Curriculum vitae

Proposed role in the project:

Family name: Swinnen - Pieters

First names: Karolien Hilde Flora

Date of birth: 24 April 1974

Nationality: Belgian

Civil status: Married

Education: University and Post-university

Institution / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
Date / 1992-1997
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: / Master of Laws
Institution / Université La Sorbonne (France)
Date / 1997-1998
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: / Diplôme de la littérature française du 19ième et du 20ième siècle. Cum laude.
Institution / Rijksuniversiteit Gent (Belgium)
Date / 1998-1999
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: / Specialisation in European Law. Cum laude.
Thesis under supervision of professor Marc Maresceau “The liberalizing of trade according to the Euromed-agreement between the European Community and Israel, compared with the Interim-agreement between the European Community and the PLO”

Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
Dutch / 1 / 1 / 1
English / 1 / 1 / 1
French / 1 / 1 / 1
German / 2 / 3 / 3

Other skills:

- Certificate in Business Computing and Programming: Spreadsheets, Databases, Systems Analysis and Design, Word-processing, Visual Basic Programming, Presentation Graphics and the Internet: Certificate obtained in London at Cavendish College.

- Certificate in Professional English obtained at the International Bell School in London

- Didactics (University Teaching) at the Educational Expert Centre of the Erasmus Universiteit of Rotterdam (May-June 2003)

Present position: researcher in European law at the T.M.C. Asser Institute

Years within the firm: 6,5 years

Key qualifications:

·  very good knowledge of European Competition law and of all relevant jurisprudence and literature

à Production of a reference manual on ECJ jurisprudence and procedures EU Competition law and study on the compatibility of the Slovak Competition Regulations with the EU legislation

Project: Implementation of Acquis and Enhanced Competition Advocacy for the Anti-Monopoly Office of the Slovak Republic

Role: Strengthening the internal organization of the AMO in relation to the uniform interpretation and implementation of new and existing competition law.

à Training of 25 officials of the Ministry of Justice in Romania (Bucharest) in EU Competition Law (October 2003)

à Training of 40 judges and legal secretaries of the Supreme Court and district courts in Lithuania (Vilnius) in EU Competition Law (April 2004 and January 2006)

à Seminars on Competition Law (art.81–82 EC, State Aid, Anti-dumping and Mergers) for the Asser College Europe, The Hague (2003-2006)

à Courses in Competition Law for the VCAD Staff in Vietnam (November 2008)

·  very good knowledge of State Aid rules of all relevant jurisprudence and literature

à Training Seminar on State Aid for Polish MPs in the Instytut Europeskej in Poland (Lodz)

à Study on the Compatibility of Provincial State aid Regulations of Gelderland with EU legislation

à Training of 40 judges and legal secretaries of the Supreme Court and district courts in Lithuania (Vilnius) in EU Competition Law (January 2006)

à Seminars on Competition Law (art.81–82 EC, State Aid, Anti-dumping and Mergers) for Asser College Europe, The Hague (2003-2006)

·  very good knowledge of Intellectual and Industrial Property Law (copyrights, trade marks and patents)

à Assistance to the Judiciary in Bulgaria: Continuing Training on EU Legislation and Practice in Intellectual and Industrial Property Law

Other qualifications:

·  Comparative Studies in the Member States on the Implementation and Enforcement of EC Directives

à Comparative Study in 15 Member States and 6 Acceding Countries on the Implementation and Enforcement of EC Directives on the Admission to the Occupation of Road Transport Operator, NEA, TIS & T.M.C. Asser Institute for European Commission (DG Transport and Energy, ETU/B27040B/E1/S07.27846/2003), (ongoing January 2004–April 2005)

à Comparative Study in 7 EU Member States on the Methods and Speed of the Implementation of EC Transport Directives, T.M.C. Asser Institute, NEA (The Hague), TIS (Lisbon) and ISIS (Rome) for Dutch Ministry of Transport (HDJZ-061), (May-October 2004)

à Comparative analysis of fifteen EU Member States’ legislation and practice in the implementation of road transport Directive 96/26/EC (as amended) and suggestions to improve Dutch system of implementation and enforcement, T.M.C. Asser Institute for Dutch Ministry of Transport, (September 2002-May 2003)

à Comparative Study on the right of overtaking for trucks, T.M.C. Asser Institute for the Dutch Ministry of Transport, (May–September 2003)

·  Study on the EU influence on national legislation

à Creation of a Pilot monitor which measures the influence of EU legislation and EU jurisprudence on Dutch legislation in the field of environment and education (October 2005-October 2006 for the Dutch Ministry of Justice)

à Study on the National Headings (Nationale Koppen) in the Dutch Legislation as regards the rest periods for trucks (August - December 2007 for the Dutch Ministry of Transportation)

à Conformity Study about the implementation of the EC Act on the Election of the European Parliament in Dutch legislation (March 2008-October 2008 for the European Commission)

à Report on the consequences of the EU Directive on Fireworks in the Netherlands (February – May 2008 for the Dutch Ministry of VROM)

Specific experience in the region:

Country & Date / Description / Company
(September and October 2003) / ·  Training needs assessment for the Romanian Ministry of Justice (European Competition Law) / ·  T.M.C. Asser Institute for Dutch Ministry of Justice (twinning)
(March – April 2003) / ·  Training seminar for civil servants in Polish line ministries and the judiciary (State Aid) / ·  T.M.C. Asser Institute and Instytut Europejski (Lodz) for the Polish Office of the Committee for European Integration
(17-20 March and 7-10 April 2003) / ·  Assistance to the Judiciary in Bulgaria: Training on EU Legislation and Practice (Intellectual Property Rights) / ·  MATRA
(April 2004 and January 2006) / ·  Training of judges and legal secretaries of the Supreme Court and district courts in Vilnius in ‘European Competition Law’ / ·  CILC (Leiden) & T.M.C. Asser Institute for Dutch Ministry of Justice (twinning)
Vietnam, Hanoi (March 2008) / ·  Inspection Mission in order to train the VCAD staff on competition matters / ·  Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD) (NL)
Vietnam, Haiphong
(November 2008) / ·  Training Course for the VCAD Staff on Investigation Skills in Competition Cases, together with the Dutch Competition Council (NMA) / ·  Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD) (NL)

Professional experience

Date from - to / Location / Company / Position / Description
October 1999 – October 2002 / Belgium - Antwerp / Lawfirm
Goossens Sebreghts Jacqmain / Attorney / Specialized in European competition law, European intellectual property law, national economic and trade law
November 2002 – February 2009 / The Netherlands – The Hague / T.M.C. Asser Institute / Researcher in European Law / - Education activities in the field of European Law
- Legal Advice and Consultancy Service to Law Firms, Companies and Governmental Services
- Fundamental research in European Law (PhD title: “The integration of the Mediterranean countries in het EU internal market”)

Other relevant information


K. Pieters, ‘Synthese en verslag van het colloquium veiligheid en recht van de Europese Unie’ in Veiligheid en het recht van de Europese Unie (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2002) pp. 133-143.

K. Pieters, ‘EU-wetgevingskroniek 2002’ [EU Law Chronicle 2002], 9 SEW 2003, pp. 314-321 (with W. van Ballegooij, S.F. Blockmans and M.A. van der Harst).

K. Pieters, ‘The criteria for fixing the amount of fines for competition infringements’, 9 European Law Reporter, 2003, pp. 328–334.

K. Pieters, ‘Commissions paid by major airlines to travel agents and the abuse of dominant position’, 2 European Law Reporter 2004, pp. 68-73.

K. Pieters, ‘EU-wetgevingskroniek 2003’[EU Law Chronicle 2003], 10 SEW (2004), pp. 421-431 (with W. van Ballegooij, S.F. Blockmans and M.A. van der Harst).

K. Pieters, ‘Annotation of the ECJ Judgment of 29 April 2004, Case C-159/01, the Netherlands v. Commission’, Jurisprudentie Milieurecht 2004.

K. Pieters, ‘Commission versus Tetra Laval: Another defeat for the European Commission’, European Law Reporter 2005, pp. 153-158.

K. Pieters, ‘Groen licht voor Tetra/Sidel: Een Analyse van het Bewijs bij Fusieverbod’, NTER 2005, pp.128-133.

K. Pieters, ‘EU-wetgevingskroniek 2004’[EU Law Chronicle 2004], 9 SEW, 2005.

M. Olfers en K. Pieters, Actualiteiten in het Europese Mededingingsrecht (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2006).

K. Pieters, ‘The Mediterranean Countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon)’ in S. Blockmans and A. Lazowski, eds., The European Union and its Neighbours: A Legal Appraisal of the EU’s Policies of Stabilisation, Partnership and Integration (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2006) pp. 391-430.

W. Douma, R. Hartmanova, K. Pieters en K. Feenstra, ‘Europese invloed op regelgeving meetbaar’, NJB 2007, pp. 1828-1834.

S. Blockmans, M. van der Harst en K. Pieters, ‘Een overzicht van nationale koppen in Nederland’, RegelMaat 2008, pp. 4-14.


2003-present: Regular contributor to SEW, the leading European law journal in Dutch.