Grand River Collegiate Institute Geography Dept.

CGW 4UI World Issues

Summative Assignment: Refugee and Disparity Report and Analysis

Learning Goal:

·  “To analyze and investigate a global disparity issue and report findings accordingly”


Over this course of this unit, we have been analyzing different migration issues around the globe, and in particular, those in Africa. The Good Lie looks at Sudanese refugees who travel great distances to find the safety of a refugee camp in Kenya. It then investigates the resettling of refugees in a third party country: America.


You will be creating a report analyzing the disparity and migrant situation in Sudan. Your report will include the success criteria listed below and will be presented in an effective manner. You will choose an appropriate title for your report.

1.) Country profile: Sudan’s Situation

·  Provide a brief intro paragraph(s) that analyzes Sudan and the reason for so many migrants. Report on both social and economic measures for the country (i.e. GDP, Life Expectancy etc. ) Be sure to state where you obtained your information (sources) and the applicable year.

2.) Map of Area/Graphics

Find or create a map of the area (including the country where refugees are fleeing from, where they are fleeing to, and neighbouring countries or bodies of water). Reference Map.

·  On the map, show or refer to the location of the refugee situation.

·  Use pictures or graphics with captions to help explain the situation.

·  You may find a map online and alter as needed.

3.) Refugee Camp Analysis

The Kakuma refugee camp was set-up and organized by the UNHCR. Describe specifics about the Kakuma Refugee Camp. Discuss some features of this camp and the situation within this camp. Also suggest some dangers that may exist within the camp itself.

4.) Research and Discussion (call for solutions):

Research one Canadian organization that helps with integrating new refugees to Canada. In a short paragraph, discuss what the organization does, where they operate and how it is funded. Give an example of refugees they have helped in the past. This will be the conclusion of your report.

5.) Reference List

Please include a list of references (APA format) as needed.


Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
1.) Country profile & background
(6 marks) / Current situation has not be analyzed sufficiently
Source of info not listed / Current situation has been briefly analyzed and discussed
Source may be listed / Current situation has been analyzed and discussed with considerable clarity
Sources listed / Current situation has been analyzed and discussed with clarity and thorough detail.
Current sources listed correctly.
2. Map of the area and graphics
(4 marks) / Map and graphics provided have limited effectiveness
Few effective captions/graphics have been used / Map and graphics provided have some effectiveness
Some effective captions have been used for graphics / Map and graphics provided have considerable effectiveness
Captions have been used for all graphics / Map and graphics provided have a high degree of effectiveness. Map has been correctly titled, labeled and pictures have clear captions.
3. Camp Analysis
(6 marks) / Camp features and situation have not been fully analyzed, limited effectiveness / Camp features and situation have been analyzed with some effectiveness / Camp features and situation have been analyzed with effectiveness / Camp features and situation have been analyzed with great effectiveness
4. Canadian Organization
(6 marks) / A Canadian organization has been discussed with limited effectiveness / A Canadian organization has been discussed with some effectiveness
Example has been given / A Canadian organization has been discussed with effectiveness
An excellent example has been given / A Canadian organization has been discussed with great effectiveness and detail
An excellent example has been given, showing the ability to both research and make real-life connections
5. Overall report effectiveness, organization,
Proper use of spelling and grammar
Reference list
(8 marks) / Report and details have been organized with limited effectiveness
Limited use of proper conventions and tone
Some references have been included / Report and details have been organized with some effectiveness
Some effective use of proper conventions and tone
Some references have been correctly formatted / Report and details have been organized with considerable effectiveness
Considerably effective use of proper conventions and tone
References have been correctly formatted (APA) / Report and details have been organized to a high degree of effectiveness
Highly effective use of proper conventions and tone is evident
Excellent, current references have been correctly formatted (APA)


Report-Writing Instructions and Checklist

Report Writing is a unique way to communicate information. While it requires research and investigation, it does not require a personal opinion and is written in third-person voice. Reports are to be written in brief manner. Its purpose is to provide relevant data and statistics to inform the reader of the issue and the facts that accompany it. While you are researching, constantly review your collected information in order to choose the most convincing points.

o  Most reports consist of the following parts: introduction, body and conclusion

o  The Introduction addresses the subject of your report and defines its message. Introductions are designed to grab the readers’ attention, set up the topic and state the purpose of the paper. Remember to cover the 5Ws and H within the introduction. You will want to include your country profile and resource information here.

o  The Body presents relevant arguments and uses references to support these arguments. As it includes the bulk of information, the body should be subdivided into different paragraphs, each dealing with a different aspect of the subject. Impress the reader with your knowledge of the facts; tell about the causes and consequences of the issue. Use statistics to support the facts and choose examples that connect to your statements. It is acceptable to use subheading titles to divide these paragraphs.

o  The Conclusion connects all of the information and evidence presented in the body. This includes solutions or next steps.

o  Your report is to include at least one image with a caption (that includes APA in-text citation) that describes your issue. (see below)

o  Your report is to include one map with a caption (that includes APA in-text citation) that connects to your issue. (see below)

o  References should appear at the end of your report or on the back of the article.