POLS 101.03
Introduction to Political Science

Tuesday 12.00-13.00 / IB 102

Thursday15.00-17.00 / NH 301

Instructor:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek ÇınarTeaching Assistant:Ziya Kaya


Course description: This course introduces students to political science with a special focus on(1) key concepts and theories, (2) different types of political regimes and institutional arrangementsand (3)contemporary debates in various subfields of political science.The readings, lectures and classroom discussions shall help students to develop a comprehensive understanding of basic concepts, theories and models employed in the study of politics at the level of national, European and international modes of governance.

Textbook:AndrewHeywood, Politics, Palgrave, 2013 (4th edition).

Course Requirements:Students are expected to attend class regularly, read assigned materials beforethe date indicated in the syllabusand actively participate in class discussions. The exams will cover readings as well as lectures. No make-up exams will be given without reliable proof of a serious health problem(e.g. certification by the University Health Center).


2 Quizzes & Attendance15%

Midterm Exam40%In the week of Nov. 7, 2017

Final Exam45%TBA

Academic Honesty

The Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University has the following rules and regulations regarding academic honesty.

  1. Copying work from others or giving and receiving answers/information during exams either in written or oral form constitutes cheating.
  2. Submitting take-home exams and papers of others as your own, using sentences or paragraphs from another author without the proper acknowledgement of the original author, insufficient acknowledgement of the consulted works in the bibliography, all constitute plagiarism. For further guidelines, you can consult
  3. Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and will result in:

a)an automatic“F” for the assignment or the exam

b)an oral explanation before the Departmental Ethics Committee

c)losing the opportunity to request and receive any references from the
entire faculty

d)losing the opportunity to apply in exchange programs

e)losing the prospects of becoming a student assistant or a graduate assistant in the department.

The students may further be sent to the University Ethics committee or be subject to disciplinary action.

Class Schedule & Topics

Sept. 19-21Introduction to the Course & Defining Politics

Heywood, Ch. 1

Sept.26-28Classifying Political Regimes
Heywood, Ch. 12

Oct. 3-5Political Ideologies

Heywood, Ch. 2

Oct.10-12The State: Theories and Debates

Heywood, Ch. 3

Oct. 17-19Democracy: Definitions and Models

Heywood, Ch.4

Oct. 24-26Theories of Nationalism (I)

Heywood, Ch. 5

Oct. 31-Nov. 2Theories of Nationalism (II)

Heywood, Ch. 5

Nov. 7-91st Review Session & Midterm Exam

Nov. 14-16Representation, Elections and Voting

Heywood, Ch. 9

Nov. 21-23Politics & Economy and Globalization

Heywood, Ch. 6

Nov.28-30Multilevel Governance, Regionalism and the EU

Heywood, Ch. 17

Dec. 5-7A “New” World Order?

Heywood, Ch. 19

Dec. 12-14Politics in Crisis?

Heywood, Ch. 20

2nd Review Session