Medlock Bridge Elementary PTO

Executive Board Meeting- Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Attendance: Tiffany Hutchens, Keri Michaelis, Lynn Ganote, Neena Gulley, Beth Joice, Rachel Allen, Jana Dufresne, Sophia Do. Guest: Karen cook. Not present: Adrienne Singley-Candido

Meeting Called to Order: Keri Michealis, President

Keri called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Principal’s Update: Tiffany Hutchens

Ms. Hutchens announced that 3 sets of play ground equipment has been purchased and is being stored in 3 bins at the end of the hallways for the children to enjoy. Jenga, corn hole, and checkerboards are included in the bins for use on the new blacktop play area that was painted by the staff using templates after Winter break.

Ms. Hutchens informed that an email has been sent to check on the black top resurfacing of the damaged blacktop. She stated that Fulton County is very aware of the need for the blacktop repair and hopes to have it repaired by March.

Traction on the track project has been slowed and Ms. Hutchens predicts that the track will not get installed this year. The gentleman in charge of approving such requests has taken a new job and his old position has not yet been filled. That means there will be a pile up of such requests and the process for approval is going to take longer than expected.

Ms. Hutchens shared the School Governance survey results. She was able to explain in detail what the survey’s findings were and provided each board member with an emailed attachment of the results. Some of the results highlighted were:

-The diverse view among parents in regards to too much homework vs. too little homework.

-Request for longer recess time. Ms. Hutchens said she would take a look at the master schedule for next year with the staff to see if there is any room for more scheduled recess time.

-With regards to more opportunity for student presentations: Ms. Hutchens informed that each grade level will have 2 opportunities in the year to invite parents in to see their work.

Ms. Hutchens and Ms. Cook split the board members up to take us on Learning Walks. We were able to visit 3 active classrooms. We were given a sheet to take notes on asking us: what we see, what we think, and what we wonder. Ms. Hutchens plans to make Learning Walks an opportunity for any parent to come see what is happening in the classroom at MBES. The hope is that parents will have a clearer understanding of how their child is learning in the classroom. The board witnessed lots of movement happening in each classroom. Children were working in small groups in a personalized learning environment.

President’s Update: Keri Michaelis

The November minutes were reviewed. Rachel Allen made a motion to vote in the November minutes. All were in favor. The November meeting minutes were voted in.

Keri asked the board to be thinking about what their board intentions for 2017-2018 school year will be. She is looking to move out of the President role and is wiling to work with someone until she transitions out completely. Keri asked that we all help find someone to fill our current roles if we no longer wish to fulfill them. A nomination committee will be put together to form next year's board. Keri will draft an email for each of us to forward on to our committee members to see if any one has interest in serving on the board.

Keri informed that our February 2nd general membership meeting that is taking place right before the 1st grade performance will include a picture video of all of the things the PTO has provided this year. Some of the things she pans to highlight are: the blacktop, Runalapoolza results, PBIS, Chic-Fil-A night, Heritage night, and field trips.

Treasurer’s Report: Sophia Do

Sophia stated that the official cut off date for the staff and teachers to spend any remaining funds will be March1st. Tiffany will send an email to inform them. Any funds remaining will be added to the spring budget.

Sophia informed us of some big money making nights ahead: Art night, Spring Carnival, and Movie Night. She suggests we streamline some of the smaller PTO events that don’t make as much money so that we can better focus on the bigger moneymakers.

VP Sponsorships: Rachel Allen

Rachel suggested that we cut the Spring Auction to give our vendors a break from donating. Keri agreed. We will take inventory of what is left and use the items for prizes. Keri suggested we let parents bid on the remaining items.

Rachel informed that the Hard Exercise Works promotion sold a total of 5 memberships and raised $150 for PTO.

Builder Bunch is hosting two after school programs. They continue to want to be a strong sponsor and would like to offer cash back from summer camps or perhaps offer scholarships to go to summer camp.

Thank you notes for sponsorships and auction donors are printed and ready to send. The sponsor of the year will be nominated next month and will be honored at the March meeting.

Mellow Mushroom is going to donate salad and discounted pizza for the March luncheon. They are noncommittal on future sponsorships because of the new management. Rachel suggested we talk to Jets Pizza about sponsoring us.

Subway night raised $60. They would like to continue their sponsorship and wants to add a spring event. They are willing to do more for promotion of Subway spirit night.

VP Support & Education Enrichment: Adrienne Singley-Candido

Keri shared that the December 16 staff luncheon went well. The food was great and there was a lot of it.

Kelli Fisher is collecting any leftover winter party supplies in the PTO office. The spring parties will be May 16th (3rd and 4th) and May 17th (Pre-K -2nd.)

Janet Hawrenko will provide staff snacks on January 24th. The next one will be on February 28th.

Jen Sittler and Trisha Trien are planning a theme for staff appreciation week, which will take place March 6-8.

VP Fundraising: Neena Gulley

Neena announced a 2nd run on spirit wear. Flyers went home with the students. She will also post on the Pony Express and ask the room moms to get an email to the parents. Deadline for ordering is Feb 15th.

Meghan Bradley has planned a snowflake theme for the winter box tops collection. She would like to use a pajama day and cookie as an incentive for the most box tops collected. She plans to send home a box top collection sheet near the end of the school year for students to continue collecting over the summer. $965 dollars were raised last semester. Neena informed that we are exceeding our goal for the year.

Labels for education gave us a $100 gift card plus 5 packs of kugo balls for recess. Neena thinks the tacky trophy incentive is working. Lynn suggests that we do a Grandparent’s challenge for box top collections.

VP Community Events: Jana Dufresne

Belk charity days at the forum on November 5th raised $74.30.

Subway spirit night on December 15th raised $60.00. Jana asked if we should add a Subway spirit night on movie night. Tiffany stated that we would have to open up the cafeteria for that since you cannot have food in the gym. It was decided that the movie night committee would be in charge of deciding whether to offer food or not.

Jana would like to get a date lined up for an Abbotts Grill spirit night.

Jana is getting Meghan Bradley started on a plan for this years Coins for a Cure fundraiser. Jana will put a team together to help Meghan.

Secretary: Beth Joice

Smucker’s Get Out and Grow rewarded Medlock Bridge with a $500 check to be used in the student garden. Beth informed that the garden committee would install two new beds and a new composter. Repairs will also be made to the existing rain barrel.

Vanessa Streeter has sent out flyers to all students regarding Yearbooks orders. The deadline to place an order is February 1st. She will accept manual and online orders. Cover Contest information will go home with each student next week.

Vanessa is in need of a baby picture from every 5th grade student. Lynn will inform Caye Watts and Shelly Evans. Vanessa will need to tell them what the deadline is for these and in what format she wants the photos.

VP School Events: Lynn Ganote

All Pro Dads is going very well. The next meeting will be February10th.

The book fair this year profited $12,042.00. The event raised $2,560 in cash and $900 in Scholastic cash.

Adding country tables and passport stamps to Heritage night worked well this year. The event was well attended, but many children were left unattended and it was hard to control some of the children in attendance.

Kat Fowler enrolled the school in Six Flags reading in December.

Through My Eyes Art Contest reception is scheduled for February 15th at 8 AM.

The next parent coffee will be on February 15th from 9-10AM, and will focus on Test Prep and Anxiety.

Family Movie night will take place on March 16th. Tiffany voiced concern over what movie would be shown. Some sort of consent will need to be made by the parent if the movie is PG. We will put a disclaimer in the RSVP section about the movie. This is where the parent will consent. Keri suggested that expectations be verbalized so that children know they are there to watch a movie quietly.

Art Night is on March 30th. Volunteers are needed.

The Spring Carnival will take place on April 28th. The 4th and 5th graders will decide the theme. Lynn will ask the committee to look into better food and drink options this year so that the back up won’t be as large. Jana will work with Meghan to make Coins for Cure more visible this year. We need more volunteers this year.

Lynn will meet with Carmen this week to begin planning Field Day for May 18 & 19. Lynn would like to use 3 Guys for the inflatables.

Shelly Evans and Caye Watts are firming up a plan for Fifth Grade Week, May 22-25.

Adjourned: 11:54AM

Upcoming Dates:

February 17 & 20 No School

February 22 9AM PTO Board Meeting

March 2 STEAM night and Chic-Fil-A spirit night

March 9 No school

March 10 No school

March 13 No school

March 24 10AM PTO Board Meeting. 12PM, PTO and Chairperson lunch. 12:30PM General Membership Meeting and Vote in New board for 2017-2018