GenerationsKnowledge & CareCenter, LLC

Enrollment Application

Child’s Name:______


Child’s Address______

(Street)(City)(State)(Zip Code)

Home Phone or Cell#:______Date of Birth: ______Sex:  Male  Female

Name of School (if applicable): ______Date of Enrollment______

Circle day(s) to attend: Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri:Arrival Time: ______Departure Time:______


Enrolling Parent/Guardian: ______

(Last Name)(First Name)(Middle Initial)

Relationship to Child: ______

(Cell Phone #) (E-Mail Address)

Address (If different from above): ______


Employer: ______Work Phone #:______Ext:______

Work Address:______City/State: ______Work Hours:______


(Last Name)(First Name)(Middle Initial)

Relationship to Child: ______

(Home Phone #) (Cell Phone #)

Address (if different from above): ______

(Street)(City) (State)(Zip)

Employer: ______Work Phone #: ______Ext:______

Work Address: ______City/State: ______Work Hours: ______

Primary Residence: With Mother With Father Both Parents Guardian (Name):______

Parent’s Marital Status: Married Single Separated Divorced

If separated or divorced, who has legal custody? ______

May the non-custodial parent pick up the child?  Yes  No Name: ______

The child will be released only to the people on this application and the following persons:

Name:______Relationship to the child: ______Cell Phone #:______

Address:______Home Phone #: ______

Name: ______Relationship to the child: ______Cell Phone#: ______

Address: ______Home Phone #: ______

Generations Knowledge & Care Center, LLC

Enrollment Application (Continued)

Child’s Name: ______

(Last Name)(First Name)(Initial)

Child’s Physician: ______

(Name)(Address)(Phone #)

Hospital Preference: ______

Emergency Contact other than parents:

Name: ______Address: ______Phone #: ______

Name: ______Address: ______Phone #: ______

Any allergies, special needs, disabilities, physical limitations or any other thing which would limit the child’s participation in the program and/or activities:  Yes  No (If yes, please explain below):



Is the child potty trained? ______What does your child say when he/she wishes to use the toilet? ______

Does you child need help in: Dressing/Undressing ______Eating ______Washing Hands ______

Does your child have any special fears or problems? ______

Has your child been cared for by someone other than parents?  Yes  No (If yes, list name and relationship or Center’s Name)



Child’s Favorite toy(s): ______Favorite game(s):______


Parent Agreement

Generations Knowledge & Care Center will be open from 6:00 AM to 6:30 PM Monday – Friday.

I agree to pay in advance each week’s tuition that is due on Mondays unless a holiday falls on Monday. I am aware that no deductions are made for absences & holidays.

I am aware that a $10.00 bookkeeping fee will be charged each day for payments received after Monday.

I am aware that a late fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged for late pick-up beginning after 6:30 pm and an additional $5.00 per minutebeginning at 7:00 pm. Late fee payments are due at the time of pick up.

I agree to pay a registration fee at the time of enrollment to be renewed annually inAugust.

I am aware that this enrollment fee is non-refundable.

Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______

Print Name of Signature: ______

GenerationsKnowledge & CareCenter, LLC

Medical Report


Child’s Name: ______

Birth Date: ______Sex: ______


1) ______A complete physical examination was given on ______


2) ______A current examination was waived due to ______


Chicken Pox (Year): ______Scarlet Fever (Year): ______

T.B./T.B. Contact (Year): ______Frequent Ear Infections: ______

The State of Georgia Certificate of Immunization must be included in file for children ages 5 years and under.

Immunizations are up to date for age of child: Yes No

Laboratory and Other Tests (if indicated) Yes No

CHILD’S PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS, SPECIAL NEEDS OR DISABILITIES (For example: allergy, diabetes, heart disease, H.I.V., hepatitis, epilepsy or hospitalization in the past 12 months, and any medication prescribed for long-term continuous use.)

Allergies (List): ______

Routine Medications: ______

Dietary Restrictions: ______

Disabilities (Please be specific): ______

Others: ______

I, (physician name) ______examined this child on (date) ______. I find him/her to be in good physical condition, free of contagious and infectious diseases and may be admitted to a group child care facility. The child may participate in day care activities except as noted below:

