The National Court Reporters Association

8224 Old Courthouse Road

Vienna, VA 22182-3808





Name of Institution: ______

Address: ______


Telephone Number: ______

FAX Number: ______

Web Site Address: ______

E-mail Address of NCRA’s Contact: ______

This Report is Prepared as of: ______

Report Prepared by: ______

Name Title

Check here if any contact information has been changed since the last report.

Please list the information you wish to have published in the Journal of Court Reporting and on the web site if different from the above.

Name of Program: ______

Address: ______


Telephone Number: ______

Web Site Address: ______

Every institution whose court reporter training program is certified with NCRA’s Council on Approved Student Education must file this report annually. Please return the original copy of this report. You may photocopy it for your records.

Submit with this report: Checklist

A current copy of the institution's catalog.

Class schedule of court reporting subjects for cur-

rent session. (Include student count for each class,

include distance education students.)

Complete description of new courses offered since

last report.

This report must be submitted by: December 15, 2012

Send Completed Report to:

Lynette R. Eggers

National Court Reporters Association

8224 Old Courthouse Road

Vienna, Virginia 22182-3808

School Data

1. This institution presently operates on a: semester quarter other .

If other, please describe.

2. How would you describe your institution?

Note: Many of the students require time beyond the typical two- or four-year time frame for

completion of the program. However, your program is typically a two- or four-year program.

1.  2-year private for profit

2.  2-year private nonprofit

3.  2-year public institution

4.  4-year public institution

5.  4-year private institution

6.  Other (please specify)

3.  Do you give a degree for students completing the realtime

reporting program? Yes No

If so, which one?

4. Is there any legal action pending against the institution or against any

of the owners, officers, or administrators of the school? Yes No

If yes, please explain.

5. Is your institution or any of its programs approved or accredited

by any other commission or association? Yes No

If so, please specify.

6. Is the ownership of this institution affiliated with the ownership of

any other institution? Yes No

If yes, give names and addresses of these institutions.


7. Do you have Internet access in your classroom/lab? Yes No

If yes, is it: Dial Up High Speed

8. What computer-compatible theory do you use? ______

9. What software system(s) do you use for training?

(e.g. Eclipse, ProCAT, Case CATalyst, etc.) ______

10. Do you offer a broadcast captioning program? Yes No

11. Do you offer a CART Provider program? Yes No

12. At what speed level do your students move into

the Captioning and/or CART career paths? ______

13. Do you offer a text entry program? Yes No

14. Do you offer a curriculum in scoping? Yes No

15. Do you offer a stenomask/voice-writing program? Yes No

16.  Which stenomask/voice-writing software do you use? ______


17.  Since last year, have you developed a new articulation agreement

with another college or university? Yes No

If yes, with whom? ______

18.  Since last year, have you developed a new tech-prep agreement

with another school? Yes No

If yes, with whom? ______

Night Program

19. Do you have a full night program leading to graduation? Yes No

20. If not, list the realtime reporting related courses you do offer at night.

Online Program

21. Do you have a full online program leading to graduation? Yes No

If not, list the realtime reporting courses you do offer online.

Program Changes

22. How many new realtime reporting subjects have been added to the institution's curriculum?

(For each new subject submit your own course outline.)

23. Have any courses been dropped from your realtime reporting curriculum? If so, which ones?

Distance Education

24. What form of distance education is your institution using? (Check all that apply.)

1. Televised Courses

2. Telephone Conference

3. Video Conference

4. Web Based Courses:



5. None

6. Other, please describe

Faculty Data


Faculty Data
Faculty at beginning of year (as of November 1, 2011)
Total as of November 1, 2012
How many of your realtime reporting faculty members hold certification
as a Registered Professional Reporter (RPR), Certified Realtime Reporter (CRR), Certified CART Provider (CCP), or Certified Broadcast Captioner (CBC)?
How many of your realtime reporting faculty members hold a bachelor's degree?
How many of your realtime reporting faculty members hold a master's degree?
How many of your realtime reporting faculty members have become CRIs
(Certified Reporting Instructors)?
How many of your realtime reporting faculty members have become MCRIs
(Master Certified Reporting Instructors)?

For purposes of the report, where the generic term realtime reporting appears, it includes Judicial Reporting, Broadcast Captioning, and CART Providing.

Enrollment Data


Enrollment – Realtime Reporting Programs

Distance Ed. /
Enrollment as of one year ago - November 1, 2011 +
Students entering since above date +
Withdrawals: Voluntary1 -
Dismissals2 -
Transfer3 (External) -
Transfer4 (Internal) -
Reporting Jobs Out -
Other (Please specify) -
Graduates: Judicial 225 WPM -
Broadcast Captioning
CART Providing
Total Enrollment as of present date – November 1, 2012

1Voluntary withdrawal - drops program and does not enter another program at your school or other institution. (Reasons: financial, lack of determination, social reasons)

2Dismissals - Reasons: academic, attendance, behavior, lack of progress.

3Transfer - Transferred to another realtime reporting program.

4Transfer - Transferred to another program within your institution.


1.  Attach copies of all types of advertising and promotional materials for day, night and online programs or classes.

2.  Attach copy of rate sheet showing tuition and other charges if not stated in current catalog.

3.  Attach copy of current school catalog or course listings.

4.  Attach copies of course outlines for new realtime reporting courses as required in the General Requirements and Minimum Standards
