Hades is so feared the ancient Greeks did not dare to speak his name.

1. ______is the name of both the god and the realm he rules.

2. Hades encompasses Heaven, ______, and Purgatory or Limbo.

3. The three levels, or realms, in Hades’ domain are ______,

______, and ______

4. Which of the dead reside in Asphodel? ______

5. ______is 40,000 miles deep and surrounded by a flaming river. This is where the EVIL people go.

6. The Isles of the ______are the Greek equivalent of Heaven. This is where the famous and glorious people go.

7. Hades literally takes a bride. He snatches her from the surface of Greece where she is picking flowers. Her name is ______.

8. Her mother is the goddess of the harvest, ______.

9. Demeter wandered the Earth looking for her daughter and threatened the destruction of ______

10. The disappearance of Persephone is how ancient Greeks explained the changing ______

11. Who commands Hades to return Persephone? ______

12. How does Hades “trick” Persephone into having to remain with him in his realm at least part of each year? ______

13. Three seeds = how many months? ______

14. What is the name of the town 14 miles west of Athens where a secret society (the cult obsessed with death) built a temple to Hades and Persephone? ______

15. List three members of the society______,

______and ______.

16. This secret society was concerned with finding a shortcut to ______

17. The Hades myth and the cult helped liberate people from the fear of ______

18. Hades was the first of five future Olympians to be swallowed alive by his father, ______

19. ______is the right of the eldest child, especially the eldest son, to inherit the entire estate of one or both parents. According to this, Hades should have ruled the Heavens.

20. ______is the youngest of the Olympians.

21. By right, who should be in line to rule the Other Olympians? ______

22. Describe the realm of Hades. ______

23. ______is a series of underground rivers and caves upon which the realm Hades seems to be patterned.

24. Like many people today, the ancient Greeks were afraid of the souls of the dead (______). The Greeks were very afraid they would return to haunt the living.

25. Hades had three “enforcers” with which he enforced the rules of the Underworld. Name them and give a brief description of them.




26. Every dead soul was required to pay the ferryman to be allowed to cross over the river Styx into Hades. Because of this, ancient Greeks placed a ______on the

______or under the ______to keep that soul from returning to Earth to beg for payment.

27. Voodoo dolls made of ______with their hands and feet bound were placed in tiny coffins which were etched with ______. These were placed on the graves of the “restless dead,” and were used to bring evil or bad luck upon your competitors or enemies.

28. Who would have been considered to be one of these “restless dead”? ______

29. Who was Sisyphus? What was his offense against Hades? ______

30. How was he punished? ______

31. Briefly tell the story of Eurydice and Orpheus.

What happened to Eurydice? ______

What was Orpheus’s talent? ______

What did Orpheus attempt to do for Eurydice? ______

What challenge does he have to face (promise he must honor) in order to bring her out of the Underworld?______

What happens? ______

32. In Greek the word for music has another meaning. What does this word also mean?
