From the Horses Mouth;

Welcome everyone to the New Year and the exciting new sailing season that awaits our club. Your new board met for the first time on January 11, 2005 at Grand River Yacht Club. Your board had a very productive meeting that will promise another exciting season.

A big thank you to everyone who attended the awards banquet; for the first time in several years participation increased. Restructuring of the awards banquet made it more affordable for our membership and less of a financial strain on the club. Changes to the awards banquet and membership dues this past year allowed the club to end the year in sound financial shape. Membership support and continued growth is always important to any club. With this thought in mind, we all should strive to introduce prospective sailors to our club.

Right now the different committees are planning for your sailing season. Vice Commodore Pete Fluhr and his sail race committee are busy planning the new race schedule, and Pete has several clever ideas to share with the membership at the spring membership meeting on March 19, 2005. Spinnaker Fleet Captain Dennis Steffy with the help of Tom Snodgrass has been reviewing the club’s time-on-time scoring and has several suggestions for improving it. The sail race committee is always a challenging and exciting committee to be a part of. Now is the time to share your racing ideas with this committee.

Rear Commodore Ray Dillon will begin planning for this year’s awards banquet and our three big general membership meetings. Rear Commodore Ray hopes to make the Sunday social hour at the sailing center after racing more entertaining. We also will want to support Rear Commodore Ray on reviving a club activity after Wednesday night races. Secretary Colin Mills has our 2005 membership registration ready, and it should be on the website to copy and send back soon. Web STAR Dennis Steffy added a “Members Only” section to our website. The members only area contains the club roster and board meeting minutes for the membership to review. The password into the member’s only section is XXXXX. Please do not share this password with any non member of the club. Respect and protect each of our member’s rights to privacy. This area is to be used for club matters only.

Recently, our Minister of Information, Kathy Christian has been working over-time. The year is too new for all the sad news. The clubs sends its heart felt sympathy to member Paul Canfield on the recent loss of his mother. Then we heard Vice Commodore Pete Fluhr had an unfortunate fall off a ladder. Pete is recovering at home with several pins and plates in his ankle, and a long recovery ahead of him. Within the same day we heard that Assistant Fleet Captain Gary Sweetapple had arthroscopic surgery on his right knee and is also recovering at home. We wish them both a speedy recovery.

January has been a busy month for our membership and club. I am very fortunate to be working with such a wonderfully talented board. Let’s hope we all can stay healthy.

Robert Mock

Next Months Issue:

Why your PHRF LE rating is changing

Changes to CSA

Giving new Meanings to Signal Flags

Club Matters

Grand River Sailing Club

2005 Calendar at a Glance

February 6, 200510am Home Town Buffet 9130 Mentor Ave

February 8, 20057pm GRSC board meets at GRYC

February 19, 20054pm wine tasting tour - meet at Old Church Winery, Doty Rd. in Madison. (This was a fun and well attended event last year).

March 6, 200510am Home Town Buffet 9130 Mentor Ave.

March 8, 2005 7pm GRSC board meets at GRYC

March 19, 20057pm GRSC Membership meeting/party at GRYC

April 3, 200510am Home town Buffet 9130 Mentor Ave

April 12, 20057pm GRSC board meets at GRYC

April 23, 2005Sail race lottery meeting

May 8, 2005 10am Home Town Buffet 9130 Mentor Ave

(last breakfast)

May2005 sailing season begins

May 10, 20057pm GRSC board meets at GRYC

JuneClub Races, Regattas, Cruising

June 14, 20057pm GRSC board meets at GRYC

July 12, 20057pm GRSC board meets at GRYC

AugustFall racing series begins

August 9, 20057pm GRSC board meets at GRYC

August 25, 27, 28, 2005Grand River Sailing Club Regatta

September 13, 20057pm GRSC board meets at GRYC

October 11, 20057pm GRSC board meets at GRYC

October Annual fall meeting (date to be determined)

November 8, 20057pm GRSC board meets at GRYC

November 18, 2005tentative Grand River Sailing Club awards banquet date

December 13, 20057pm GRSC board meets at GRYC

There are several events and dates needing to be added. Please help add to our club calendar.