The Idaho Association of


Chair: / Vice- Chair: / Secretary – Treasurer:
Alan Martinson / Daniel Bertram / Bonnie Davis
Latah County / Lemhi County / Washington County
PO Box 8068 / 200 Fulton St. Ste 201 / PO Box 865
Moscow ID 83843 / Salmon ID 83467 / Weiser ID 83672
(208)-883-7210 / (208) 756-2815 x 282 / (208)-414-1950


Idaho State Department of Agriculture

2270 Old Penitentiary Road

(Downstairs conference room)

Boise, Idaho

Monday January 28, 2013

1:00 – 1:15 Welcome, Introductions, Announcements:

Alan Martinson - IAWCS Chair

1:15-1:45 Comments from ISDA: Celia Gould - Director, Pam Juker-Chief of

Staff/Communications Director, Lloyd Knight-Administrator Plant Services Division, Matt Voile –Noxious Weed Management/Invasive Species, Section Manager

1:45 – 2:45 NPDES Reporting Requirements, Year End Reports

Dirk Helder, EPA Boise

2:45-3:15 Break

3:15-4:15 Weed Superintendent Course 101 Back to Basics-Panel Discussion Moderator-Daniel Bertram

Education- Amanda Gearhart, U of I Forest Range & Fire Sciences

Political Arena-Roger Batt, Lobbyist

Enforcement-Angela Kaufmann, Idaho Attorney General’s Office

Understanding the Noxious Weed Law-Matt Voile

Working under a Public Works Director-Tony Pozenel, Madison County

4:15-4:45 Sticky Nightshade as a Trap Crop

Pam Hutchinson, University of Idaho

4:45 Closing comments and distribute recertification credits


Idaho State Department of Agriculture

2270 Old Penitentiary Road

(Downstairs conference room)

Boise, Idaho

Tuesday January 29, 2013

7:15 – 7:45 Coffee and Refreshments

7:45 Welcome

8:00 – 9:00 How the Weed Control World is Connected to the Political Process

Rick Waitley, President, Waitley Associates

9:00 – 10:00 How to Get and Keep Open Communciation With Your Commissioners

How the Noxious Weed Department Fits into County Operations

Panel Discussion-Alan Martinson Moderator

Dan Chadwick, Idaho Association of Counties

Commissioner Kathy Alder, Canyon County

10:00 – 10:30 Break

10:30 – 11:15 How ICRMP Can Be of Assistance to Weed Superintendents

Jim McNall, ICRMP Risk Management Specialist

11:15 – 12:00 IAWCS Business Meeting


Minutes from 2012 Meeting-Bonnie

Financial Report-Bonnie

IWCA Board Report-Terry Lee

IWCC Report-Alan

Old Business

IACC Summer Meeting Update-Alan

IAWCS Policies 2012 Updates-Alan

LIA Report-Aaron Greenwell

New Business

Weed Free Gravel Standards for 2013-Alan

Summer 2013 Exec. Board Meeting& Weeders Workshop-Daniel

Business Meeting cont.

Awards-Alan, Daniel, Bonnie

Years of Service

Weed Superintendent of the Year

Elections, Chair and Vice Chair-Alan

Other Business/Announcements

Weed Free Hay Update-Dan Safford

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch provided by IAWCS

1:00 – 2:00 Idaho Bio Control Update: Biological Control Work Being Done in Counties, Workshops for 2013

Joey Milan, BLM and Paul Brusven, Nez Perce Tribe Bio Center

2:00 – 2:45 Organics-Follow Up to Cooperative Inspection, Producers Who are Certified Organic With Agencies Other Than ISDA, What’s New in 2013

Andrew Smyth, ISDA Organics

2:45 – 3:15 Fire at Adams County Weed, Who to Call and Then What?

Dave Klaw, Adams County Weed Superintendent

3:15 – 3:30 Break

3:30 -4:15 Equipment Panel-What Works Best for You and Why?

Michael Ottley, Twin Fall County Daniel Bertram Moderator

Bryce Fowler, Freemont County

Chip Haight , Lewis County

4:15-4:45 All About Bannock County Weed Control

Aaron Greenwell, Weed Superintendent

5:00 Closing comments and distribute recertification credits