San Ramon Valley Men’s Soccer


Welcome to the San Ramon Valley Men’s Soccer program. As I begin my 21st season at SRV this remains the most exciting time of the year - the soccer season! I view my opportunity to coach as a great honor and privilege. It is an honor and privilege to work with so many fine young men and their families. It is a great honor and privilege to participate in the life of one of the finest high schools in the country – San Ramon Valley! I trust you and your family feels the same; it is a great honor and privilege to be a scholar-athlete at SRVHS.

Tryout Procedure

To put the season in motion we must begin the difficult process of tryouts. Before you tryout the following must happen:

1)   You must complete the tryout procedure (see

2)   Return the Intent to Tryout and Team Rules sheet Form to R-22 by Friday, Oct.14

3)   Check for your tryout number outside room R-22 during the week of Nov.1. Draw your number on the front and back of a white T-shirt. Make sure the number is big and visible. Wear the shirt to every tryout.

4)   Transfer Students – Be sure you see Greg Ochs, the Athletic Director, prior to tryouts.

The actual tryouts will be held the week of Nov. 7. Times will be announced later. Everyone will tryout Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We will have our first round of cuts after training on Wednesday. We will have tryouts Thursday and possibly Friday and Saturday, making our final selections after one of those days.

Tryout Criteria

1)   Academics – to be eligible for tryouts you must have a 2.0 GPA or better on your most recent report card. That means you must have a 2.0 or higher on your 1st quarter grades. If you do not have a 2.0 you are ineligible to tryout – even if you have raised your grades since the end of the quarter!! If you have below a 2.0 you may be eligible for a waiver. Discuss this with your academic counselor.

Academics must always be a priority. Even if you have a higher than 2.0 during the season but your coach, parents, or guardians do not think you are living up to your academic capabilities, action may be taken. Be sure to keep your grades up and be a stellar scholar-athlete.

2)   Work ethic and attitude – We pride ourselves on being the classiest and hardest working team in high school soccer. Our work habits and teachable attitude should be evident not only in tryouts and on the soccer field, but in the classroom and at home as well. Players not interested in working hard or representing San Ramon Men’s Soccer in a positive way should consider a different activity.

3)   Skills and fitness – We attempt to assemble the best possible team for our program. During tryouts you should be at the peak of your game. You should be able to demonstrate brilliant ball skills, intelligent decision-making, and the ability to play soccer at a sustained, intense rate. In terms of fitness be able to run 2 miles in the following times:

Freshman – 14 minutes

Junior Varsity – 13 minutes

Varsity – 12 minutes

Miscellaneous Information and Reminders

** You must be cleared with the bookkeeper before you tryout**

  1. If you are playing a fall sport, you must complete that sport in its entirety before you tryout. We support multiple sport athletes so do not panic. Once you have completed your fall sport then we will make arrangements for you soccer tryout.
  2. Placement on a team. We will place a player on a team based upon what the coaching staff believes is best for the player and the program. For example, juniors in high school can be placed upon the Junior Varsity team. Freshman could be placed upon the Frosh, JV, or Varsity team. No sophomores will be placed upon the freshman team.
  3. Mandatory Parent’s meeting – Monday Nov.14, 7:00pm in the main gym. This is a new format. All winter sports will foran orientation meeting then we will have breakout sessions by sport.
  4. Costs:
  5. Anticipate a Club Donation of approximately $400.00. This includes all of your team practice gear, warm-ups, other club expenses.
  6. If costs are any way probative please contact me. We have ways of helping with various costs!
  7. Vacations:
  8. Thanksgiving Break – All teams are off Nov. 20-27. Please plan travel accordingly.
  9. Christmas Break – All teams are off December 24-January 1. Please plan travel accordingly.
  10. Award’s night – Sunday, Feb.26 from 6-8pm in the school cafeteria.
  11. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me at or check the soccer link on my school website.

Team Rules

We have extensive team rules for the San Ramon Valley Men’s Soccer Program. To be a part of our program you and your parents must agree to the following:

1)   Practices – If you miss a practice you miss a game. If you miss 2 practices you are dismissed from the team.

Note: Obviously, life presents circumstances that soccer pales in comparison. Such things as death and serious illness in the family will certainly not jeopardize a student-athlete’s standing on the team. The key is communication. Communicate potential missed practices with your coach before the practice date.

2)   Personal conduct – Participating in activities such as alcohol, tobacco, or other drug use, theft, cheating, or on/off-campus violence may result in the dismissal from the team.

Your signature on the Intent to Tryout Form indicates you and your parent’s agree to adhere to these rules.

San Ramon Valley Boys Soccer

NCS Champions 1993, 2002, 2015

NCS Finalists 2009, 2011, 2012, 2016

NCS Semi-finalists 2000, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013

EBAL Champions 2002, 2005, 2007, 2015