Special Joint Meeting of the Governing Board of the Cochise County Community College District and

the Willcox Unified School District

Tuesday, February 12, 2008






Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Willcox District Education Center

6:00 p.m.


1.01Call to Order by Willcox Unified School District Governing Board

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Lucille Seney, Governing Board President, at 6:08 p.m.

Board Members Present:

Mr. David Collins

Mr. Carl Hestand

Ms. Jan Kortsen

Mr. Mike Moss

Ms. Lucille Seney

1.02 Call to Order by Cochise County Community College District Governing Board

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jane Strain at 6:08 p.m.

Board Members Present:

Mr. David DiPeso

Dr. John Eaton

Mrs. Jan Guy (Entered meeting at 6:15 p.m.)

Mrs. Jane Strain

Board Member(s) Absent:

Dr. Michael Carter

Also in attendance was Ms. Candyce Pardee, Deputy County Attorney.

1.03 Approval of Agenda by Willcox Unified School District Governing Board

There were no changes to the agenda and it was adopted as published.

1.04Approval of Agenda by Cochise County Community College District Governing Board

There were no changes to the agenda and it was adopted as published.


Dr. Donald Roberts, Superintendent of the Willcox Unified School District, welcomed the Cochise County Community College District Governing Board and all those in attendance at the combined Board meeting. He then turned the meeting over to Dr. Karen Nicodemus, President, Cochise College.

Dr. Nicodemus expressed appreciation to Dr. Roberts and Willcox Unified School District, Willcox citizens for their support of the Bond issue, and to Terry Bowmaster, Master Facilities Planner and to Debbie Ellis, Director of the Cochise College Willcox Center for their assistance with the evening’s presentation.

Dr. Nicodemus provided handouts and presented a powerpoint presentation, which provided an overview of the college’s proposal to build a new Willcox Center on School District land. She explained the college can only build on or immediately adjacent to the existing campus, a restriction resulting from the failed bond election. She stated that the new center would be convenient to students and citizens, and the shared use facilities would be a benefit to both the college and the high school. She reviewed the legal aspects, the location of the new center, the architect selection, and who comprised the architect selection committee. Dr. Nicodemus went on to explain that the college would be responsible for the design, construction, and the cost of constructing the Center, and upon request, the transfer of ownership of the two existing portable buildings to the school district. Also, the college would allow the District the use of classrooms and other facilities, contingent upon college need. The Willcox Unified School District would need to allow long-term land lease with access to utilities, shared parking, and to allow the college to use District classrooms and other facilities, contingent upon District needs. She also presented a preliminary timetable, which is fairly aggressive, with an anticipated completion date of October 2009. Dr. Nicodemus touched on the issues to be resolved, including legal agreements and structure, final site selection and construction process.

There was discussion around square footage, location for parking, and possible use of old buildings. Mrs. Strain commented that it is important to keep the Willcox community involved in the process.

Also discussed was the dual credit program.

Mrs. Kortsen stated this is a great opportunity, and Mr. Bowmaster added that the school district and the college have a great partnership. There were no issues or concerns. Mr. Collins expressed enthusiasm for moving forward. Mrs. Guy stated she felt this is a wonderful partnership.


3.01 Adjournment by Willcox Unified School District Governing Board

Mrs. Lucille Seney adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.

3.02 Adjournment by Cochise County Community College District Governing Board

Mrs. Jan Guy adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Ms. Loretta Mountjoy, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of the President

Dr. Michael Carter, Secretary of the Governing Board