International Conference on Knowledge Management in Nuclear Facilities

Time / Name / MemberState / Function / Title [partly tentative]
18 June 2007
10:00 / Conference Opening
N.N. / IAEA / Conference Opening
Mr. Dave Torgerson / Canada / Conference Opening
10:20 / Opening Remarks
5min / Mr. Luis Echavarri / OECD/NEA / Opening Remarks
5min / Mr. Georges van Goethem / EC / Opening Remarks
5min / Mr. John Ritch / WNA and WNU / Opening Remarks
5min / Mr. Eduardo Gonzales / FORATOM / Opening Remarks
5min / Mr. Ichiro Nakajima / JAEA / Opening Remarks
5min / Ms. Carol Berrigan / NEI / Opening Remarks
11:00 / Opening Keynotes
11:00 / Mr. Dave Torgerson / Canada / Opening Keynote / Nuclear Knowledge Management – Challenges and Opportunities
11:30 / Mr. Hans-Josef Zimmer / Germany / Opening Keynote / [Title TBD]
12:00 / Mr. Ravi Grover / India / Opening Keynote / Strategy followed by India in providing trained manpower for nuclear industry
12:30 / Lunch
14:00 / Policy Forum
Mr. Dave Torgerson / Canada / Chair of the Policy Forum
15min / Mr. Y. Sokolov / IAEA / Statement / [Title TBD]
15min / Mr. Jose P. Abriata / Argentina / Statement / [Title TBD]
15min / Mr. Luis Echavarri / OECD/NEA / Statement / [Title TBD]
15min / Mr. Ishfaq Ahmad / Pakistan / Statement / Nuclear Knowledge Management in MemberStates: Operator, Regulator and Vendor
15min / Mr. John Ritch / WNU and WNA / Statement / [Title TBD]
15:30 – 16:00 / Coffee
15min / Mr. Adolf Birkhofer / Germany / Statement / [Title TBD]
15min / Mr. Shuichi Iwata / Japan / Statement / Knowledge Dynamics upon Global Information Commons for Science Initiative
15min / Mr. Evgeny Velikhov / Russian Federation / Statement / [Title TBD]
15min / Mr. Chang-Kue Park / Republic of Korea / Statement / [Title TBD]
15min / Ms. Marie-Pierre Comets / France / Statement / Knowledge management in nuclear and radiation safety regulation in France
17:30 – 19:00 / Reception in the VICRestaurant / Invited speaker: Mr. Chang-Kun Lee
19 June 2007
9:00 – 12:30 / Session 1
Mr. Gustaf Löwenhielm / Sweden / session chair
Mr. Lothar Hahn / Germany / session co-chair
Mr. Pieter de Gelder / Belgium / session rapporteur
9:00 / Mr. Marty Virgilio / USA / Keynote / A Framework for Knowledge Management in a Regulatory Agency
9:30 / Mr. David Beraha / Germany / Keynote / Managing Knowledge in Technical and Scientific SupportOrganizations
9:30 / Ms. Dana Drabova / WENRA / Keynote / The role of knowledge management in achieving harmonized high level of nuclear safety
10:30 / Coffee
11:00 / Mr. Tomio Kawata / Japan / Paper / Knowledge Management in the Japanese High-Level Waste Disposal Programme
11:30 / Mr. Agustin Alonso / Spain / Paper / The Loss of Knowledge in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection during the Spanish Nuclear Moratorium
11:40 / Mr. Georg Schwarz / Switzerland / Paper / Implementing Knowledge Management at the Swiss Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (HSK)
12:00 / Mr. Abel Gonzales / Argentina / Paper / From Nuclear Stagnation to Renaissance: The Challenge of Transferring Regulatory Knowledge
Mr. O. Klevtsov / Ukraine / Poster / Perspectives of developing and using of knowledge base on NPP’s I&C for expert activity support
Mr. Zainal Arifin / Indonesia / Poster / Challenges to implementation of knowledge management on drafting of nuclear regulation in Indonesia
Mr. T. Viglasky / Canada / Poster / Canadian approach on regulatory issues regarding ageing management, long-term operation and plant life management
Mr. Qingsong Wang / China / Poster / Management of registration nuclear safety engineer of China
Ms. Sandra G. Cruz / USA / Poster / Records/Knowledge Management in a Nuclear Facility’s Industrial Hygiene Laboratory
Mr. Igor Khripunov / USA / Poster / Nuclear Security Culture: Tools for Development, Promotion and Strengthening
Mr. Yuri Opanasiuk / RF / Poster / MPC&A Culture program in KI RRC
Ms. Natalia V. Saraeva / RF / Poster / Knowledge preservation for successful development of nuclear power (using the best practice of RTA “Nonproliferation” in structure of FSI RRC “Kurchatov Institute”)
Mr. Olexander Gaidar / Ukraine / Poster / The geo-information system for the ecological impact assessment of nuclear facilities under decommissioning
Mr. Ismai Badawy / Egypt / Poster / Transferring Nuclear Knowledge – An International Partnership
Mr. Serban Valeca / Romania / Poster / Nuclear Safety based on nuclear knowledge – a Romanian approach
Mr. M. Claxton / U.K. / Poster / Digital Preservation Techniques to Facilitate Knowledge Management in the Nuclear Sector
Mr. A.I. Sapozhnikov / RF / Poster / Knowledge Management for Improved of Emergency Preparedness and Response at Nuclear Facilities
Ms. Y. Runova / RF / Poster / The management of knowledge, acquired in the management of radioactive waste – the result of previous activities
Mr. Hiroshi Noda / Japan / Poster / JANTI Activities
Mr. Mark Kuznetsov / RF / Poster / Role of technical support organizations in development and maintaining knowledge management systems for Russian regulatory body
Mr. Dimitris Karagiannis / Austria / Poster / Knowledge Management Approach to Emergency Procedures in Nuclear Facilities
12:30 / Lunch
14:00 – 17:30 / Session 2
Ms. Gail Marcus / USA / session chair
Ms. Basma Shalaby / Canada / session co-chair
Mr. Pascal Pezzani / France / session rapporteur
14:00 / Mr. Peter Fritz / Germany / Keynote / [Title TBD]
14:30 / Mr. John deGrosbois / Canada / Keynote / Linking Knowledge Management Practices to Nuclear Power Plant Organizational Performance
15:00 / Mr. Pascal Pezzani / France / Keynote / To effectively adapt and renew workforce competences
15:30 / Coffee
16:00 / Ms. Gail Marcus / USA / Paper / Knowledge management and the nuclear renaissance
16:20 / Ms. Jiang Huan / China / Paper / Retention of Knowledge and Experience from Experts in Near-Term Operating Plants
16:40 / Mr. Klaus Joachim Schmatjko / Germany / Paper / Knowledge management as an element in realizing nuclear technology
17:00 / Mr. Ashok Thadani / USA / Paper / The NEA Knowledge Management Project
20 June 2007
9:00 – 12:30 / Session 2 / (continued)
9:00 / Mr. Yanko Yanev / IAEA / Keynote / The IAEA Nuclear Knowledge Management Programme
9:30 / Mr. Donald Hoffman / USA / Keynote / Knowledge Management's Contribution to Maintaining Sustained Nuclear Facility Optimum Performance and Economics
10:00 / Mr. John Ritch / WNU and WNA / Keynote / [Title TBD]
10:30 / Coffee
10:00 / Mr. Ravinder Mago / India / Paper / An Overview of Knowledge Management Activities in Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)
11:20 / Mr. Marius Condu / Romania / Paper / Knowledge capture and preservation at Cernavoda Unit 2 Project
11:40 / Mr. Steve Manton / U.K. / Paper / Refocusing Knowledge and Intellectual Property Management within the UK Nuclear Industry
12:00 / Mr. Toshio Kitamura / Japan / Paper / Nuclear Knowledge Management in Japanese NuclearIndustry
Ms. Rapieh Aminuddin / Malaysia / Poster / Initiating The Knowledge Management Journey In The Malaysian Nuclear Agency
Mr. Pedro Ortega Prieto / Spain / Poster / Knowledge management in José Cabrera Nuclear Power Plant
Ms. Claudia Vetere / Argentina / Poster / KM Implementation on the restart of the NPP construction
Mr. Shinichi Kawamura / Japan / Poster / Integration of knowledge management in plant support engineering processes at TEPCO
Mr. Andreas Ehlert / Germany / Poster / Implementation of knowledge management in the decommissioning of nuclear power stations of E.ON Kernkraft GmbH
Mr. C.W. Turner / Canada / Poster / A Knowledge-Based Decision Support System for Effective Plant Operation
Mr. Tae-Ju Chun / RoK / Poster / Changes in the Nuclear Power Plant Organizational Structure to Support Knowledge Management and Innovation
Ms. Rapieh Aminuddin / Malaysia / Poster / Competency Development Information System – Knowledge Management Based Competency Development Management Tool
Ms. Naima Argani / Belgium / Poster / Expertise management in nuclear engineering business
Mr. Mike Kelleher / U.K. / Poster / A knowledge management journey at BNG Sellafield: challenges and opportunities
Mr. Mahammad Safuan Bin Sulaiman / Malaysia / Poster / Portal project implementation in nuclear Malaysia to support knowledge management activities
Mr. Taswanda Taryo / Indonesia / Poster / Application of knowledge management in BATAN nuclear facilities in Indonesia
Mr. Rufus Buschart / Germany / Poster / Knowledge Integrated Management System for Maintenance Service at NPP ISAR
Mr. Edward Truch / U.K. / Poster / Enhancing the Value of KM Programmes within the Nuclear Industry through Improved Strategic Fit
Mr. Brad Williamson / USA / Poster / A New Taxonomy for Configuration Management: Requirements, Technology, and the Design Bases of Nuclear Power Plants
Mr. Shahid Mallik / Pakistan / Poster / Mapping Nuclear Knowledge Domains and Designing Knowledge Portals
Mr. Blake Melnick / Canada / Poster / Case Study: Atlantis Systems International – Using KM principles to drive productivity and performance, prevent critical knowledge loss and encourage innovation
Mr. Kevin Gribbin / USA / Poster / Benefits and opportunities for applying Integrated Management Systems (IMS) strategies in the nuclear industry
M. Sejmenova-Gicevska / Macedonia / Poster / The Role of the NationalINISCenter in Presenting Macedonian Nuclear and Nuclear Related Sciences
Mr. C.L. Turner / USA / Poster / Job Aid Methodology: A Critical Tool for Knowledge Transfer
Mr. R. Versaci / Argentina / Poster / Competences And Life Management Programmes
Mr. Clive Bright / U.K. / Poster / A Pragmatic Approach To Conducting Knowledge Audits
Mr. E. Kimaro / Tanzanina / Poster / Knowledge management in nuclear facilities: The case of Tanzania
Ms. Brigitte Faust / Switzerland / Poster / Implementation of Tacit Knowledge Preservation and Transfer Methods
Ms. Fabiane Braga / Brazil / Poster / Nuclear Knowledge Portal: Information Management making possible the knowledge management
Mr. Carl Turner / Canada / Poster / Comparative Analysis of Methods and Tools for Nuclear Knowledge Management
Mr. Günter Koch / Austria / Poster / Nuclear Knowledge Economics
12:30 / Lunch
14:00 – 17:30 / Session 3
Mr. Baldev Raj / India / session chair
Mr. Andrei Gagarinski / RF / session co-chair
Mr. Agustin Alonso / Spain / session rapporteur
14:00 / Mr. Baldev Raj / India / Keynote / Knowledge Management in a Nuclear Research Centre
14:30 / Mr. Jacques Bouchard / France / Keynote / [invited/to be confirmed]
15:30 / Mr. Jean Jacquinot / France / Keynote / [invited/to be confirmed]
15:30 / Coffee
16:00 / Mr. Peter Bleasdale / U.K. / Paper / The Challenge of Knowledge Management in a Newly –Formed National Laboratory
16:30 / Mr. Andrei Gagarinski / RF / Paper / Knowledge Management and Attitude Towards Nuclear Energy: The Russian Dimension
16:50 / Mr. Costel Danut Bujoreanu / Romania / Paper / Nuclear knowledge management overview at ICN
17:10 / Mr. Wickham / U.K. / Paper / The IAEA International Database on Irradiated Nuclear Graphite Properties: A Success Story for both New Build and Life Extension of Commercial Power Plants
Mr. Rehana Mukhtar / Pakistan / Poster / Knowledge Management in Nuclear R&D Institutes
Mr. A.C.O. Barroso / Brazil / Poster / Research network involving retired experts as a means to keep alive relevant knowledge – the case of IPEN in Brazil
Mr. V. Kouprianov / RF / Poster / Knowledge Management in Nuclear Facilities
Mr. Yoshiharu Fukuzawa / Japan / Poster / A theoretical approach and problem definition to knowledge management in the field of advanced nuclear reactor development
Mr. Andrzej G. Chmielewski / Poland / Poster / Role Of Research In Knowledge Management And Preservation
Mr. Ramiro Guerra Valdés / Cuba / Poster / Standardized analysis of reserch areas and key concepts of nuclear science and technology at Cubaenergia
Mr. Akira Hasegawa / OECD/NEA / Poster / OECD/NEA Data Bank and Nuclear Science Activities in Support of Knowledge Preservation and Transfer for Innovation
Ms. Ainul Daud / Malaysia / Poster / Knowledge Transfer of Radiation Processing Technology in Malaysia
T. Meehan / USA / Poster / Case Study of FFTF Legacy Nuclear Knowledge Management
Mr. I. Mirsaidov / Tadjikistan / Poster / Ways of nuclear knowledge preservation in Tadjikistan
Ms. K. Namazkulova / Kazakhstan / Poster / Kazakhstan nuclear innovation projects and problems of education and personnel training
17:30 – 18:30 / YG Panel
Ms. Lisa Stiles-Shell / USA / panel chair
Mr. Marco Streit / Switzerland / panel co-chair
Rumyana Djingova - Kostadinova / Bulgaria / academia co-chair
Mr. Stewart Lynas / U.K. / panel rapporteur
Mr. Sam Thugwane / South Africa / participant
Ms. Petra Lehtinen / Finland / participant
Mr. Brent Williams / Canada / participant
Ms. Natalia Saraeva / RF / participant
Ms. Mari Uematsu / Japan / participant
Mr. Wang Quingsong / China / participant
21 June 2007
9:00 – 12:30 / Session 4
Mr. Boris Onykiy / Russian Federation / session chair
Mr. Phung Van Duan / Vietnam / session co-chair
Mr. Georges van Goethem / EC / session rapporteur
9:00 / Mr. Georges van Goethem / EC / Keynote / Synergy between nuclear research, education and innovation: The Euratom approach to NKM and application in Community RTD framework programmes
9:30 / Mr. Marcel Miglierini / Slovakia / Keynote / ENEN Association and its Role in Strengthening Nuclear Education and Training
10:00 / Ms. B.-J. Min / Republic of Korea / Keynote / Future perspectives of human resources in nuclear technology – the Korean case
10:30 / Coffee
11:00 / Ms. Valerie Caillot / France / Paper / Shaping talent for sustainable business development Nuclear training practices
11:20 / Ms. Fiona Ware / U.K. / Paper / The Capability Conundrum
11:40 / Ms. Carol Berrigan / USA / Paper / Center for Energy Workforce Development
12:00 / Mr. Phung van Duan / Vietnam / Paper / Transfer of Nuclear Engineering Knowledge at HanoiUniversity of Technology: Lessons Learned and Challenges
Mr. Eui-Jin Lee / Republic of Korea / Poster/online / The ANENT webportal and cyber learning
Mr. Ivan Videnovic / Serbia / Poster / Nuclear human resources management in Serbia
Mr. Behrooz Bazargan Sabet / France / Poster / Transfer of radioactive waste disposal knowledge to future generations: A stiff challenge for universities.
Mr. Povilas Vaisnys / EC / Poster / Improvement of NPP Training to Ensure a Transfer of Critical Knowledge
Mr. M. Sbaffoni / Argentina / Poster / Human resources development: capabilities and experience of CNEA and its institutes in Argentina
Ms. H. Jiang / China / Poster / Retention of knowledge and experience from experts in near-term operating plants
Mr. E.H.K. Akaho / Ghana / Poster / Postgraduate programmes in nuclear and allied sciences for human resources development in Ghana and Africa
Mr. Martin Ricardo Chahab / Argentina / Poster / Education of knowledge resulting from interviews with the experts in Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) in Argentina
Ms. Marta Contreras Izquierdo / Cuba / Poster / Study on the attitude of nuclear technique users
Gert Van den Eynde / Belgium / Poster / The Belgian Nuclear Education Network, 5th academic year
Mr. Michèle Coeck / Belgium / Poster / Assessment of radiation protection training needs and capabilities in Europe: results of the ENETRAP survey
Mr. Michèle Coeck / Belgium / Poster / A transdisciplinary approach to education and training in radiological protection and nuclear engineering
Mr. Alexei Kazennov / IAEA / Poster / Evolution Of NPP Personnel Training: Trends, New Needs And Performance Improvement Focus
Mr. Xoubi / Jordan / Poster / Development Of Nuclear Engineering Education Program In Jordan
Mr. Sam Thugwane / South Africa / Poster / The South African Young Professionals on Skill Transfer and Knowledge Management
Mr. Hak-Soo Kim / Republic of Korea / Poster / A New Approach to Public Understanding of Nuclear Science: A Case Study of Radiation
Ms. Niina Rintala / Finland / Poster / The Nature of Expertise and HR Functions Supporting Expertise in Nuclear Industry Organizations
Mr. Angel Nanev / Bulgaria / Poster / Some Aspects Of Development And Implementation Of E-Learning In Nuclear Industry
Mr. Ratih Langenati / Indonesia / Poster / Sustaining nuclear fuel science and technology base
Mr. Yuri Opanasiuk / RF / Poster / Russian Navy personnel training in Nuclear Material Accounting, Control and Physical Protection
Mr. John Gutteridge / USA / Poster / New Directions In University Nuclear Engineering Support
Mr. Vladimir Slugen / Slovakia / Poster / Ways to Preservation and Management of Nuclear Knowledge on WWER Reactor Pressure Vessels
Mr. Marin Constantin / Romania / Poster / Analysis of the Motivations of the Retiring Experts for KT in INR
Mr. V. Balaceanu / Romania / Poster / Romanian Knowledge Transfer Network in Nuclear Physics and Engineering- REFIN
Ms. R. Djingova-Kostadinova / Bulgaria / Poster / Education in nuclear chemistry at the university of Sofia
Mr. Constantin Stroe / Romania / Poster / The legislation – communication report regarding public acceptance in the nuclear field
Mr. Joël Rajaobelison / Madagascar / Poster / Training and Research Strategy — Impacts on the Industrial Development of Madagascar
Mr. Helmuth Böck / Austria / Poster / Management of Nuclear Knowledge on an International Scale using a Small University Research Reactor
Dallas Frey / USA / Poster / Westinghouse Knowledge Management: Winning by Developing People
12:30 – 13:00 / Closing Ceremony
Conference rapporteur / Presentation of the Conference Closing Statement
Conference president / Closing Remarks
Scientific Secretary / Closing of the conference

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