1.  Introduction

In late 2013 an amendment was made to the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009, authorising secondary schools to provide their local council with student and parent/guardian contact information for any student scheduled to receive vaccination(s).

This process has streamlined the planning and management of immunisation activity.

As per the diagram below, schools are required to run a new function in CASES21 (represented as ‘Proprietary Extract tool’) to extract prescribed student details and provide them to local council so that these can be fed into immunisation systems to help facilitate the Secondary School Vaccine Program.

Schools should run the extract and provide local councils with contact details as soon as possible after 28 February 2017 (census date). New reports have also been introduced to the immunisation systems to provide overall visibility of school activity, card returns and coverage rates.

This process benefits schools and councils by:

·  Diminishing the administrative burden on school staff to follow-up consent cards;

·  Improve councils’ ability to directly communicate information regarding students’ immunisation needs to parents;

·  Ensuring information on consent cards is correctly completed by parents;

·  Reducing immunisation session times; and

·  Providing accurate data to reflect student immunisation coverage rates.

It is anticipated these improved processes will raise immunisation coverage rates, resulting in increased protection for students from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough), human papillomavirus, and varicella (chicken pox).

2.  Legislation

The Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009 (Victoria) we amended in 2014 to allow schools to supply basic student details to councils. The legislation prescribes the permitted details, as follows:

i. Student – Surname, First Name, Gender, DOB, School, Year Level, Class, Language at Home

ii. Parent/Guardian – Full Name, Postal Address, Phone Numbers.

IMPORTANT: The legislation also provides for the parent/guardian to opt-out their details from being reported to councils. Those who nominate not to have their details transferred to council must inform the Principal in writing before the census date. Business managers must review the extract spread sheet and manually remove these students prior to sending to the local council.

3.  Student Details Extract Process

In order to import details into immunisation systems, student details must be compiled into a spread sheet and sent to local council. This can be done by running the new functionality: ST51050 Students Immunisation Data Extract.

This functionality provides for the creation of an export file for Local Government Councils containing data relating to student & parent/carer information in order to facilitate the provision of immunisation services to children attending secondary schools.

The following instructions describe the data entry requirements for the Students Immunisation Data Extract function within CASES21.

To select the format required to enter selection criteria for Students Immunisation Data Extract:

·  From Main CASES21 Navigation screen (refer below)

·  Choose: Students -> Export/Import Data -> General -> Export Student Immunisation Details (ST51050)

·  The format screen ST51050 (refer below) will be displayed:

1.  Select School ID – enter the School ID for the school with which students are enrolled.

2.  Select Year Level - enter the Year Level of the students, whose details are to be extracted.

3.  Select Gender – enter the Gender of the students, whose details are to be extracted.

4.  Enter OK to commence the extract.

5.  The system will create a file containing all of the selected records. The name of the file is based on the following components: School ID_YearLevel_Gender_Date with the following format XXXXXXXX_YY_F/M_YYYYMMDD.


6.  Note: if the parents/carers of a student have refused permission for their details to be provided to local council, the student’s details will need to be manually deleted from the extract file before the data is sent to the local council. (It is expected that additional functionality will be added to CASES21 in the future to provide for an immunisation opt-out flag on the student record, which will be used to exclude the student’s details from the extract file.)

4.  Post-Extract

School administrators should review the extract spread sheet before sending it to the council. For instance, you may need to remove students, whose parent/guardian has nominated not to send their details. We recommend that you carefully review the first couple of extracts. Check that the student details appear as expected and that students with the opt-out option are excluded.

Once the extract is ready to send, email it to the address advised by your council for this purpose.

5.  For assistance

Contact the CASES21 Service desk.