Teacher:Leslie Colvin
Week 13: November 10-14 / Course: English I
Unit 2: Defining Style
Essential Questions:
  • What makes a good story?
  • What are the elements of a style analysis essay?

Common Core Standards Met:
Learning Target / Activities
Student Centered Learning Experiences
Differentiation / Assessment / Homework / Materials
11/10 / I can identify how irony is conveyed through words, actions, and situations in a story.
I can develop understanding of a text by asking and answering questions that highlight key ideas. / DGP- Monday Parts of Speech
Activity 2.9 Irony in the Vault (cont.)
  • (Cont.) Guided Reading of “The Cask of Amontillado” in chunks
During Reading FOCUS: Irony(Students have been assigned one type of irony)
  • Apply: PLAN/ACT questions often help determine meaning in a complex text because they highlight important ideas/topics
Students will answer KI&D questions (Handout) and (practice) write level 1, 2, or 3 questions that highlight important ideas/topics.
  • Students will share their level 1, 2, & 3 questions using the overhead. Whole-Group discussion of the strength/ importance of the questions and the answers.
/ Check Your Understanding ?s
KI&D ?s
Student generated questions / DGP
11/11 / I can analyze how a poet explores the idea of revenge.
I can compare thematic elements and ideas across different texts and genres. / DGP – Tuesday Phrases and Sentence Parts
Activity 2.10 Connecting Symbolism to Meaning
  • Before Reading: Make predictions based on the title “A Poison Tree”
  • Independent Read – Mark the text for diction and imagery that stands out
Whole-Group Read – Look for symbolism/highlight
Video – “A Poison Tree) You Tube
Final Read – Diffuse the text using the SIFT strategy. Complete graphic organizer with textual examples for each element.
Use thematic starter: When anger is nurtured…
  • Check Your Understanding Questions – Compare thematic ideas presented in “The Cask of Amontillado” to those presented in “A Poison Tree” by considering imagery, point of view, irony, and theme.
Use thematic starter: The narrators of “The Cask of Amontillado” and “A Poison Tree” both take pleasure in planning a revenge in which they take advantage of … / SIFT
Check Your Understanding Questions
Thematic Statements / DGP
11/12 / I can identify the subject and important details in a biographical essay.
I can determine the implied main idea in a text. / DGP – Wednesday Clauses and Sentence Type
Activity 2.13 Film in Context: An Authorial Study
  • Before Reading: Identify the tasks you will be asked to complete
  • Whole-Group Read: “Tim Burton: Wickedly Funny, Grotesquely Humorous
FOCUS: Identify 1 key point for each paragraph
KI&Ds Questions
The topic is Tim Burton’s style and its relationship to ______.
The opinion of the writer is ______.
The thesis is ______.
  • After Reading: Summarizing key ideas in one main-idea sentence. (Use Sentence Frame)
/ KI&D?s
Summary Statement / DGP
11/13 / I can identify and analyze the effect of key stylistic elements.
I can make connections between a film and a text and use textual evidence and examples to support my ideas. / DGP – Thursday Capitalization and Punctuation
Activity 2.13 (cont)
  • What are the differences between film and text? (Text is… or Film is…) (Venn, On Post-Its, On board)
  • Brainstorm – What elements that are evident in literature by a writer are also utilized in film by a director? (Venn on board)
  • Whole-Group Discussion: EA 2, analyzing Tim Burton’s style, focus on mood, diction, syntax, imagery, and point of view.
  • Film: “Vincent” (You Tube, 5:00) Students will analyze the film for the director’s choices in mood, diction, syntax, imagery, point of view, & tone. (Graphic Organizer)
  • Whole-Group Share-Out
  • Exit Slip: How did the style of Tim Burton’s first film reflect the influences discussed in the article “Tim Burton: Wickedly Funny, Grotesquely Humorous”
/ Venn Diagram/ Discussion
Graphic Organizer
Exit-Slip / DGP
11/14 / I can identify the knowledge and skills needed to complete EA2.
I can expand my understanding of a director’s style and influence. / DGP – Friday Diagramming
Unpacking EA2 – Students will read the EA2 rubric and identify the skills and knowledge needed for success. Small groups will create individualized graphic organizers that portray the writing prompt and the requirements.
Students will look at an example Style analysis Essay.
If Time – Katy Towell video “The Black Halloween” (2:00)
Identify Tim Burton influence re: children’s stories with a dark side / Graphic Organizer / DGP

Differentiation Strategies/Modifications Marzano’s Best Practices

x / Anchor Activities / X / Extended Time / x / Identifying Similarities & Differences
x / Chunking / x / Modified Assignments / Summarizing & Note taking
x / Flexible Grouping / x / Rephrase Directions / x / Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition
x / Jig-Saw / x / Prompting/Cueing / Homework & Practice
Learning Centers/Stations / Reading/Scribing / Nonlinguistic Representation
Tiered Activities / Learning Contracts / x / Cooperative Learning
Interest Groups / x / Independent Study / x / Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback
Literature Circles / AP/Honors / Generating & Testing Hypothesis
Multiple Intelligence Options / Mentorships / x / Cues, Questions & Advance Organizers