English 11 Honors: Socratic Seminar Name: ______

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Socratic Seminar is a method of student discussion where you and other classmates will sit in a circle discussing the novel The Great Gatsby. A question will be posed, and students will respond by agreeing or disagreeing with thoughtful opinion and textual evidence. Follow the directions carefully to prepare for this task. Grades will be based on the number of times (no fewer than three) you respond during the discussion, on the quality of your responses and on written preparation.


1.  Respond to three questions from the discussion question list in writing (on the back.) Find at least two quotations per question in the text to support your answers. Your answer should be at least a paragraph in length. Make sure you label your responses.

2.  Wild Card Question: Create ONE wild card question you have about the text that is not mentioned on the discussion list. This question must not be a “yes or no” question, but one that prompts a plethora of answers, opinions and point of views. You should attempt to answer your own question with thoughtful opinion and evidence from the text (yes, that means use quotes).


40 pts = Written Preparation (1 and 2 above due on day of Socratic Seminar)

60 pts = Spoken Portion- Contribute least 3 insightful comments during the seminar

Socratic Seminar Grading Rubric Name: ______

Oral Response Scoring System

ü  + = 20 points Thoughtful Comment with quotes

ü  = 17 points Thoughtful Comment, no quote

ü  - = 10 points Repetitive or obvious statement

* = 15 points Personal Connection/Real World Connection

^ = 20 points Connection to another work of literature

The Great Gatsby Socratic Seminar Questions

Written Portion: (40 points of test=10 pts per written response) Respond to 3 of the following questions, citing evidence from the novel as justification for your response. Remember, you should also create a question of your own that is not mentioned below and attempt to answer it. You will have a chance to pose this question to the class during the Socratic Seminar. The written portion is due the day of the seminar.

Discussion Portion: (60 points)You should be prepared to discuss ALL of the questions below for the seminar.

1. What is the American Dream? How does Gatsby represent this dream? Does the novel praise or condemn Gatsby's dream? Has the American dream changed since Gatsby's time?

2. Think about the two worlds, the Midwest and the East, as Fitzgerald describes them, and what they represent for Nick and for Gatsby.

3. Compare and contrast Gatsby's social class with that of Tom and Daisy Buchanan. How does geography contribute to the definition of social class in The Great Gatsby?

4. What is Nick Carraway's role in the novel? Consider Nick's father's advice in chapter one: "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had." Does telling the story from Nick's point of view make it more believable? Why or why not?

5. What part of his past is Gatsby trying to recapture? Is he successful? Is there a person, feeling, or event in your past that you'd want to revisit? Does this relate to Fitzgerald’s life?

6. What is the meaning of the title? In what way is Gatsby great?

7. Why did Nick become involved with Jordan, and why did he break off the relationship?

8. Discuss Fitzgerald's use of symbols, such as the eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg, the green light on Daisy's dock, and the valley of ashes.

9. What makes The Great Gatsby a classic novel? Why has it maintained its place in American literature?

10. Discuss elements of the Jazz Age, or Roaring 20’s that Fitzgerald includes in The Great Gatsby. What commentary is made by Fitzgerald about society in this era?