Deacon Ministry Agreement

I, Deacon’s Name, a member of Deacon’s Parishcommunity and an ordained Deacon in service to the Bishop of the diocese of Tucson, do hereby enter into a Ministry Agreement with the Pastor & people of this parish community.

My Ministry shall be accountable to Almighty God, the Bishop of Tucson, to the pastor and people of the parish community.

In keeping with the priorities of family, job and ministry, and in discernment the pastor, I hereby commit the gifts God has given me in the following ministry areas:


Serve as:

  • Catechist in the Pre-Baptism, RCIA and Adult Confirmation programs as needed
  • Resource and Catechist to Religious Education and Youth Ministries as needed


Serve as:

  • Deacon at daily and Sunday Liturgies as scheduled;
  • Deacon at other liturgical and para-liturgical services as requested by pastor and circumstances allow e.g., stations of the cross, communion services, dia de Lost Muertos service etc;
  • Preside at baptisms when directed by the pastor;
  • Assist at funeral Masses and vigils; preside at graveside services;
  • Solemnize non-Eucharistic Liturgies;
  • Preach monthly at Sunday Liturgies and weekly at daily liturgies;
  • Preach at funerals, weddings, communal reconciliation services, holyday masses etc when requested by pastor;
  • Member of the parish Liturgy Committee;


Conduct weekly Communion Service at St. Mary’s Behavioral Health Extended Care Facility;

Assist the pastor in responding to the social mission of the parish;

Give comfort to those who are experiencing particular difficulties, i.e., hospitalized in Care Centers;

A an ordained Deacon, originally called from this community of faith and now appointed by the Bishop to serve as Deacon, I commit myself to work with the Pastor and the Parish Pastoral Team, understanding that we will share mutual concern for the needs of the people of this parish community and support to one another in this ministry. To help facilitate my Deaconal ministry, I will provide the pastor a quarterly calendar of my availability to serve as a deacon.

In response to ministry, the parish community, in consideration of parish resources, shall provide ministry support in the following areas:

  • Provide adequate work space to conduct a ministry function and allow access o personal and parish ministerial resources.
  • Provide funding for attendance at one retreat per year (accompanied by my wife) and ongoing education workshops and seminars, as mandated by the Bishop, for all the Ordained Deacons in the diocese.
  • Any additional funding for special needs will be addressed with the Pastor, as the situation arises, e.g., funding for resources for teaching, ministering, updating and growth in the ministry.

I hereby enter into this solemn ministry agreement on the 1st day of December 2008. This ministry agreement will be reviewed in May of each year, at which time, in prayer and discernment, and in accordance with the wishes of the Bishop, the Pastor, I will review this ministry agreement and make appropriate additions and deletions. It may be changed or modified by mutual consent as personal or pastoral situations arise.

Deacon: ______Date: ______

Wife: ______Date: ______

Pastor: ______Date ______