Sample Summative Assessment Plan p.4


These are test items for a criterion-referenced test evaluating student attainment of all unit objectives.

1. OBJECTIVE 1: Without any aides, the learner will be able to write the definition of adaptation with 100% accuracy. Verbal Information

Item type: Completion/Short Answer item

Directions to the students: In the space provided, answer the following question.

Sample item: Define adaptation.


Item Answer: (An adaptation are characteristics that enable an animal to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.)

2.  OBJECTIVE 2: After seeing slides of the three types of adaptations (camouflage, body structure and instinctive behavior), the learner will be able to discriminate and identify each slide according to its type. Intellectual Skill, concept

a. Item type: Completion item

Directions to the students: Complete the following sentence by filling in the blank space with the correct word or words.

Sample item: A crab spider being able to change its color in order to blend with its environment is an example of adaptation known as ______.

Item answer: (camouflage)

b. Item type: True-False item

Directions to the students: Read each of the following statements. If the statement is true, circle “T”. If the statement is false, circle “F”.

Sample item: T F Stalking is an example of instinctive behavior.

Item answer: T

A.  Item type: Completion

Directions to the students: Complete the following sentence by filling in the correct word or words.

Sample item: A walking stick insect is an example of an adaptation known as ______.

Item answer: body structure

3. Objective 3: Having played a game using a variety of colored pieces of paper, the learner will explain that it is more difficult to pick up certain colors from the green grass. Motor Skills

4. Objective 4: Having played the game described in #3 and given 4 pictures of animals that are green, brown and white, the learner will be able to apply the concept of camouflage and tell how each of the animal’s colors help it survive in particular environments. The students will have 4 correct responses. Intellectual Skill, Rule Learning

A.  Item type: Completion item

Directions to the students: Complete the following sentence by filling in the correct word.

Sample item and answer: An animal that would blend into a green environment is a(an) ______. (grasshopper is one possible answer.)

B.  Item type: Short answer

Directions to the student: In the space provided, answer the following question using complete sentences.

Sample item: Give two ways camouflage helps an animal survive. 1.______2. ______

Item answer: (1. Blending into its environment helps an animal (prey) hide from its predator and 2. Blending into its environment helps a predator catch its prey because the prey has difficulty seeing it.)

5.  Objective 5: Having read about camouflage, the student will be able to use a magnifying glass correctly and observe a chameleon change color to match its environment. Motor Skills

Item type: an observation checklist

This objective will not be part of the Summative Assessment paper-pencil test. Use of he observation checklist will occur during Formative Assessment (See Formative Assessment section for details.)

6.  OBJECTIVE 6: Given 5 pictures of birds’ beaks, the learner will be able to identify them according to their use (seed crushing, insect boring etc.) with no more than one error.

Intellectual Skills, Concept

Item Type: Matching Item

Directions to the student: On the line to the left of each description in Column A, write the letter of the picture shown in column B that matches. Not all of the pictures in column B will be used.

Sample item and answers:

Column A

____1. A bird with a seed crushing beak

____2. A bird with wading feet

____3. A bird with a flesh tearing beak

____4. A bird with perching feet

____5. A bird with an insect boring beak

____6. A bird with tree climbing feet

7. OBJECTIVE 7: Having made a spider web out of yarn and tape, the learner will be able to determine three attributes of the web (sticky, strong, tautness, and difficult to see) that they observed that helped the spider catch its prey and identify the spider’s web building activity as instinctive behavior. Intellectual Skills, Problem solving

Item type: Short Answer

Directions to the students: In the space provided, answer the following question. Use one or two words.

Sample item: What attributes of a spider’s web help it catch its prey? Name at least four you observed.

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

Item answers: There are a variety of correct answers. However, some correct answers include the web is sticky, strong, taut, and difficult to see.

8. OBJECTIVE 8: After participating in a web making activity, students will be able to explain how the instinctive behavior of building webs is a type of adaptation. Intellectual Skills, Rule learning.

Item type: Multiple Choice

Directions to students: Indicate your response by circling a,b,c, or d.

Sample item: What is a definition of Instinctive behavior

A.  behavior is not learned.

B.  behavior helps the animal survive.

C.  spider can make strong webs.

D.  spider has eight, long legs.

Item answer: b

9. OBJECTIVE 9: Using yarn, tape and directions, students will be able to construct a web as shown in the textbook and identify web building as instinctive behavior. Motor Skills

This objective will be assessed with an observation checklist that is included in the Formative Assessment section.

10. OBJECTIVE 10: Having discussed in class and read about the three different types of adaptations (camouflage, body structure, and instinctive behavior) and given a variety of materials (glue, crayons, paper, scissors, ribbon, buttons, paint, paper bags, and natural materials, such as twigs, leaves, berries), the student will be able to apply the rules of adaptation and create an imaginary animal that has all three types of adaptations. Intellectual Skills, Problem Solving

Item type: Essay

Directions for the students: For each essay item, be sure to read complete item first and answer each portion clearly and completely.

Sample Item: Draw an animal that has all three types of adaptations. Label each adaptation on your drawing. Describe in writing each adaptation. Tell how each adaptation helps the animal survive and reproduce in its environment.

Item Answer: Teacher must look for evidence of the 3 types of adaptations: instinctive behavior, structural adaptations, and camouflage. Look for explanation of how each adaptation helps the animal survive.

11. OBJECTIVE 11: Having created their imaginary animals with 3 different types of adaptations, the learners will be able to present their animals to the class and show their enthusiasm by using words of appreciation for the complexity of the animal’s adaptations. Affective domain

This objective will be assessed with a observation checklist that is included in the Formative Assessment section.

12. OBJECTIVE 12: In their free time, students will choose to read about how animals adapt to their environments. Affective Domain

This objective will be included in the formative Assessment section.

13. OBJECTIVE 13: Having built the spider web, the students will show appreciation for the complex skills spiders possess by using words such as Wow and Cool. Affective Domain

This objective will be assessed with an observation checklist that is included in the Formative Assessment section.