grow the likeness of Christ and then be faithful to help others grow to become mature men who are able to reproduce a walk with God in other men, their homes, and their coworkers. This is the essence of being a Barnabas.
Vision Casting (Pastor and Leaders) Tom Joyce – Pastor – Immanuel Bible Church
During our time together we will discuss the importance of equipping men to catch a leadership vision for their church, ministry to men, and home.
Que es Lokso Necessita Todo Hombre (Hispanic)
Afternoon Equipping Seminars / Born Again Leadership Outgrowth of a Warrior’s Heart Ravon Johnson – Pastor – Ebony Bible Fellowship
God has placed within the heart of every man the spirit of a warrior and a desire to lead. However, a man must develop his warrior’s heart in order to be the righteous leader God desires him to become.
Call to Courage Defeating the Dysfunction that Holds your Princess Captive Roger Petershon – Associate Pastor – The Summit
We will discuss the importance of calling men to own their dysfunctional issues, and to enter into transparent discussion about both the injuries that caused the injuries and the steps needed to bring about healthy relationship skills.
Get Out of the Winepress and Take Your Son With You Chuck Stecker – President – A Chosen Generation
Many men are hiding out in the “winepress” believing they have no choice. When men get out of the winepress, they can take their sons and often even their own father with them. There is a victorious life that God created each man to live and to be a guide for others, starting with their own family.
How to be a Man and a Christian at the Same Time David Murrow – Author/Speaker – Church for Men
You want to do the things regular guys do, but you can’t - because you’re a Christian. Your heart tells you to behave a certain way, but your faith seems to command the opposite. Join David Murrow, author of the bestselling Why Men Hate Going to Church, as he reveals a startling truth that could change your walk with God - forever.
Purity in a Lust Filled World (13-19) Kelly Culver – YFC Director – Youth for Christ
During this seminar we will be unpacking how King David fell from the top of the pack because of his lust for Bathsheba. Then we will see how we can prepare ourselves against lust in a lust filled world.
Training Leaders at All Levels – Scott Golike and 'Michael England' - Antioch Bible School
This workshop explores the Paul/Timothy model as essential for the support of vibrant movements of church planting and church growth. Churches have a biblical mandate to develop own leaders for their own churches and for the worldwide spontaneous expansion of the Gospel. Increasingly, in-service training is being recognized for its outstanding results in terms of its development of character, ministry skills, and knowledge. Leadership development for all types of leaders can be done in, by, and through your church in a manner that is integrated with development for everyone in your church.
Your Employer – Friend or Foe (20-29) Mike Bower – Founder – Godly Men
Work is a four letter word that defines a man’s purpose and in many ways his destiny, conduct, and character. Men are limited by the knowledge of their minds and value of the principles in which they build their lives. This seminar will help you live and work for His glory.
Wanted Real Fathers Brad Grasley – Pastor – A New Forever
We live in a culture that has greatly undercut the important role of fathers. On TV they are mocked, emasculated, laughed at, and generally seen as weak. Here is the problem fathers are God’s chosen to show a family who He is. How can we as men take back our rightful place, not only in the home, but in our culture? We will also tackle the issue of the fatherless and orphans. Where are God’s men?
Como Medimos Nuestras Espiritualidad
All seminars are subject to last minute changes.