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University of Hawaii at Manoa

Gilmore Hall, Room 306

Friday, August 28, 2015

1p – 3p

Research & Technology Working Group

of the

Hawai‘i Invasive Species Council

Meeting Minutes

(draft subject to revision/approval)

1.  Call to order: at 1:11p by Chair Paul Krushelnycky, CTAHR-PEPS

2.  Introductions:

a.  In person: Dr. Paul Krushelnycky/CTAHR-PEPS, Chair, Dr. Zhiqiang Cheng/CTAHR-PEPS, Dr. Miaoying Tian/CTAHR-PEPS, Dr. Michael Melzer/CTAHR-PEPS, Randy Bartlett/HISC,

b.  On conference call; Dr. James Leary/CTAHR-Maui, Dr. Sue Jarvi/UH-Hilo-COP, Dr. Kathleen Howe/UH-Hilo-COP, Elizabeth Green/BI

3.  Working Group Organization

a.  Chair selection process: overview by RB; Chair represents one of six HISC agencies (DLNR/DOA/DOT/DOH/DBEDT/UH)

b.  Stakeholder representation: open to public, but emphasizes R&T interests

i.  General discussion regarding WG participation:

1.  JL: Better participation needed.

2.  MM: Better response (from me) with 2nd email request.

c.  Meeting frequency/location: TBD; ideally quarterly, at least once before EOY and once after Legislative session ends in May, but prior to Resources WG FY17 proposals evaluation meeting sometime in June.

4.  HISC 2015-2020 Strategic Plan Review

a.  Goals: Discussion re priorities:

i.  PK: Need better model/survey/decision-matrix? Perhaps via a better internet polling system?

1.  JL: Survey should be done annually to archive data historically and to represent changing research priorities based on new data.

ii. MM: Criteria used can be biased…

1.  JL: Categorize by Plant/Animal Kingdom?

2.  JL: Categorize by Effects/Impacts?

iii.  SJ/KH: How to get funding priority for invasive slugs/snails research?

1.  JL: Should these by a Control or R&T priority?

2.  JL: Are these a Noxious Pest (already established) or an Invasive Species (incipient)?

b.  Strategies:

c.  Evaluation Measures: for future discussion

5.  Updates

a.  Research

i.  Current/FY16Projects (funded via HISC):

1.  UH/CTAHR, $8,920, Garden Study to Test Susceptibility of Different Naio Populations to Naio Thrips in Hawaii

2.  UH/CTAHR, $117,212, Science & Technology Based Management of Incipient Miconia (M. calvescens DC) Utilizing Herbicide Ballistic Technology (HBT)

3.  UH/HAL, $51,848, Applied Research to Improve Treatment Methodology for Little Fire Ants

4.  USFS, $99,000, The Ecology and Management of Rapid `Ohi`a Death Across Forests of Hawai`i: Development of Tractable, Science-based Solutions

5.  USFS, $50,156, Biocontrol of Invasive Melastomes

ii. FY15 Projects (funded via HISC):

1.  UH/PCSU/HAL-MISC, $158,000, Development of an Little Fire Ant Detector Dog Program

2.  DLNR/DOFAW, $100,000, Exploring Biocontrol of Albizia

3.  DLNR/DOFAW, $80,000, Biocontrol of Invasive Rubus Species and Himalayan Ginger

4.  UH/CTAHR/Maui, $65,000, Quantifying Outcomes of Miconia Management projects Through Advancements in Herbicide Ballistic Technology

5.  DLNR/DOFAW, $46,000, Technical Support of Miconia Biocontrol Research

6.  UH/PCSU/HAL, $30,000, Applied Research for Control of Little Fire Ants

7.  UH/PCSU/BIISC, $30,000, Developming a Mapping & Management Approach for Australian Tree Fern (ATF)

8.  DLNR/DOFAW, $20,000, Refining a Reporting System for HISC-Funded Projects

iii.  Priority List: TBD

b.  Preparation for 2016 Legislative Session

6.  Announcements/Next Meeting: TBD

7.  Public comments: EG: Question re using bleach as fungicide to control ROD? JL: not an approved use per label/MSDL.

8.  Meeting Adjournment: at 3:02p by Chair Paul Krushelnycky

For information, contact:

HISC Support staff: 1151 Punchbowl St, #325, Honolulu, HI 96813; Fax: 587-0160

Josh Atwood, HISC Program Supervisor: 587-4154, Joshua.P.Atwood [at]

Randy Bartlett, HISC Interagency Coordinator: 870-6443, Randal.T.Bartlett [at]