Karen K. Foster

660-543-8392 (w)


ACADEMIC DEGREES: Ed.D.- Elementary Education

Specialty areas: Reading/L.A. & Research

University of Northern Colorado, Greeley

Graduated: 1991

M.L.A. - Liberal Arts

Southern Methodist University, Dallas

Graduated: 1973

B.S. in Ed. - Elementary Education

English minor

University of Oklahoma, Norman

Graduated: 1971

TEACHER CERTIFICATION: Colorado #332107: Professional Teacher, Elementary (expires 3-11)

Missouri #0318758: Initial PC, Early Childhood & Elem. (expires 6-08)

Kentucky #466847141: Tching/Prof. School Personnel (expires 6-16)


Spring, 2005, Block 2 Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies, Netherlands

*Discovering Global Themes through Transatlantic Literature

2003-Present University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg

Associate Professor


*Content Area Reading for Elementary Majors - 3 hrs.

*Content Area Reading for Secondary Majors - 2 hrs.

*Children's Literature for the Middle School - 2 hrs.

PDS Block: *Reading Diagnosis & Assessment -2 hrs.

*Reading Practicum - 1 hr.

*Language Arts - 3 hrs

*Supervising Student Teachers - 3 hrs.

1991-2003 Southeastern Louisiana Univ., Hammond

Assistant & Associate Professor


*Historical & Philosophical Foundations of Education – 3 hrs.

*Content Area Literacy for Secondary Majors – 3 hrs.

*Classroom Management – 3 hrs.

*Integrated Methods Block (L.A. focus) - 10 hrs.

*Teaching Reading in the Elementary School - 3 hrs.

*Supervising Student Teachers - 3 hrs.


*Diagnostic & Prescriptive Reading – 3 hrs.

*Elementary & Secondary Reading Practicum - 3 hrs.

*L.A. in the Elementary/Middle School - 3 hrs.

*Integrating Technology into Elem. Classroom - 3 hrs.

*Content Area Literacy - 3 hrs.

1989-90 University of Northern Colorado, Greeley

Instructor - Teaching Assistant


*Reading Assessment - 3 hrs.

*Reading/Math Methods - 3 hrs.

*L.A. in the Elementary School - 3 hrs.

*Cadet Teaching - 1 hr.

*Beginning Reading Instruction - 3 hrs.

1986-87 Director/Teacher of Adult G.E.D. Program

New Orleans Public Schools, Louisiana

1982-83 Preschool Teacher - 4 Year Olds

Kenner Presbyterian Church, Kenner, Louisiana

1978-79 Language Arts Teacher – 5th & 8th Gds.

Louisville Collegiate School, Louisville, Kentucky

1977-78 Language Arts Teacher – 7th & 8th Gds.

Catholic System, Louisville, Kentucky

1974-77 Reading Specialist - Middle School

Classroom teacher – 3rd & 4th Gds.

N.I.S.D., San Antonio, Texas

1971-74 Classroom Teacher – 2nd & 3rd Gds.

R.I.S.D., Richardson, Texas



McCormick (Foster), K. (2001). Improving the three Rs in teacher education: Reading, (w)riting, & recitation. Baton Rouge, LA: Moran.

Hicks (Foster), K., & Simpson, P.(1998). Breaking reading barriers in grades four to twelve: Twenty smashing strategies producing independent learners. Kansas City: Jostens.

Book Chapters

Foster, K, Al-Juraid, S. (2009) (in press). From one time stand-up comedian workshops to

year long professional growth of teachers. In Education policy, reform, and school innovation in the Asian-Pacific Region (Edited by Choi and _____).

McCormick (Foster), K., & Wadlington, B. (2000). Making life balance: Writing original math projects with adults. In Gal, I. (Ed.), National Center on Adult Literacy’s numeracy guide, p. 197-221. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Partridge, E., Hicks (Foster), K., Bidner, S., & Ashy, M. (1998). Activities for an interdisciplinary approach. In Stockard, J., & Wolfinger, D. (Ed.), Social studies for the elementary school child: An interdisciplinary approach. (Ch. 13). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Hicks (Foster), K., & Wadlington, B. (1996). Bigger is better: Shared book experience with adults. In Brown, O. (Ed.). Tips at your fingertips: Teaching strategies for adult literacy tutors. (100-101). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Hicks (Foster), K., Partridge, E., & Wren, S. (1995). An annotated bibliography of children's books for teaching social studies. In Stockard, J. (Ed.), Activities for elementary school social studies. (Appendix 1, 8.1-8.10). Prospect Heights,IL: Waveland Press.

Hicks (Foster), K. (1992). Big books for big people. Educators as authors anthology, 5-7.

New Orleans, LA: Louisiana Reading Association.

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Theiss, D., Foster, K. Aldrich, J., Butterfield, D., Lamson, S. etc. (submitted for pubilcation). Scaffolding learning with the support of e-tools

Foster, K., Theiss, D., & Butterfield, D.L. (2009). (submitted for publication) Peer coaching re-envisioned: A multilayered approach to faculty collaboration. Action in Teacher Education.

Yao, Y, Aldrich, J. E., Foster, K., & Pecina, U. (2009) (in press). Preservice teachers' perceptions of an electronic portfolio as a tool for reflection & teacher certification. Journal of Educational Research & Policy Studies, 9(2).

Yao, Y., Foster, K., & Aldrich, J. (2009) (in press). Interrater reliability of a team-scored electronic portfolio. Journal of Technology & Teacher Education.

Foster, K., Theiss, D., & Butterfield, D.L. (2008). Pourquoi tales on the literacy stage. The Reading Teacher 61(8), 663-667.

Echols, C., & Foster, K. (2007). (submitted for publication). Building cultural literacy through Readers Theater and bibliotherapy. NCPEA Connexions Knowledge Base Project.

Foster, K., & Simpson, P. (2006). Spin the wheel of thinking to activate critical thought.

IRA: Journal of Content Area Reading, 5(1), 67-79.

Foster, K., Williamson, N., & Buchanan, D.L. (2004). Racing with reading: Addressing literacy at juvenile detention centers. Journal of the Institute of Justice & International Studies.

4, 61-70.

Foster, K. (2004). Honing the writing skills of pre-service teachers (a two year study).

The Reading Professor, 26(2), 57-96.

Foster, K. (2004). Warming up to learn: Using introductory questions to activate critical thinking. IRA: Thinking Classroom, 5(4), 38-43.

McCormick (Foster), K., & Adams, A. (2003). Poetry Slams: Dancing to hidden voices. NCTE: Victorian Teachers' Journal, Melbourne, Australia, summer.

McCormick (Foster), K. (2003). Louisiana middle school responds to corrective action. Reading: Exploration & Discovery, 23(2), 61-76.

McCormick (Foster), K. (2002). Using banned books in middle school classrooms. Reading: Exploration & Discovery, 22(2), 31-47.

McCormick (Foster), K. (2000). Phonemic awareness: Basic building blocks for beginning

reading. Reading: Exploration & Discovery, 21(1), 30-35.

Hicks (Foster), K., & Simpson, P. (1999). Breaking Louisiana’s reading barriers in the upper grades. Reading: Exploration & Discovery 19(2), 45-53.

Lee, J., & Hicks (Foster), K. (1997). The media specialist & the teacher: Using instructional design to form partnerships in curriculum & instruction. Educational Media International 34(2), 61-65.

Hicks (Foster), K., Partridge, E., Bidner, S., & Ashy, M. (I997). June 29, 1999: A thematic lesson is born. Indiana English 20(2), 7-12.

Hicks (Foster), K., Tanner, P., Faller, C., & Thornbury, C. (1997). Handling controversial news. Reading: Exploration & Discovery 18(1), 12-21.

Hicks, K., & Lee, J. (1996). High tech readers. Indiana English 19(3), 4-9.

Hicks (Foster), K. (1995). Choosing to create a classroom community for literacy. Reading: Exploration and Discovery 16(1), 10-22.

Wadlington, B., & Hicks (Foster), K. (1995). Using the big book experience with adult literacy students. IRA: Adult Learning 6(5), 14-15.

Hicks (Foster), K., Austin, J, & Wilkie, S. (1995). Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf? Problem solving through literature. Reading: Exploration & Discovery, 16(2), 23-30.

Wadlington, B., & Hicks, K. (1994). Using process writing to teach problem solving to middle school and junior high students. (Report No. PS 022-605). New Orleans, LA: Association for Childhood Educational International Study Conference. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service #ED 376-933).

Hicks (Foster), K. & Wadlington, B. (1994). The efficacy of shared reading with teens. (Report No. CS 011 692). New Orleans, LA: Association for Childhood Educational International Study Conference. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 369 073).

Hicks (Foster), K., & Wadlington, B. (1994). Making life balance: Writing original

math problems with adults. IRA: Adult Learning, 5(5), 11-13, 27.

Hicks (Foster), K., & Wadlington, B. (1994). Bigger is better: The shared book experience with adults. Journal of Reading, 37(5), 422-423.

Hicks (Foster), K., & Austin, J. (1994). Experiencing the legal system: Fairy tale trials for fifth graders. The Social Studies, 85(1), 39-43.

Hicks (Foster), K. (1993). Improving smoke signals from the gods. Educational Planning, 9(2), 22-34.

Hicks (Foster), K. (1992). Big books for big people. IRA:Adult Learning, 3(8), 25.

Hicks (Foster), K. (1989). What controversies grow in Judy Blume's garden of young adult books? The Signal, 14(3), 8-11.


Foster, K. (2007) Seeing integration from different viewpoints in

Read/Write/Think peer reviewed website #04--71 cited in

Reading Today 25 (1), p 5.

Levin, S. (2007) Introduction of new ACEI board members. Childhood Education 84(1), p 30-G.

Bulletins/Newsletters/Newspspers/Websites and Invited Submissions

Foster, K. (February, 2008). Week of the Classroom Teacher - far and near. ACEI: The Activist, p. 5.

Foster, K. (March, 2005). Seeing integration from different viewpoints IRA & NCTE: Read/Write/Think peer reviewed website #04-71 (compensated).


Gordonier, C., & Foster, K. (2004). What stick is driving the Reading First hoop?

Childhood Education 81(2), 04. (invited submission)

Foster, K. (April, 2004). Hula hoop/deli tray comparisons lesson plan.


Hicks (Foster), K. (April, 1998). A breath of fresh air for classrooms. Hammond Daily Star, New Orleans Times Picayune, & Baton Rouge Advocate.

HIcks (Foster, K., & McCardle, L. (1996). Book review: Just plain fancy. Pioneer Voice, 2.



Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), March, 2009

Teachers raise me up (poster session)

Chicago, IL

Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), March, 2009

Teaching spelling & grammar in Writers Workshop

Chicago, IL

Association for Teacher Education (ATE), Feb 17, 2009

Scaffolding learning with the support of e-tools

Aldrich, J., Theiss, D., Leslie, K., Butterfield, D., Foster, K., Lamson, S., King, A., Brant, K., and Buckle, S.

Dallas, TX

Association for Teacher Education (ATE), Feb 15, 2009

Using technology for documentation & assessment of learning at multiple levels

Aldrich, J., Theiss, D., Butterfield, D.L., Lamson, S., Foster, K., Leslie, K., King, P., Brant, K., Buckle, S., & King, A.

Dallas, TX

American Education Research Association (AERA) - March, 2008

Preservice teachers' perceptions of portfolios as an assessment tool.

Yao, Y., Aldrich, J, Foster, K, & Pecina, U.

New York, NY

Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)- March, 2008

Improving instructional smoke signals to new faculty

Atlanta, Georgia

Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), March, 2008

Week of the Classroom Teacher poster session

Atlanta, Georgia

International Reading Association (IRA) - May 17, 2007

Breaking Boundaries of silence:

Professors give voice to collaborative coaching through e-tools

Foster, K., Theiss, D., & Butterfield, D.L.

Toronto, Canada

Association of Childhood Education International (ACEI) - April, 2006

Decision lenses: Viewing literacy from different perspectives

San Antonio, Texas

American Education Research Association (AERA) - April, 2006

Generalizability study of a team-based portfolio scoring approach

Yao, Y., Foster, K, & Aldrich, J.

San Francisco, California

14th Annual European Conference on Reading (IRA) - August, 2005

Echols, C., & Foster, K.

Chronicling American racial relations through literature

Zagreb, Croatia

14th Annual European Conference on Reading (IRA)- August, 2005

Wearing thinking hats to diversify comprehension (poster presentation)

Zagreb, Croatia

Association of Childhood Education International (ACEI) - April 17, 2004

Addressing professional speech for teachers

New Orleans, Louisiana

Association of Childhood Education International (ACEI) - April, 2004

STOP in the name of the college grammar police (virtual presentation)

New Orleans, Louisiana

International Criminal Justice Conference - March 30, 2004

Foster, K., Williamson, N, & Butterfield, D.L.

Racing with reading: Impacting literacy in juvenile detention centers

Warrensburg, Missouri

International Federation for the Teaching of English (NCTE) - July, 2003

Transforming poetry into dancing with hidden voices

Melbourne, Australia

Association of Childhood Education International (ACEI) – April 16, 2003

Pre-service teacher candidates as models of literacy (2 years of research)

Phoenix, Arizona

Association of Childhood Education International (ACEI) – April, 2003

Independent small group reading instruction that works! (virtual presentation)

Phoenix, Arizona

Whole Language Umbrella Conference – July 26, 2002

Poetry slams: Combining visual language & printed text

Washington D.C.

College Reading & Learning Association(CRA) – November 6, 1999

Critical reading & thinking: C.A.C.T.I.

New Orleans, Louisiana

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) - November 22, 1996

Teaching composition to college students of color (Round table discussion)

Chicago, Illinois

International Alliance of Teacher Scholars - May 18, 1996

Cooperating with the LCD

Columbia, South Carolina

American School Counselors Association - June 24, 1995

Life's choices: Empowerment for life

New Orleans, Louisiana

International Alliance of Teacher Scholars - June 2, 1995

Evaluating speech in action

Columbia, South Carolina

International Alliance of Teacher Scholars - June 2, 1995

Undergirding instruction: Support from cooperative groups

Columbia, South Carolina

College Reading Association (CRA) - November 5, 1994

Creating a classroom community for literacy

New Orleans, Louisiana

Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) - April 1, 1994

Hicks (Foster), K., & Wadlington, E.

Writing original math problems with middle school students

New Orleans, Louisiana

Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) - April 2, 1994

Hicks (Foster), K, Austin, S, & Doolittle, P.

The efficacy of shared reading with teens

New Orleans, Louisiana


SRATE (Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators) - November, 2007

Lamson, S, Aldrich, J., Theiss, D., Foster, K., Butterfield, D.L., & Leslie, K.

Using electronic data collection in the classroom

St. Louis, Missouri

Colorado Council of IRA (CCIRA) - Feb, 2007

Using dramatic sentences on the literacy stage: Pourquoi?

Foster, K., Butterfield, D.L, & Theiss, D.

Denver, Colorado

Louisiana Educational Research Association – February 28, 2002

Improving the three Rs in teacher education

Ruston, Louisiana

Colorado Council of I.R.A. – February 5, 2002

Wrapping reading instruction in one neat package: Collaborative Strategic Reading

Denver, Colorado

Louisiana Reading Association - December 14, 2001

McCormick (Foster), K & graduate student

Batting a thousand with math story problems

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Colorado Council of I.R.A. – February 5, 2001

First grade teachers go to high school