Course Number: EcE 280

Title: Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Design I

Department/Program: Electronics, Computer, and Communications Engineering

School: School of Science and Engineering Ateneo de Manila University

Semester: First School Year: 2008-2009 Instructor: Dr. Rosula San Jose- Reyes


The course is an introduction to design, layout, and testing of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits for complex digital systems. The focus will be on the fundamentals of the VLSI fabrication process that will introduce the students to the fabrication method, circuits, logic design, architecture, and design tools. The course will also introduce the students to the VLSI system-on-chip (SOC) structured design and design verification topics and techniques.


The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the concepts in digital VLSI circuits. The course also aims to provide students with the knowledge required to design, implement, and test digital VLSI circuits through nMOS, pMOS, and CMOS technologies and to integrate those VLSI circuits in complex digital systems.

Upon completion of this course, the students should demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Understand the VLSI fabrication and its impact on the VLSI design process.
  2. Understand the VLSI testing process and design for testability techniques.
  3. Understand the level of abstraction in the design and verification of VLSI system.
  4. Understand the use of various Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tools for design.


  1. a. Introduction to VLSI Design

Moore’s Law

Design Levels of Abstraction

Logic to transistor Level Translation

Survey of Silicon Semiconductor Technology

Bipolar, CMOS, Bi-CMOS, Ga-As Technology

  1. CMOS Fabrication and Processing Technology

Crystal Growth; Water Preparation; Oxidation; Diffusion, Ion Implantation

NMOS, CMOS technologies; Layout Design Rules

  1. Circuit Characterization and Performance Estimation

Introduction – Review of MOS Transistor Theory

Transistor Physics – Accumulation, Depletion, Inversion

Threshold Voltage; V-I Characteristics; Body Effect

Noise Margin; Latch-up; Resistance; Switching Characteristics

Power Consumption; Yield; Scaling of MOS Transistor Dimensions

  1. Current Trends of VLSI system-on-a-chip

Hardware/Software Co-simulation


14-Jun / Orientation; Introduction to VLSI Design
21-Jun / CMOS Fabrication and Processing Technology
28-Jun / Submission of Assignment 1
Presentation of Assignment 1 ( by draw lots, everyone must be ready to present)
5-Jul / Circuit Characterization and Performance Estimation(Part l)
12-Jul / Circuit Characterization and Performance Estimation(Part ll)
19-Jul / Submission of Assignment 2, Presentation of Exercise 1
25-Jul / No Classes; Continue with Exercise 2
2-Aug / Long Quiz #1
9-Aug / Submission of Assignment 3
16-Aug / Submission and Presentation of Exercise 2
23-Aug / Long Quiz #2
30-Aug / Submission and Presentation of Exercise 3
6-Sep / Current Trends of VLSI (l)
13-Sep / Submission and Presentation of Exercise 4
20-Sep / Current Trends of VLSI (II)
27-Sep / Submission and Presentation of Exercise 5
4-Oct / Final-Hands-On Exam or Final Term Project
11-Oct / Final-Hands-On Exam or Final Term Project


  1. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A System Perspective

By Neil H.E. Weste and Kamran Eshragihan

2. Introduction to VLSI circuits and Systems, 2002, John P. Uyemura,


  1. Basic VLSI Design: Systems and Circuits (Supplementary Reading)

By Douglas A. Pucknell, Kamran Eshraghian

  1. CMOS VLSI Microelectronics

By Stanley Hurst

  1. Design of VLSI System – A Practical Introduction

By L.M. Brakenbury

  1. Introduction to NMOS and CMOS VLSI System Design

By A. Mukherjee

  1. VLSI Technology

By S.M. Sze

  1. Microchip Fabrication

By P.V. Zant


  1. Assignments 1, 2, and 3
  2. Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
  3. Long Quizzes 1 and 2
  4. Final Exams or Project


Long Quiz#1 (Written and Close Books and Notes) 15%

Assignments and Exercises Reports 30%

Long Quiz#2 (Written and Open Books and Notes) 25%

Final-Hands-On Exam or Final Term Project 20%

Class attendance and Others 10%

Equivalent Grade

A 92 – 100 B+ 81 – 86+

A- 87 – 91+ B 76 – 80+


J. CONSULTATION HOURS by appointment