

Engineering Geology


(3 - 0:3)

Description: A study of earth materials, formation of rocks, surface feature, surface and internal structures and their relationship to engineering works, analysis of the agents of weathering, erosion, diastrophism and their effect on engineering construction.

Pre-requisite: Chemistry 102.

Student Assessment and Grading: Projects (10%), 2 Exams @ 25% each (40%), Final Exam (40%)

Learning outcomes, delivery and assessment methods- Cross Reference Table:

Student Learning Outcome
/ Method of Delivery / Assessment Methods / Program Objectives / ABET 2000 Criterion 3
1.  Understand the origin of earth, magma, rocks formation and rock types. / Examples and problems, field trip, video films, lab tests / Assignments, projects and exams, reports / 1,3 / a
2.  Understand the physical properties of minerals, crystal form, ore minerals, clay minerals, textures of rocks, / Examples and problems / Assignments, projects and exams / 1, 2, 3 / a
3.  Understand types and characterization of rocks, igneous rock classification, shape of rock masses ( Batholiths, laccoliths, sills and dikes ) , formation of metamorphic rocks. / Examples and problems / Assignments, projects and exams / 1, 2, 3, / a
4.  Understand the mechanism of weathering of soils (physical and chemical ), rate of weathering, formation of sedimentary rocks, classifications of soils and rocks for civil engineering objects. / Examples and problems / Assignments, projects and exams / 2, 3, / a
5. Understand the primary and secondary structures of rocks, stratification, dip and strike, fold, building mountains earthquake, fault, joints and other discontinuities. / Examples and problems / Assignments, projects and exams / 1, 2, 3 / a



Engineering Geology

Catalog Data
/ CE 212 Engineering Geology / (3 – 0 : 3)
A study of earth materials, formation of rocks, surface feature, surface and internal structures and their relationship to engineering works, analysis of the agents of weathering, erosion, diastrophism and their effect on engineering construction.
/ Physical Geology, sixth edition , Charles C. Plummer and David McGeary
/ 1.  Engineering Geology, second edition, Perry H. Rahn
2. Structural Geology, Robert J. Twiss and Eldridge M. Moores
Dr. Mousa Attom
/ Furnish the student with basic understanding of the origin of the earth, formation of rocks, minerals in the rock, types of rocks, texture of rocks, physical and engineering properties of rocks, building of mountains, plate tectonics, earthquakes, faults, types of faults.
Learning Outcomes:
/ After successfully completing this course, the students should be able to:
1.  classify the rocks according to their types
2.  Know the engineering properties of the rocks
3.  Have a better understanding about earthquake.
/ 1.  Chemestry / 2.  materials
by Topic
/ 3.  Equilibrium, shear and moment diagrams
/ 1. Introduction to engineering geology / 3 / Lecture (50 min. each)
/ 2. Silicate minerals and non-silicate minerals / 6 / Lecture
/ 3.  Physical properties of minerals / 4 / Lectures
/ 4.  Rock types and their formation / 16 / Lectures
/ 5.  Building up mountains and types of mountains / 6 / Lectures
/ 6. Plate tectonics, Earthquake, faults, types of
faults / 8 / Lectures
/ 7. Exams / 2 / Lectures
Computer Usage
/ CD movies related to origin of the earth, volcanic, earthquake.
Assessment and Grading
/ Projects … .………. 10% / 2 exams @ 25% each ………… 40%
Final Exam ……………………. 40%
Estimated Content / Engineering Science / 1 Credit
Engineering Geology / 2 Credit
Prepared by / Dr. Mousa Attom / Date: / December 2006