NY State 911 Coordinators Conference
May 9 – 11, 2017
Oswego, County
May 9, 2017
Meeting was called to order at 0830 hours, by President John Merklinger.
Colors were posted by the Oswego City Fire Department, followed by the pledge of allegiance.
Kelly Donoghue gave an invocation and a moment of silence for all departed members, including but not limited to Guy Rowe, Ray Thatcher, and Garth Hillier.
A moment of silence was also held for those not of the Christian faith, for their own religious beliefs.
Mike Allen and Linda Lockwood welcomed everyone with opening remarks.
John Merklinger reviewed some housekeeping items and the conference agenda with the membership.
John Merklinger introduced Charles Vatile, APCO Instructor, who will be training everyone on “Bullying in the Communications Center for Management”.
Tracy Eldridge from Rapid SOS did a presentation on Why can Uber find me and 911 Can’t?
Debra Turner from 211 did a presentation on their program.
Director Michael Sprague and Deputy Director Brett Chellis provided updates from DHSES.
Conference concluded for the day at 1735 hours.
May 10, 2017
Meeting was called to order at 0900 hours by President John Merklinger.
President Merklinger began by reviewing the agenda for the day.
President Merklinger introduced Chris Gallahan who did a presentation on Next Generation multi-media recording, incident reconstruction and QA/QI.
There was a presentation on ASAP in NY State.
Katie Hohman gave an update from NYSAC.
Chris Martin and Steve Gordon provided an update on the NY State Sheriff’s Association Accreditation process.
The Association adjourned for the day for exclusive vendor time, and a luncheon awards ceremony, which established an Annual Garth Hillier Memorial Award, the NY State 911 Coordinator of the Year Award. Garth Hillier’s Family and the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department were in attendance for the ceremony.
May 11, 2017
President Merklinger called the meeting to order at 0900 hours, and turned the meeting over to Jeff Edwards and Joe Grube for a local NENA updates.
Cheryl Benjamin gave an update on NENA GIS requirements.
Christina Dravis provided APCO updates.
Gerry Engstrom gave updates on the NYSP.
President Merklinger opened up the NY State 911 Coordinators Business Meeting.
Secretaries Report
Mark Balistreri stated the 2016 Fall Conference minutes have been on the website, any questions?
Motion was made and seconded to accept the Secretaries report.
Motion accepted
Treasurers Report
Sandra Smith read the Treasurers report.
Motion was made and seconded to accept the Treasurers report.
Motion accepted.
New attendees stood and introduced themselves to the group.
Old Business
President Merklinger reviewed our incorporation status with the membership.
Mark Balistreri spoke of Membership items, as follows:
-Check membership section, and send him any updates
-Merchandise page will be changing in a couple of weeks, anything new you want, let Mark know
-Also, please let Vendors know there is a Vendor/Corporate annual sponsorship page on our website that creates recurring revenue for our Association
President Merklinger reviewed the upcoming conferences, as follows:
-Fall 2017 (Clinton County)
-Spring 2018 (Erie County)
-Fall 2018 (Oneida County) ?
-Spring 2019 (Poughkeepsie) ?
New Business
A motion was made to authorize $900 be spent with the NENA $900 for Amber Lee Foundation.
Motion accepted
Dave Cook made a motion was made to make Mike Allen an honorary member in the NY State 911 Coordinators Association.
Jeremy DeMar spoke about the TERT program in NY State.
A motion was made to adjourn at 1005 hours.
Motion accepted