Phone: +91-484-2412300 / Fax: 0091 -484-2668212



Contact Details: Sr. Administrative Officer

Central Institute of Fisheries Technology,

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research),

Willingdon Island, CIFT Junction,

Matsyapuri P.O., Cochin- 682 029

Tel: 0484 2666 566

Phone: +91-484-2412300 / Fax: 0091 -484-2668212

F. No. 4-8/2015-Cdn. Date: 10.09.2015


  1. Cost of the tender document: Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only)
  1. Last date of submission of bids:30.09.2015 at 11.00 a.m.
  1. Pre-bid meeting: 22.09.2015 at 11.00 a.m.
  1. Tender (Technical bids) to be opened: 30.09.2015 at 11.30 a.m.
  1. Financial Bid to be opened:07.10.2015 at 11.00 a.m.
  1. Tender to remain open for acceptance up to 90 days from the date of opening
  1. The details of this tender is also available at Institute web site-


  1. The Director, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Willingdon Island, Kochi may at his discretion extend this date and such extension shall be binding on tenderers.
  1. If the date fixed for opening of tender is subsequently declared a holiday the tenders will be opened on the next working day following the holiday but there will be no change in the time for opening indicated above.
  1. The intending Tenders may survey the ICAR-CIFT, Kochi to know the scope of work before responding to the Tender.
  1. Tenders received by Fax or E-mail will not be considered.

Phone: +91-484-2412300 / Fax: 0091 -484-2668212


Sr. Administrative Officer


Willingdon Island,

Kochi-682 029







Sealed Tenders (under Two Bid System) are invited from the reputed agencies for PROVIDING SERVICES FOR RUNNING/ MANAGING ICAR-CIFT GUEST HOUSE AT THEVARA, COHIN-13. The terms and conditions of the contract which will govern any contract made are those contained in the General conditions of contract applicable to the contracts placed by the ICAR –CIFT and the special terms and conditions detailed in the tender forms and its schedules. Please submit your rates in the tender form if you are in a position to furnish the requisite services in accordance with the requirements stated in the attached schedules. Please submit both your Technical & Financial bid in separate sealed cover to ICAR-CIFT before tender closing date.

2. An earnest money of Rs. 10,000/-must be deposited in the form of an account payee demand draft/ drawn in favour of “ICAR Unit, CIFT, Kochi-29”. The particulars of the Earnest Money Deposit must also be supers cribbed on the top of the envelope containing the Technical Bid by indicating the D.D. number and date, failing which the tender will not be opened. The tender will not be considered if Earnest Money Deposit and Tender Fee are not deposited at ICAR-CIFT, Kochi before tender closing date.

3.The tenderer is being permitted to give tender in consideration of the stipulations on his part that after submitting his tender, he will not withdraw from his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof. If the tenderer fail to observe and comply with the foregoing stipulation the aforesaid amount of EMD will be forfeited by the ICAR-CIFT. In the event of the offer made by the tenderer not being accepted, the amount of earnest money deposited by the tenderer will be refunded to him after he has applied for the same, in the manner prescribed by the ICAR-CIFT.

4The tender is liable to be rejected if complete information as required is not given therein or if the particular asked for in the schedules to the tender is not fully filled in along with all essential documents connected with the contract may specify whether he signs it in the capacity of (i) a sole proprietor of the firm of constituted attorney of such sole proprietor, or (ii) a partner of the firm if it be partnership in which case he must have authority to refer to arbitration dispute concerning the business of the partnership whether by virtue of the partnership agreement or power of attorney or (iii) constituted attorney of the firm if it is a company.

  1. If tenderer does not accept the offer, after issue of letter of award by ICAR-CIFT within 15 days, the offer made shall be withdrawn & Earnest Money will be forfeited.
  1. In case of partnership firms, where no authority to refer disputes concerning the business of the partnership has been conferred on any partner, the tender and all other related documents must be signed by every partner of the firm. A person signing the tender form or any other documents forming part of the contract on behalf of another shall be deemed to warranty that he has authority to bind such and if, on enquiry it appears that the persons so signing had no authority to do so, the ICAR-CIFT shall without prejudice to other civil and criminal remedies cancel the contract and hold the signatory liable for all costs and damages. Each page of the tender and the schedules to the tender and annexure, if any, should be signed by the tenderer.
  1. The Technical and Financial Bids should be kept in separate sealed envelopes and these two covers should be kept in a single cover with a superscription"TENDER FOR RUNNING/ MANAGING ICAR-CIFT GUEST HOUSE AT THEVARA, COCHIN – 13” with address of this office and of the tenderer. Right is reserved to reject outstation tenders. Tender to be hand delivered should be put in the tender box which will be kept under the control of the Purchase Officer of the ICAR-CIFT, Kochi, by the stipulated date and time,
  1. The rates quoted by each firm in tender be given both in words and figures failing which the same is liable to be rejected.
  1. The Director, CIFT does not pledge itself to accept the lowest or any other tender and also reserve to itself the right of accepting the tender in whole or in part of the tender.
  1. No interest on security deposit and earnest money deposit shall be paid by the ICAR-CIFT to the tenderer.
  1. Sales Tax or any other tax on material in respect of this contract shall be payable by contractor and ICAR-CIFT will not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect. However the service taxes or any other tax which is as per the rules of the Central Government, shall be deducted at source from monthly bills of the successful tenderer.
  1. TDS will be deducted at source from monthly bill of the successful tenderer, as per rules/instructions made applicable from time to time by Government.
  1. Director, CIFT reserves the right to reduce or terminate the period of contract or to extend its duration in the interest of ICAR-CIFT, for any justifiable reasons, not mandatory to be communicated to the tenderer.
  1. The contract will be initially for a period of one year extendable on short period subject to satisfactory performance of the contractor and its willingness to continue.
  1. The agency is advised to submit their tender after physical inspection of the site, a very detailed assessment/requirement of machine/manpower for providing the above services at the ICAR-CIFT. However, the tenderer should quote only the lump sum amount in respect of all the services covered under this contract and that the rates should not be proposed on the basis of manpower deployed under this contract. No request for alteration in the rates, once quoted will be entertained within the period of contract.
  1. Decision of Director, CIFT will be final for any aspect of the contract and binding to all parties. Disputes arising, if any, on the contract will be settled at his level and will not be referred to arbitration.
  1. Acceptance by the ICAR-CIFT will be communicated by letter/e-mail or any other form of communication. Formal letter of acceptance and work order of the tender will be forwarded as soon as possible, but the earlier instructions in the letter/ email etc. should be acted upon immediately.
  1. The contract would be decided as per the rate quoted by the contractor in the Financial Bid.


  1. Submission of Essential Documents : (For Technical Bid Evaluation):
  1. The Agency should have Labour Contract Registration as per Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, PAN, EPF & ESI Registration number and copies of the same should be furnished along with the tender.

2. Last three years continuous experience of the firm in the field of providing such services in Central Govt. establishments/Autonomous bodies of Govt. of India/ Corporations of Govt. of India/reputed public or private organizations.

3. Certified Balance Sheet of the firm for last year having turnover not less than 25.00 lakhs by the Chartered Accountant.

4. Duly certified copies of the satisfactory services where the tenderer is providing the services for the last three years.

5. Employee EPF registration certificate issued by Government department.

6. Employee ESI registration certificate issued by Government department.

7. Number of workers registered under ESI & EPF separately. Minimum 20 Numbers required with their ESI & EPF contribution. Documentary proof of voucher should be attached.

8. The agency must have certificate of service tax issued by the Government Department.

9. The firm/ Agency must enclose a certificate indicating that there is no criminal/legal suit pending or contemplated against it.

10. DD for Rs.10, 000/- towards EMD.

11.If the Tender firm is downloaded, the firm/ party should produce the tender fee separately along with the tender.

  1. The rates in the prescribed form attached herewith.

Yours faithfully,

Sr. Administrative Officer

for and on behalf of the Director

ICAR, CIFT, Kochi-682 029


(i) Submit photocopy of all the documents stated above.

(ii) Non submission of any document as required in the tender will lead to rejection of the tender.


Schedule of Work

  1. They will provide Bed Tea/Coffee, Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Tea and Dinner according to the requirement of the Guests.
  2. For Breakfast: 4 Nos. Idly (with chatney/Sambar)/Masala Dosa/Uppuma/Poori etc. with Tea. Bread/Butter/Omlete and any other items on the basis of suitable/acceptable terms.

For Lunch/Dinner: Rice-Chapatti 4 Nos., Curries, Dal, Sambar, Curd, Pickle, Pappad etc (Fruits/Payasam Optional)

  1. They should not charge more than market rate for supplying food.

All the above items have to be prepared in the Guest House Kitchen itself. Specials like fish curry, chicken roast or any other item have to be prepared with special rates mutually accepted by the Guest and Contractor.

  1. The Firm /Party is expected to provide a wholesome/superior quality food at all times. Inspection in this regard would be carried out by the Guest House-In-Charge/Authorized Officer of CIFT periodically and lapses if any would be viewed seriously. Service of substandard food would result in termination of the Contract.
  1. The above work includes looking after the Guest House & Trainees’ Hostel, Cooking food to Guests, Housekeeping, cleaning the rooms, changing bed sheets, cleaning toilets, varantha etc. and the premises and also watering the plants around the Guest House/ Trainees’ Hostel on day-to-day basis, under the proper supervision and monitoring of the In-charge, Guest House/Caretaker (Guest House).
  1. The Firm/Party should have to keep the usage of the water and electricity to a reasonable level.
  1. No child (below 18 years) should be employed in the Guest House for any type of service

Terms and Conditions:

1. The Agency should have Labour Contract Registration as per Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, PAN, EPF & ESI Registration number and copies of the same should be furnished along with the tender.

  1. The Firm/Party should have experience for running/ Managing the Guest House/ Trainees’ Hostel in the Government establishments/reputed organizations.
  1. The above work includes looking after the Guest House & Trainees’ Hostel, Cooking food to Guests, Housekeeping, cleaning the rooms, changing bed sheets, cleaning toilets, varantha etc. and the premises and also watering the plants around the Guest House/ Trainees’ Hostel on day-to-day basis, under the proper supervision and monitoring of the In-charge, Guest House/Caretaker (Guest House).
  1. The Firm/party will have to provide the above services for a period of one year purely on contractual basis in the CIFT Guest House and Trainees’ Hostel.
  1. The persons engaged by the firm/party for this purpose, must be able to cook and serve South Indian and North Indian foods and should be able to converse in Hindi also, under the proper supervision and monitoring of the In-charge, Guest House/Caretaker (Guest House).
  1. The Service provider should specify the break-up of monthly charges to be claimed and actual to be paid to the worker/ workers in the Annexure – I and also specify the rate of wages that would be paid to them.
  1. The Firm/Party will have to collect the money directly from the Guests and serve the food according to their requirement as per the approved rates decided by the Institute. The Institute will only provide cooking facilities such as kitchen, utensils and empty cooking gas cylinder No consumable items will be provided by the Institute.
  1. The kitchen, dining hall, tables, chairs etc, should be kept clean and hygienic. Standards should be maintained in preparation and serving of food. The Cook must be decently dressed in clean clothes.
  1. No liquor/prohibited items are allowed in the guest house and premises.
  1. No electrical equipment except oven will be allowed for cooking purpose.
  1. Kitchen wares, utensils, lunch plates, refrigerator etc., will be provided for which receipt has to be acknowledged during take-over of charge.



  1. The Contractor will have to execute an agreement with the Director, CIFT, Cochin valid for the period of one year from the date of work order after personal discussion in the Institute before the commencement of the Contract
  1. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Director, CIFT would be final and legally binding.

In addition to this:

  1. The Firm/Party should have up to date registration Certificate as per Shops and Establishment Act.
  2. The Firm/Party should have Labour License as per Contract labour Regulation Act.
  3. The Firm/Party should have Income Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three years.
  4. Registration should have from the Provident Fund and ESI authorities
  5. The firm/Party has to indicate the number of trained personnel and their annual turnover.
  6. The agency’s terms and conditions, if any, must be furnished along with the quotation/tender.
  7. Certificates in support of the Agency’s status regarding Sl.No. 1 to 4 above and a list of existing successful contracts/clients in Govt./Quasi Govt./reputed firms along with the nos. of personnel provided to them at a time shall also to be furnished alongwith quotation/tender.
  8. The successful contractor to whom the work will be awarded should furnish a Performance Security of 5% of the annual contract value in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft drawn in favour of “ICAR Unit, CIFT, Kochi-29”, payable, at SBI, Willingdon Island, Kochi – 682 009 or Fixed Deposit Receipt from a Commercial Bank or Bank Guarantee from a Commercial Bank for safeguarding the interest of the Institute.
  9. Payment will be made only on monthly basis by Cheque/e-payment on satisfactory completion of the work on the submission of Bill in triplicate.
  10. 2% income tax will be deducted from each bill as per income tax rule.
  11. Service Tax/ Education Cess applicable as per rule. .
  12. The Contractor/Service provider will make the payment to the worker by Cheque only.

The Contractor must also ensure that minimum wage is paid to their workers as per the existing Central Minimum Wages Act.

The Director, CIFT, Kochi-29 reserves the right to accept or reject or to cancel the Tender or the part of the Tender without assigning any reason thereon. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained and decision of the Director will be final.

Sr. Administrative Officer


Full Name & Address of the Tenderer in

Telephone No. :

Telegraphic Address/FAX/E-Mail address:


The Director, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT),

Willingdon Island,

Matsyapuri P.O., Kochi – 682 029

  1. I / We have read all the particulars regarding the General information and other terms and conditions of the contract for Running/ Managing ICAR-CIFT Guest House & Trainees’ Hostel at Thevara, Cochin-13 and agree to provide the services as detailed in the schedule herein or to such portion thereof as you may specify in the acceptance of the tender at the rates given in Schedule-I to this tender and I/we agree to hold this offer open till 90 days. The rates quoted will be valid for a period of one year in the event of award of the Contract. I/We shall be bound by a communication acceptance dispatched within the prescribed time.
  1. I/We have understood these terms and conditions for the contract and shall provide the best services strictly in accordance with these requirements.
  1. The following pages have been added to and form a part of this tender ______. The Schedules-I & II to accompany this tender are at pages______
  1. Every page so attached with this tender bears my signature and the office seal.

5. DD No.______of Rs.______drawn in favour of Secretary, ICAR and payable at ______is enclosed as earnest money required

Yours faithfully,

Signature & Seal of the Tenderer

Dated :

Witness ______

Telephone No. Office

Address ______