The Minnesota Chapter of the Project Management Institute

Professional Development Days (PDD)

September 22nd – September 25th, 2008

Earle Brown Heritage Center

6155 Earle Brown DriveMinneapolis, MN 55430

Educational Seminars will be held on

Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday, September 22nd, 23rd, and 24th

Format: 1-day or 2-day Courses/Workshops

Symposium will be held on Thursday, September 25th, 2008

Format: 1 hour presentations

This year’s theme is:

Strengthen Connections

For the past 5 years PDD has had attendance between 300 and 500 and this year’s conference promises to be better than ever!

We cordially invite you to submit a proposal for a 1-day or 2-day Course/Workshop and/or a 1-hour symposium presentation during PMI-MN’s 2008 PDD. Topics will be finalized as proposals are received and selected.

We are seeking interesting, timely courses / workshops and presentations that align with the overall theme and satisfy our members’ requests for topics. Key topics include, but are not limited to: Best Practices, lessons learned, keys to project success within industry (e.g., nonprofit, healthcare, finance), project management tools, how soft skills can make you a better leader, risk management, conflict resolution, Lean, Advanced PM, global teams, crisis response/recovery projects, project selection / prioritization criteria.

Complete and return the enclosed form to the PDD Speakers Committee no later than March 28th, 2008 for consideration for PDD 2008. Forms can be mailed or sent electronically to:

A Few Details

1.  Education Providers and Symposium Presenters bring their own laptop computer.

2.  One projector, screen, and flipchart will be provided for each class / symposium session.

3.  One microphone will be provided for each September 25 Symposium Day session. If a microphone is required for a class, or if a Symposium session has multiple presenters, please make a specific request.

4.  PMI-MN will work with providers to supply other specific equipment and/or materials.

5.  Student materials: Course/Workshop educators must provide student notes/materials for each class attendee plus two Room Hosts; number of copies needed will vary by number of attendees, typically 17 - 60. Symposium Day presenters must provide electronic copies of Notes (15 page minimum) one month prior, and PMI-MN will print 175 copies.

6.  Educator Fees: Education Providers must indicate their fees/rates on the form, including estimated travel costs. Symposium Day presenters receive free admission for all Symposium Day sessions, vendor fair, meals and mileage. Please specify if hotel is required due to travel distance. There will be no other payment for Symposium Day presenters, other than Keynote.

7.  After the week, a copy of the Notes for Symposium presenters will be posted on the members-only section of the PMI-MN website.

Tips for Preparing Brochure Abstract

In addition to attaching a more detailed course/presentation description and educator/speaker qualifications, please note that a brochure-length version is necessary. Your concise abstract describing the course/workshop or presentation and a very brief presenter biography is required for your offering to be considered for inclusion in the 2008 PDD conference. If selected, your abstract as completed on the form will be included in PMI-MN’s marketing of PDD on the website, brochures and other marketing materials, and the Symposium Program.

·  Keep in mind that the primary function of the abstract is to help the reader decide whether or not to attend the presentation. Attendees use the abstracts to solicit support from management to attend the conference and to determine their conference schedule.

·  Title needs to be 8 words or less. Abstract needs to be 60 words or less. Biographies need to be 35 words or less.

For more information, please contact PDD 2008 Speakers Committee Leads:

Carol Brumwell / Tina Rankin

Email (preferred):

Mail: PDD Speakers Committee c/o PMI-MN Administrator

1821 University Ave. W., Suite S256

Saint Paul, MN 55104-2801


Invitation Page 2 of 2 / February 19, 2008

Course/Presentation Proposal PMI-MN PDD 2008

Speaker Information

Name (Speaker 1): / Speaker Title:
Company Name:
City, State, Zip
Business Phone: / Mobile: / Fax:
Admin Name:
Admin Email: / Admin Phone:
PMI Registered Educational Provider? ___(Y/N) If Yes, REP#______
Travel Expenses Anticipated: ___(Y/N) Hotel ___(Y/N) Airfare
Presentation Format: ___ 1-day, ___ 2-day, ___ Keynote, ___Endnote, ___Symposium 1 hr
Number of Instructors: ___ (provide info on last page for additional speakers)
Instructor1/Speaker1 Credentials:

Brochure Abstract

Course/Presentation Title (max 8 words):
Instructor/Speaker(s) Biography (provide brief bio for each – max 35 words):
Course/Presentation Abstract (see instructions for content and format – max 60 words):

Course/Presentation Description

Topic (Specify the general topic, and provide a sentence stating how course/presentation relates to the theme Strengthen Connections):
Course/Presentation Description (include objectives/outcomes/how you’ll involve participants):
Category of your Course/Presentation (Please check the one that is MOST relevant):
___ PM Technical Skills and Tools
___ PM Soft Skills
___ Portfolio/Program/Project Office Skills
___ Industry Specific Topics: ___ Healthcare, ___ Finance, ___ Non-profit,
___ Manufacturing, ___ Government, ___ Other ______
Audience Focus: __ Project Management Foundational __ Advanced Project Management
Course Size (min. 15): ___ Maximum Size
Course Fee (full day[s] training only): ______

Course Logistics

Symposium sessions will be set up theater style. Please identify any room setup configuration needs for courses (we will make every attempt to have rooms configured as requested:
__ rounds (default), __ classroom, __ theater, __ other______
One projector, screen, and flipchart will be provided for each class/symposium session. Microphones will be provided for each symposium session/keynote/endnote only. Please identify any audio/visual needs additional to the standard setup:
__ not needed __ needed (specify): ______
Please identify any other equipment and supply needs (laptops must be provided by instructor/speaker):
__ not needed __ needed (specify) ______

Return form to:

PDD Speakers Committee no later than March 28th, 2008 for consideration for PDD 2008.

Preferred - send electronically to:

Or by Mail:

PDD Speakers Committee c/o PMI-MN Administrator

1821 University Ave. W., Suite S256

Saint Paul, MN 55104-2801

Additional Speaker Information

Name (Speaker 2): / Speaker2 Title:
Company Name:
City, State, Zip
Business Phone: / Mobile : / Fax:
Admin Name:
Admin Email: / Admin Phone:
PMI Registered Educational Provider? ___(Y/N) If Yes, REP#______
Travel Expenses Anticipated: ___(Y/N) Hotel ___(Y/N) Airfare
Instructor2/Speaker2 Credentials:
Name (Speaker 3): / Speaker3 Title:
Company Name:
City, State, Zip
Business Phone: / Mobile : / Fax:
Admin Name:
Admin Email: / Admin Phone:
PMI Registered Educational Provider? ___(Y/N) If Yes, REP#______
Travel Expenses Anticipated: ___(Y/N) Hotel ___(Y/N) Airfare
Instructor3/Speaker3 Credentials:
Proposal Page 1 of 3 / February 19, 2008