Princeton Elementary School
6101 Baxter Drive, Suitland, Maryland 20746
Phone: (301) 702-7650
“Great by Choice”
“Princeton Promise” 1
Beliefs and Goals of Princeton 1
School Hours * Regular Dismissal *……………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
Delayed Opening/Early Dismissals/Cancellations 2
Penalty*Absences * Attendance Procedures* Tardiness * Early Student Departures 3
School Calendar 4
School-Wide Expectations*Behavior Matrix 5
*PBIS Lesson Plans*Tiger Tails* Celebrations*Data Communication Form 6
Parent Involvement*Resolving Problems 6
Criteria for Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance at Princeton 7
Countywide Dress Code for Students* Mandatory School Uniform Policy 7
*County Policy for Penalties of Mandatory Uniform Violations………………………………………………………8
Internet/Computer Use……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Bus Transportation* 8
Traffic Flow*School Safety * Recess and Playground Safety*Emergency Procedures…………… 8
Free and Reduced Meals * Breakfast/Lunch/Milk Prices *…………………………………………………………… 9
Breakfast & Lunch 10
Lunch Loans 10
Illness and Medication at School 11
Visitors * Observing * Conferencing * Volunteers 12
Staff Members Roster 13
Telephone *Cell Phone Policy * Tiger Talk Information Hotline *Written Correspondence * 15
Homework * Classroom Assignments 14
Textbooks and Library Books * Lost and Found……………………………………………………………………………….. 14
Money and Valuables * Fund Raisers ………………………………………………………………15
What You Can Do To Help Your Child Learn * 101 Phrases of Praise for Students*………………… 15
“Celebrate Diversity “ 16
Parent – Student Success Strategies 16
“Let Kids Live” 17
Princeton Promise
Today I choose to be a scholar, a creator, a critical thinker
and a problem solver. I will honor my teachers and respect
my peers. I believe that my body is healthy and strong and
my future is bright and full of promise. I know that my gifts
and talents will take me to a place where my character will
keep me. I am a Princeton Tiger. I am always
Pursuing positive relationships,
Perfecting my actions and my work and
Prepared to learn!
Beliefs and Goals of Princeton Elementary School
We believe that each of our students…
· Is a person of worth and dignity.
· Is unique.
· Have individual and group needs.
· Is entitled to as thorough an education as his/her developing abilities permit, regardless of background, characteristics, or conditions of life. Needs to experience happiness and success in his/her learning activities.
· Can succeed in learning when provided with appropriate environment and opportunities.
· Can become great leaders one day.
The primary goal of Princeton Elementary School is to extend the individual child’s experience to provide maximum mental, physical, social, and emotional growth. We believe that ALL students can acquire knowledge and develop skills and work habits to enable them to become productive members of society. Princeton Elementary School staff will accomplish this by maintaining high expectations for ALL students, creating a positive school climate, ensuring a safe and orderly school environment, frequently monitoring student progress, and promoting effective home-school communication.
The realization of the whole and any part of this goal is based on the active commitment of all parties involved: all administrative, instructional, and support staff, the total family, and the individual student. It is necessary that each of these persons will expect, demand, and require of themselves and each other continuous efforts to reach this goal.
Let’s be positive, productive, and proactive to assist:
· Administrative, instructional and support staff
· Parent/guardian and students
· All community volunteers
“Guiding our children to excellence in the 21st Century.”
SCHOOL COLORS – Blue and Gold
· School Hours
Our school hours are from 7:45 AM – 1:55 PM. The doors are open at 7:30 AM to admit students for breakfast in the classroom. The first bell rings at 7:30 AM; the tardy bell rings at 7:45 AM. All students should be in their seats and ready to begin their school day by 7:45 AM. Dismissal will begin at 1:55 PM. Daycare and Bus riders will be dismissed as they arrive; walkers will begin to be dismissed at 2:00 PM in-between daycare and bus riders.
· Regular Dismissal
Parents are encouraged to be at home to receive their child/children. When a child is expecting to see that “someone special”, it is very disappointing and upsetting to the student if a parent comes late or doesn’t come at all. In addition, Special Needs children are transported by bus and must be released to a parent or childcare provider at the end of the day. The appropriate agency must be contacted if an adult fails to meet this responsibility. We will make every effort to contact a parent or the emergency designee.
If a student misses the bus, it is the parent’s responsibility to pick the child up promptly. Students cannot wait for a ride after 2:05 PM. We cannot ensure the safety of your child while waiting in front of the building. Teachers do not provide babysitting. All PM daycare providers and/or bus service must be at school by 1:55 PM for pickup. Parents whose student(s) go home on a daycare bus/van must inform the daycare provider if the student is to be absent that day or picked up early. Therefore, the daycare provider will not be held up looking for your child.
· Delayed Openings/Early Dismissals/Cancellations
Frequently, we are faced with delayed openings, early dismissals and or cancellations. The change in school hours may be due to inclement weather, extreme temperatures or dangerous road conditions. This decision is made as early as possible by the offices in Upper Marlboro and is a concern to us all.
Delayed openings, early dismissals and/or cancellations will be announced several times during the morning on the radio, television, or the Prince George’s County Public Schools web site, or the switch board at 301-952-6000. In order to keep telephone lines open for emergency calls, parents are requested to listen to the media. Do not call the central offices, the school, or the police department for information.
Bus transportation will be available for those students who are bused. When school is closed early or cancelled, all after-school and evening activities will also be cancelled. A change of school hours will result in: (1) One hour late opening-school begins at 8:45 AM; (2) Two hour late opening-school begins at 9:45 AM;
(3) Announced early dismissal or Two-hour early dismissal. A modified lunch schedule may occur for an early dismissal.
Each person who has under his control, a child who is 5 years old or older and under 16 years of age shall see that the child attends school regularly.
Unlawful absence and/or truancy are defined as the act of a pupil being absent from school for a day or from an individual class or portion of a class for any reason other than those defined as a lawful excuse for absence from school.
A. Death in immediate family
B. Illness of a child-A physician’s certificate will be required for continuous absence for illness.
C. Quarantine-A physician’s certificate certifying the time of absence necessary as a result of the quarantine will be required.
D. Court Summons.
E. Violent Storms-Only those conditions of the weather, which would endanger the health or safety of the child when in transit to and from school.
F. Observance of a religious holiday.
G. State emergency.
Any parent or guardian violating the Compulsory Attendance Law is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $50 for each day the child is unlawfully absent from school. A second or subsequent conviction is subject to a fine not to exceed $100 per day of unlawful absence.
SCH-645 9/94
· Absences
Attendance is extremely important to student success. Students are required to be in school every day. Absences may be excused in case of pupil’s illness, death in family, quarantine, court summons, violent storms, and observance of religious holidays. Please send a note to the office the day your child returns to school.
Lawful absences require a written explanation from the parent/guardian within two (2) days from the date of the absence. After a 3-day absence, a doctor’s note is desirable, and a parent note is necessary to explain any absence that does not require a doctor’s excuse. A total of 10 or more tardy/absences are considered to be unsatisfactory by the State.
Any parent, teacher, or student may request make-up work when a student has been absent and the absence is excused. Tests and projects missed due to absences must be submitted in accordance to the set policy of the specific teacher.
When a student is expected to be absent for three or more weeks because of an excused health or medical condition, the parent/guardian should notify the guidance counselor/principal and request a conference so that the appropriate home/hospital teacher can provide up to six hours per week of instruction to keep the student current with grade levels.
· Attendance Procedures
Each week an attendance check will be done on all our students. This will also include a check on early departures and late arrivals.
1. A letter will be sent home after 10 absences or 10 tardies, which include late arrivals and early departures.
2. A second letter will be sent home after 15 absences or 15 tardies along with a request for a conference.
3. A third letter will be sent home after 20 absences or 20 tardies along with a request for a conference.
4. A conference with the PPW and Administrator will take place to develop a plan for the student. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss how to ensure success for the student.
NOTE: If a parent fails to meet or talk with the school and/or if consistent tardy/absences persist, a referral will be made to the counselor, county’s Pupil Services Office, and the Department of Social Services.
· Tardiness
The first bell rings at 7:30 AM; the tardy bell rings at 7:45 AM. All late students, with the exception of late bus riders, must report to the office to be issued a “late pass/tardy slip” before going to class. This is the only way we can keep an accurate record of attendance and tardiness. Be mindful that attendance is entered directly in the computer and must be accurate.
· Early Student Departures
Early departures are recorded as tardies and should be kept to a minimum because constant classroom disruption prevents classroom instruction. Medical and dental appointments should be made after school hours, if possible. When a student is to be excused early, a written request from the parent is required. The parent must come to the office and sign the early departure book. A current photo ID is required! The office will then call the child to the office for dismissal. No Exceptions!
Written requests for change in transportation home on any specific day should also be sent with the student on that morning. Please note how the student will return home and with whom. A child will be released only to the parents/guardians, or emergency contacts listed on record, unless the school is notified in writing by the parents/guardians that they have granted permission for someone else to pick up their child. Early student departures at dismissal time are discouraged. A safe exit for all students is a priority. Please respect the sense of safety for all students. Early departures will not be granted after 1:30.
2016-2017 School Calendar
July 4 / Monday / Holiday* – Independence Day – Schools and Offices ClosedJuly 5 / Tuesday / Last Day of Ramadan 2016
July 7 / Thursday / Eid al-Fitr**
August 8-10 / Monday - Wednesday / Professional Duty Days for New Teachers
August 15-18 / Monday -Thursday / Professional Duty Days for All Teachers
August 17 / Wednesday / Professional Development
August 18 / Thursday / Systemic Orientation Day for Pre-K and Kindergarten Students
August 22 / Monday / Systemic Orientation Day for New 6th& 7thGrade Middle-Schoolers and New 9th-Graders
August 23 / Tuesday / First Day of School for All Students
September 5 / Monday / Holiday* – Labor Day – Schools and Offices Closed
September 11 / Sunday / Eid al-Adha**
September 30 / Friday / Professional Development – Schools Closed for Students***
October 3 / Monday / Rosh Hashanah**
October 12 / Wednesday / Holiday* – Yom Kippur** – Schools and Offices Closed
October 21 / Friday / MSEA Convention – Schools Closed for Students and Teachers***
October 28 / Friday / Professional Development – 2-Hr. Early Dismissal for Students
October 28 / Friday / End of First Quarter (45 days)
October 30 / Sunday / Diwali**
October 31 / Monday / Grading/Teacher Planning – Schools Closed for Students***
November 8 / Tuesday / General Election Day* – Schools and Offices Closed
November 11 / Friday / Veterans Day & Parent-Teacher Conferences – Schools Closed for Students***
November 23-25 / Wednesday - Friday / Holidays* – Thanksgiving – Schools and Offices Closed
December 7 / Wednesday / Professional Development – 2-Hr. Early Dismissal for Students
December 23 / Friday / Winter Break* – Christmas Holidays – Schools and Offices Closed
December 26-30 / Monday - Friday / Winter Break* – Schools and Offices Closed
January 2 / Monday / Winter Break* – New Year’s Holiday – Schools and Offices Closed
January 16 / Monday / Holiday* – Martin L. King, Jr. Day – Schools and Offices Closed
January 19 / Thursday / End of Second Quarter (45 days)
January 20 / Friday / Grading/Teacher Planning – Schools Closed for Students***
February 10 / Friday / Professional Development – Schools Closed for Students***
February 20 / Monday / Holiday* – Presidents’ Day – Schools and Offices Closed
March 24 / Friday / End of Third Quarter (43 days)
March 27 / Monday / Grading/Teacher Planning – Schools Closed for Students***
April 14 & 17 / Friday & Monday / Holidays* – Easter – Schools and Offices Closed
April 18-21 / Tuesday - Friday / Spring Break – Schools Closed for Students and Teachers***
April 11-17 / Tuesday-Monday / Passover**
May 27 / Saturday / First Day of Ramadan 2017
May 29 / Monday / Holiday* – Memorial Day – Schools and Offices Closed
June 8 / Thursday / 2-Hr. Early Dismissal for Students(Subject to change due to inclement weather: may become a full day for students if the last day changes; the 2-hour early dismissal will occur the day before the last day for students)
June 9 / Friday / Last Day for Students – 2-Hr. Early Dismissal – End of Fourth Quarter (47 days)(Subject to change due to inclement weather; the 2-hour early dismissal will occur on the last day for students)***
June 12 / Monday / Last Day for Teachers(Subject to change due to inclement weather)***
June 12-15 / Monday-Thursday / Inclement Weather Make-Up Days
June 25 / Sunday / Last Day of Ramadan & Eid al-Fitr** 2017
180 student days • 192 teacher days • 195 days for new teachers