The 144th Annual Congregational Meeting

St. Paul’s Church

Milltown, New Jersey

SUNDAY, March6, 2016

(in the Sanctuary)

following the 10:00 a.m. Worship Service

I.Call to OrderRev. Richard H. Weyer

II.Opening Prayer

  1. Adoption of Agenda
  1. Report From Pastor
  1. Financial Reports
  1. Old Business
  1. New Business
  1. Adjournment


As you read this annual report you will see evidence of an exciting ministry being done for the glory of God and the building up of His church and our community. 2015 was a year with gains and losses, we welcomed new members into our family and said farewell to family and friends as they moved out of state or entered the eternal rest prepared for them by our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

Many of the ministries we did in 2015, were not new. We continued to prepare a Sunday meal at Elijahs Promise; collect food items for the Crisis Room in East Brunswick; collect toiletries and other misc. items to be distributed to the residences at the Reformed Church Home in Old Bridge, provide room and board for the families in FISH Hospitality, offer the use of our buildings to 6 recovery programs, Girls Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Milltown Educational Foundation.

In addition we gave $15,177 to 17 different local ministries, charities and families in need. 19 youth and 5 adults went to Steubenville, OH for their annual mission trip.

We offered educational opportunities to every age group through: weekly Sunday school classes for children 3yrs through 6th grade; confirmation classes for 7th graders and older; vacation Bible school; adult study groups, and bi-monthly meetings for junior and senior youth.

We worshipped our awesome God, with traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs, with pipe organ, piano, praise band and instrumentals, with spoken word and videos. We worshipped on Sundays and for special occasions.

We provided opportunities to gather as the family of God in fellowship with each, often sitting down at table with each other as Jesus so often did with His disciples and followers.

We embraced modern technology by designing and launching:

1. Our own church APP which you can download on your smart phone, tablet or computer.

2. Push Pay - a giving APP which enables you to financial support your church from where ever. Text SPUCC to 77977, go to our web page, or click on the push pay link in our church app.

3. Right Now Media. RightNow Media islike Netflix for the church. They have a huge library with thousands of video sessions that you can access anytime, anywhere. Videos for all ages. Videos on marriage, parenting, aging, finances, health and more. Inspirational videos. Bible study videos.

I am very excited about using modern technology for the glory of God and the building up of our faith. These new initiatives will add to the building up of Gods church.

I want to express my deep appreciation to the church members who faithful served Gods church with their time, talent and treasure over the past year.

Jesus said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

These words are just as true today as they were when Jesus spoke them. The work of the church is great and your stewardship of time, talent and treasure is imperative.


Pastor Rich



By Affirmation – Julie PearceDawn Anglin

Pamela GrayEthan Sarch

Brittany UbitzMichael Kindler

By Confirmation– Hannah BernsteinHenry Coates

Kyle DaveyGianna DeLorenzo

Jonathan GarbackTiffany Irwin


By Death–

Barbara ShanabrookMary Crabiel

Eleanor BradleyThelma Rudnitzky

Alden ChristWilliam Stepps, Jr.

Eugene FryFlora Thompson

John BreeceBarbara Burlew

Harold HoppesJoan Jacques


Sienna Wolosowski

Jackson Rumen

Aubrey Young

Dylan Jimenez

Sofia Ayash


Sarah Wasch & Gregory Weyer

Rebecca Migliore & Thomas Carroll

Erica Deel & Thomas Parry

Dana Breault & Jonathan Wurm

Sara Lucid & Jason Hinsey

Nicole Miller & Matthew Jandernal

Meghan Fincher & Robert Arthur

Christine Corbett & Michael D’Angelo

Gina DiPillo & Ryan Shook





Expenses – The cost of ministry that we carried out through worship, education, outreach, congregation care, etc. was $277,640.53

Income – The amount of money we received in support of our ministry was $276,961.57

The result was a deficit for the year in the amount of ($678.96)

THANK YOUto every who gave as God enabled you to, so that the ministry we do for the glory of God and the edification of one another was just shy of being fully funded in 2015.


We gratefully received $5,000 from the estate of Bob Young and $13,032.69from family of Barbara Shanabrook.

Bequests of any size provide financial stability for St. Paul’s.

Is St. Paul’s in your will?

Would you consider remembering St. Paul’s in your will. By doing so you provide a lasting legacy and will ensure that St. Paul’s will continue to be used by God after you have returned home to the heavenly kingdom that awaits you.


Introducing PUSHPAY our new on-line giving app. You can know financial support our ministry any time and any where.

You can GIVE by:

  1. Texting SPUCC to 77977
  2. Clicking on the donation link on our website:
  3. Using our FREE church APP.

Your gifts will be recorded and appear on your annual giving statement.


Our 2nd wine and beer tasting fund raiser was a great success raising over $7,000 which was placed in our operating budget.

Faithful weekly giving, responding to special appeals, bequests and fund raisers enabled us to be with in $678 of a balanced budget.


Throughout 2015 the Church & Family ministry team was active organizing activities that served to enhance the fellowship of church family.

Our activities included:

-sending Christmas and Easter cards to approximately 30 homebound members of the St Paul’s family

-Each Wednesday evening during Lent approximately 40 people joined together for dinner and worship.

-In September we had 100+ people gather in the local park for worship and a picnic.

-During the Christmas holiday 50 or so people came together for a potluck dinner and Christmas fun

-Christmas caroling to our homebound

-Overseeing the fellowship hour after Sunday worship service

-Collecting small gifts, notions and toiletries during the Christmas season which were then donated to a the Reformed Church Home



We continued using the online based curriculum Kids Sunday School Place. It is an online source for fresh, creative Children's Ministry resources for Grade school and Preschool. They feature complete Sunday school lessons, Bible crafts, Christian activities, object lessons, stories, skits, games, songs, and much more. Teaching Sunday school iseasy, fun, and rewarding! It was very cost effective. The teachers can log in on their own and review lessons and it incorporates games, songs, crafts, science and more!


The Education ministry team surveyed Sunday school parents to learn how the felt about Sunday school and what can we do to keep improving it.


Really cozy and loving / Friendly / I wish it went year round – hard for boys to sit through whole service / Kids always have fun and want to go /

The Pageant


Our children enjoy going – they like the mix of Junior Sermon and Sunday School / Kids enjoy it and like to be there / Learns about God – from other kids and teachers / Teachers have great lessons / It’s during church service – timing – they get both time in church & school / Like what they teach about God, Jesus and do projects / Mother’s Day plant – mom & son water it together and they love it – do it again / Available for kids – teachers are nice / They love it / I love they mix it up – worship & craft


Focus on the bible, bible stories and preparing them for confirmation class and to expand their relationship with God / More focus on bible – need to learn books and how to navigate / More formal sign up / More music – Christian cd’s / Make it longer / Supplemental info to let parents know what they are learning and to reinforce at home (like a summary)


In May, 6 youth confirmed their faith in God, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The 6 youth were Hannah Bernstein, Henry Coates, Kyle Davey, Gianna De Lorenzo, Jonathan Garback, and Tiffany Irwin.

In October, 14 youth began classes to prepare them for their confirmation in 2016. The class requirements are: weekly attendance at Sunday worship, weekly attendance at Wednesday night classes and 20 hours of community service. They also are required to participate in Sunday worship by ushering, being an acolyte, and reading scripture.


The theme was Son Spark. The program was coordinated by Diane Bradford & Maryann Redler. Our crafty craft designer was Robin Sullivan. Attendance was less that previous years, but that did not stop the 20+ children plus teen helpers and teachers from having a great time.


Adult bible studies were offered on Wednesday afternoons throughout the year as well as Wednesday Evening.

We studied:

The Exodus fromEgypt

Finding God in the Dessert of our Lives

Choose Joy

God’s Answers to Life’s Difficult Questions


Our music ministries throughout 2015 were blessed by the faithfulness of St. Paul’s and of God, who consistently provided what we needed. I give thanks especially to God for the volunteers who devote their time to our worship music, allowing each of us creative communion with God and one another.

Our Children’s choir began its program year in the fall with a young, extremely energetic group. Attendance has been exceptionally good (thanks be to God for the parents!), and we are learning quickly about worship and working together as a choir.

Our Adult choir has faced some difficult times for several of our personnel, and risen well to the occasion with faithful attendance, ride sharing, assisting, and cheering each other on. We sang at the Methodist Church on Ash Wed. We added extra members for Holy Week and for a moving Lessons and Carols service in Dec.; the latter included Children’s Choir graduates! Throughout the year we sang facing the congregation, and that arrangement seems much appreciated.

Our Praise band members continue to give generously of their time. We led outdoor worship for the National Day of Prayer and for our annual picnic. For Milltown’s 4th of July parade, the band played on a float. When our drum set began to fail, our drummers managed to find a new one without missing a week! We are currently making plans to spend a Saturday tweaking our sound system and trying to reduce some of its problems.

Other highlights of our music ministry included singing the national anthem at a Trenton Thunder game and hosting a hymn festival and a choral concert in the spring.

A donor funded a plaque honoring musicians who have served at St. Paul’s for five years or more; this now hangs in the sanctuary. In 2017 we will celebrate the 70th birthday of our pipe organ, and I hope to spend some time this year reviewing our stewardship of the instrument, so that it can continue to brighten and support our worship well into the future.

In late 2015, we were blessed with soloists who offered special music. I hope to encourage more such participation in 2016!

Christ’s peace,

Emily Sensenbach-Gopal



The mowing of our lawns is a weekly activity as anyone with a lawn knows. We are very fortunate that Ken Skalla donates his time to keep our lawns well-groomed through the spring, summer and fall.


The plowing our parking lots and driveways and the shoveling of our sidewalks is essential for the safety and well-being of everyone who uses our facilities. We are very fortunate that Danny and Danny Rob Holsten and Carmen DeLorenzo and his crew have donated their time and equipment to the clearing of our lots and sidewalks.


The Autumn leaves look beautiful but eventual they all fall off the trees. John Garback and his landscaping crew cleared our property of our leaves.


We have service contracts for the boilers in our church and education building. BUT the man behind keeping us warm in the winter is Dick McDowell. Dick constantly checks our buildings to make sure our furnaces are running. He continues to make minor repairs, which saves us from having to pay for a service call.


We had a wonderful turn out of people to trim hedges, wash windows, clean the kitchen, replace toilets (Thanks Mike Keiser and daughter Amanda) and tend to other household issues that had to be addressed to keep our facilities in good condition

NOTE: The donation of time and talent to perform the services listed above saved the church a large amount of money.


The freezer in the church kitchen needed to be replaced and the men’s group purchased a replacement freezer.


We took advantage an energy grant and retrofitted all the light fixtures in the church and education building with energy efficient lighting. The cost of the project before the grant was applied was $29,387. The grant was $21,158 leaving a bill of $8,229.


“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12

2015 was another year when our Senior Youth Group endeavored to live out 1 Timothy 4:12. While some people may use their youth as an excuse our youth used it to serve and glorify God.


The theme was Being UnCommon. It is easy to be common, but God isn’t calling us to be common, to go along with the crowd, to shape our lives, thoughts and actions by the teaching of our culture. God is calling us to be Transformed, to be UnCommon by the renewing of our minds in God’s Word and through His Holy Spirit.


We spent the week in Steubenville, OH working among the homeless, the elderly and the underprivileged children. God used us to be His hands and feet in awesome ways.


We want to say thank you to everyone who participated in the many fund raisers we ran to cover the mission trip expenses. Without your willingness to share time, money and talent our mission trips would not be possible.

Our fund raisers were:

Super Bowl Pool; Applebees Breakfast; Vera Bradley Tricky Tray; and the July 4th Duck Race.


Throughout the school year we met, usually on the first and third Sunday nights to share faith, fellowship and fun.


All youth in grades 7th-12th are invited to join us. Church membership is not required.



Our meetings followed this general format:

•Devotion and prayer

•General news and information

•Planned discussion and activity. For the most part, I used the "Faith for

Life" series. It's a program designed for pre-teens that uses scripture to

help them navigate situations that they are probably facing at home, school

and with friends.

•Game if time permits

Parents who volunteered to provide snack and help at the meeting

Thank You! to all the parents who took turns bringing snacks for our meetings


Youth are assigned to share a devotion and provide a letter to Ronnie.

Each youth were responsible to share a devotion based a Bible passage and share they chose it and what they think it means.


Our group sponsors a World Vision child whose name is Ronnie who lives in the Philippines. Kids are asked to bring a letter on the day that they are doing devotion. The letter need not be long--a paragraph or two is sufficient. Your youth can tell about themselves, their family, friends, sports they love, school, etc. They should not include anything about their possessions, allowance, your home, cars, etc. If they want, they can include a picture of themselves or something they have made.


In November they made Christmas gifts for the homebound in our congregation which were delivered by the youth with the help of their parents in December.