Peacemaking/Peacekeeping – Briefings
1. The League of Nations (including the effects of the absence of major powers, the principle of collective security and early attempts at peacekeeping (1920-25)
2. Disarmament - Washington, London, Geneva conferences
3. US Isolationism (including the retreat from the Anglo-American Guarantee)
4. The Ruhr Crisis
5. The Locarno Treaties and the Locarno Spring
6. The Abyssinian Crisis
7. The Manchurian Crisis
8. Terms of the Peace Treaties – St. Germain, Trianon, Neuilly, Sevres/Lausanne (not Versailles)
9. Depression and threats to international peace and collective security
Prepare a briefing that highlights your findings. This briefing must have the following components:
1. A brief talk about the event/concept (5-10 minutes long). Include a summary, as well as a discussion of its significance in terms of international relations in the interwar years.
2. A visual component outlining the information (a few power point slides, a prezi, or a one-page handout with essential information.)
3. At least 3 documents that give insight into the topic. (Ideally: one primary source, one secondary source, one cartoon/photo/map or other visual source)
4. Hints: what does this event say about:
a. The success of peacemaking and peacekeeping initiatives.
b. The failure of peacemaking and peacekeeping initiatives/what were the obstacles to success?
c. The difficulties of enforcing of the Paris Peace Treaties.
d. The problems/successes of the concept of collective security and the League of Nations.
e. The extent to which nations worked with the League and/or worked outside of the league mechanisms, and the impact of this.
f. How the use of multilateral agreements promoted/discouraged peace.
g. The pursuit of foreign policy goals without resorting to violence.
h. Arms reduction (reasons for attempts, was it realistic, what were the repercussions, etc)
i. The Depression and its effect on international peace.
Demonstrates mastery of topic. Can elaborate at length, explanations are clear and precise.Written/visual component clearly summarized the main ideas – neither too detailed or too brief.
Organization – all required elements included, ready to go on time, everyone participates and knows their role.
Total (out of 30)