Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call -Mayor Suchor, Council Member’s Brandenburg, Henle, Pommarane and Cook

Also Present: Barb Hardy, Clerk Treasurer, Heath Turbiville and Jordan Roberts-HDR, Dusty, Jacelyn, Melibe and Avenlee Downey, Ed Robinson- Deputy Crook Co. Sheriff, Jim & Bobbi Noecker, Leland Korb and TJ Gedeon.

Consent Agenda Matters: Council Member Cook made a motion to approve and add an executive session to the agenda. Council Member Henle seconded the motion, all ayes’. Motion carried.

Sheriff’s Report – Log in Packet – Deputy Robinson asked for comments - None

Items from the Floor-Mr.Korbbrought forward concerns regarding the development of the business next to his property re: pollution, drainage, hours of operation and water pressure impact. Mayor Suchor advised that the Town engineer will be involved with the drainage plan and that the water pressure should not be impacted.

Staff Reports: Public Works–Completed the three year EPA sanitary survey with no discrepancies, Boe St and Cedar St. repairs are complete, continue to flush out culverts with the help of the fire dept, clean up of the town yard continues, maintenance of lift stations for winter continues, the sander and snow plow are being worked on for the winter season, mowing continues.

Clerk/Treasurer –The annual prebuyquotes for propane were reviewed. Council Member Brandenburg made a motion to accept the low quote from Blakeman Propane, Council Member Henle seconded, all ayes’ motion carried.

Fire Dept-report – Chief Hull reported that Engine #1 has been inspected and certified. There were a few items that need to be repaired and is working on quotes. Mayor Suchor asked for a copy of the certification report.

EMS- Billing contract/applications for grants- President Dusty Downey addressed the council on the need of upgrading the ambulance gurney to apneumatic system and presented quotes in the $40,000.00 range from several firms with Stryker being recommended. Funding for the purchase is being research. After discussion Council Member Henle made a motion to allow the Ambulance Service to continue to apply for grants. Council Member Brandenburg seconded the motion, all ayes’ Motion carried. Mayor Suchor noted that he supports this upgrade. After grants are received and funding is in place ads will be placed for bids per State Statues.

Streets-Quotes for the extension of upgrades on Vista Grande and Lakeview were received.

Planning and Zoning– Reviewed the Car Wash project and are looking into the future projects for the Town.

Ordinance Review Committee-Delete the 1st Reading of Ordinance #6, 2017 from the agenda.


  1. HDR Engineering Project Updates –Heath Turbiville
  2. Water Tank/Well Level III update-Approve amendment #2 to Owner –Engineer Agreement-Town of Pine Haven Water Tank & Well Level III project.-Prebid is Sept 20th for the Tank with Bid opening Oct. 3 at 3:00pm. Council Member Cook made a motion to approve amendment #2, Council Member Henle second, all ayes’ motion carried.
  3. Emergency Water Well Pump- update- PreBid is Sept 20th at 3:00 pm, Bid opening Sept. 28th at 3:00 pm.
  4. Sanitary Sewer Whitetail to Aspen update- Waiting DEQ permit, easements are in place except for one and could possibly hold up the project.
  5. Streets plan update- Bids were opened at a special meeting and are now in process of completing paper work. Work should be done this fall.
  6. Union Telephone – Approve agreement– signed agreement has been signed by Union – approval of agreement was done at a prior meeting.
  7. Third and Final Reading of Ordinance #4, 2017 Liquor – Council Member Cook made a motion to approve, Council Member Henle seconded, all ayes’ motion carried
  8. Second Reading Ordinance #5, 2017 – Vacate a portion of Whitetail Drive- Council Member Cook made a motion to approve. Council Member Brandenburg seconded, all ayes’ Motion carried.


  1. Resolution 25, 2017 Authorizing submission of a Federal Mineral Royalty Grant for Water Tank/Well Level III,Council Member Brandenburg made a motion to approve, Council Member Pommarane seconded, all ayes’. Motion carried.
  2. Approve Casey-Peterson review of Year ending June 30, 2017 engagement proposal. Council Member Cook made a motion to approve, Council Member Pommarane seconded, all ayes’. Motion carried.
  3. Agreement with EMS Billing Services, Inc.- After discussion of the service and changes recommended by Pat and checking references, Council Member Cook made a motion to approve with the changes and reference checks, Council Member Henle seconded, all ayes’ motion carried.
  4. First Reading –Ordinance #7, 2017, Chapter 30-Zoning Regulations–Change Sec. 30-76 Multipurpose Dist. (MP-)After discussion of the intent and Pat’s changes, Council Member Cook made a motion to approve with changes, Council Member Brandenburg seconded, all ayes’. Motion carried.
  5. Nominations for Board Vacancies to Local government Liability Pool- Council Member Brandenburg express interest in being on this board. Council Member Pommarane made a motion to Nominate Karla Brandenburg for the Special District Position. Council Member Henle seconded, all ayes’. Motion Carried.
  6. Request to split fees on Ruby easements-Council Member Pommarane made a motion to split the fees regarding the Ruby easements. Council Member Cook seconded, all ayes’. Motion carried.

Mayor/Council Reports:

No reports from Council Members

Mayor reports- Thanked Council Member Pommarane his donation of the Town Hall sign made by his sister. It will be installed at a later date. The mayor noted that he has contacted Victory Inc. regarding the trash service and has sent a letter in regards to the potential changes. The promotion board met last week and he would like to pursue increasing the lodging tax by 1%. Pat will contact the County Attorney on the process.

Council Member Cook made a motion to adjourn to the Executive Meeting at 8:36, Council Member Brandenburg seconded, all ayes’. Motion carried.

Return to regular session at 8:56

Council Member Brandenburg made a motion to reject the WEC offer dated August 18, 2017. Council Member Henle seconded, all ayes’. Motion carried.

Council Member Brandenburg made a motion to counter WEC’s offer of August 18, 2017 to be: 1) Town of Pine Haven will store at our warehouse the 182 gallons of DRP product. 2) That this product will be used first by WEC before any additional product is purchased and reimbursed to the Town of Pine Haven at the rate of $385.00 per gallon at the time of usage by WEC. 3) The total of $70,070.00 will be carried over two years, with 50% being paid on or before 12th month (year 1) from the date of the agreement and the balance of 50% due 24th month (year2) from the date of the agreementwhether or not the product has been purchased by WEC. Council Member Henle seconded the motion, Council Member Brandenburg, Cook, Henle, Pommarane vote aye. Mayor Suchor voted nay. Motion carried.

Motion to Adjourn: Council Member Cook made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Pommarane seconded, all ayes’. Motion carried . Adjourned at: 9:10 pm.



Larry Suchor, Mayor


Barbara Hardy, Clerk/Treasurer

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