CHAVEY DOWN April 2016


Published by The Chavey Down Association Number 53

Her Majesty, The Queen’s 90th Birthday

St Martin’s Church will be holding a party in the village on Sunday, 11th June to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th Birthday. Anyonewishing to find out more should contact the church office - or 01344 882 933.

St Mary’s School

We are sure you have all see the front page of the Ascot News celebrating our finally getting Chavey Down back into St Mary’s School catchment area. After more than 20 years campaigning this is a huge achievement by your Association. We are very grateful for the continued support of our Borough Councillor Dorothy Hayes and Councillor Tony Virgo – our new Borough Mayor!


We have a very successful Bingo Club in Chavey Down. It has been run by Dave and Monica Whiting now for 10 years. What stars they are and what would we do without them. So a big THANKYOU to you both! Bingo sessions are held at St Martin’s Church Hall, Church Road, Chavey Down every other Wednesday 7.30 pm. It’s a lot of fun and a lovely way to meet neighbours and new friends. It costs £1.00 for a lifetime membership and then £1 entry fee each session which includes a free cup of tea/coffee. People usually buy 6 bingo books at 50p. It’s small cash prizes and there is a raffle.

Don't be nervous of coming along. We were all new once and you will soon settle in. Please phone 01344 884348 for further information or email the Chavey Down Association .


If you are a resident of the village or a Member of the Association, please do join us at our AGM which is being heldis on Friday, 15th 20th May at 7.30 pm in St Martin’s Church Hall. It is a good opportunity to catch up with or meet neighbours as well as to hear about what is happening locally. Traffic is always a topic that comes up - and we have certainly had our challenges over the past couple of months! Please do come along to express your views and concerns, and catch up with everyone afterwards with some cheese and wine

Proposals for Alterations to Rules

The following minor amendments have been put forward by your committee to be made to the CDA Rules:

Rule 4: Membership shall be open to those who are residents of Chavey Down and is secured by payment of the annual subscription and acceptance of membership by the Committee.The membership runs from the time the Chairman opens the AGM until one minute before the AGM of the following year. Subscriptions for the new membership year fall due prior to the commencement of the AGM. Membership can be commenced or renewed at any time.

The Committee reserves the right to terminate the membership of any member, given just cause,returning current subscription (but not any additional donation) and thus terminating any membership rights.

Clarification of CDA boundaries: Chavey Down Road to the junction of but not including Woolford Close and to and including the property known as Hulloch.

Rule 5: Officers and Committee: Four Officers and between 3-7 other members shall form the Committee, making a total of Committee between 7 and 11. Members of the committee can only be elected if they are paid up members in the current year. If a member of the committee is not seen as acting in the best interests of the Association, they may be removed from the Committee by a majority vote of the remaining committee. In addition their Association membership may be terminated as per Rule 4.

Rule 8: Procedures at General meetings: Only visitors, then delete “who have been given permission in advance” and replace with “invited” by the committee may attend an AGM or EGM, however they are not entitled to vote.

Rule 9: No expenditure exceeding a set amount shall be incurred by any committee member without the agreement of a quorum of the committee. Such set amount will be reviewed as required and will be duly minuted.

Rule 13: A copy of the current rules will be permanently displayed on the Web Site (remove “notice board”). Copies of rules are available by request from the Secretary at any time of year, with copies available prior to the AGM starting

Nominations to Stand for the CDA committee

In accordance with our rules we need to report the nominations for the committee which were received by the February deadline. Nominations cannot now be accepted at the AGM but vacancies can be filled by committee co-options during the year.

1) Chairman: Jacquie Lovell

2) Vice Chairman: Colin Yates

3) Secretary:Ruth Timbrell

4) Treasurer:Adrian Hoare

5) Committee members:Eileen Biggane, Paul Davies,Richard Hyslop,Ivan Parr

Richard HyslopIvan Parr, Tracey van Oeffelen

If anyone is interested in joining the committee or would like to find out more about what is involved, please do let one of the committee know as we have vacancies. It’s only 6 meetings per year – we meet on the first Monday ofevery second month at St Martin’s Church Hall at 7.30 pm.

Once again we are looking for volunteers who live in the following roads to join us on the committee: Priory Road, Locks Ride, Birch Lane, Cannon Mews, Bakehouse Court and Heathlands Place. With the current situation regarding the proposed development for Locks Ride, it would be really useful to have a representative from that road.


Residents are reminded that the annual subscriptions are due prior to the start of the AGM. The rates are as follows:-

  • Senior Citizens (age 60 before 1st April 20165) - £1.50£2.00.
  • Individual Membership £3.002.50
  • Family Membership £5.004.00

Your subscription pays for the costs of running the Association and for ad hoc village expenses including the Summer Outing, Christmas parcels and other village events..Please remember that your membership also includesemail alerts on security, planning, and other local issues from the CDA.Any donations contribute towards the senior citizens’ summer outing and Christmas hampers. In addition to the usual donation section of the membership form, this year we have included an additional section within the form to allow people to donate specifically towards the Chavey Down Village War Memorial to enable the village to have a commemorative plaque on St Martin’s Church to honour the men and boys from this village who fought and gave their lives in World War 1.

Heathrow Airport admits flight paths have changed

Heathrow Airport has issued a statement explaining that they had not been informed by NATS (National Air Traffic Services) about critical changes to flight paths that took place west of the airport in June 2014.

Residents in affected areas – Ascot, Binfield, Virginia Water and Bracknell – had complained about the increase in flights over their area but Heathrow Airport consistently argued that as the trials had finished, things had returned to normal. It now appears from Heathrow’s recent statement that they had not been told about the 2014 change.

Prior to the change, aircraft using the departure route were directed across a wide swathe of airspace before moving into the next sector of airspace anywhere within a 13-mile “gateway” at approximately 8,000ft. Since NATS made the change, this gateway for departures has been narrowed to around 7 miles which means that aircraft are now climbing through a narrower area of the existing airspace in order to be in the correct location to go through the gateway. This has resulted in more concentration of departure aircraft activity.

Heathrow has asked NATS to revert to the pre-2014 flight paths, however NATS say that this change was made to improve the safe and efficient management of traffic departing from Heathrow and are not planning to revert. It is imperative therefore that residents continue to complain using the Heathrow website:

For further information residents are also directed to HACAN website

Email Alerts

There are times when it could be quite important for you to be kept up to date with matters that directly affect you and the village. The Association operates a very successful email alert system which has been used to inform residents about issues such as the Gladman proposal on Locks Ride for 88 houses or indeed about potential criminal activity when suspicious people or vehicles have been seen in the area. It also enables us to feedback valuable information from residents to the police and potentially provide leads to help solve crimes.

If you would like to receive these alerts then please do consider becoming members of the Association. For just a few pounds a year it really is a very worthwhile benefit which keeps you well informed and aware of events that could directly affect you (see section under “Subscriptions” for the cost of joining or renewing your membership.

Summer Outing

The Summer Outing for 2015 2016 is on 25th June30th June and this year we are going to Portsmouth.Tina Chapman, our organiser, puts a huge amount of effort in to ensure that your day is fun from start to finish, and there are always lots of surprises (nice ones!) along the way. and our destination is sunny Bournemouth. If you would like to go, are interested in going please contact Tina on 883815. The trip is a free benefit for CDA Members over 60 by 1st April this year, who have been members for the previous 2 years. Accompanying carers and spouses also travel free. Bingo members and their carers go at a subsidised rate of £8.00. Other people arewelcome to fill any seats that are not filled at £15.00. As always, tThe coach leaves at 9 am from Scott’s Mews and returns around 8 pm.


A special thank you to the Borough for undertaking repairs to the footpath through the Memory Garden between North and Church Roads. We are planning tolay additional weedscreen and chippings on 7th May and some additional planting. If anyone wishes to donate a plant in memory of someone, please contact us.

Traffic in Long Hill Road

A Traffic Sub-committee of residents from Bakehouse Court and Long Hill Road has been set up to try to find solutions to the traffic issues experienced in Long Hill Road. If you can help, please get in touch by emailing , or contact one of the CDA committee members. In support of this initiative, the CDA sent a letter to the Borough Highways Department asking for physical traffic calming and a crossing facility. Regretfully BFC have indicated that they do not feel traffic or speeding is an issue in our area. They advised us that there have been 5 slight injury accidents in 5 years with speed not being a contributory factor. They also advise that a 30 mph limit would make no difference to the actual speed used by motorists because of the straight road and that there has been no change in traffic behavior in the last 5 years. They say a pedestrian crossing is not needed because of good visibility. The Winkfield Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group sees traffic and parking in the Parish as one of the major issues.

Bonfires and BBQ’s

The BBQ season will soon be on us, so now is an opportunity to kindly ask you to please be considerate to your neighbours when lighting BBQs and bonfires and to use appropriate equipment and fuel for BBQs. Whilst we all love the smell of food cooking on a BBQ, please remember that lighting fluids and paraffin squares are noxious and a nuisance to other people who want to enjoy their own homes and gardens. Maybe let your neighbour know you are about to light a BBQ so that they have the option to temporarily close their windows and doors, or remove washing from the washing line. Bonfires, are not really appropriate in such a small condensed area, so perhaps you could share a Brown Wheelie bin with a neighbour. Remember that whilst bonfires are not illegal, if they are a nuisance to people then this is an offence under the Environmental Pollution Act 1990.

Newsletters deliveries

Sometimes it can be a little tricky to deliver our newsletters and AGM literature to houses with gated entry that do not have an external letter box or to those houses with letterboxes with those marvellous brushes designed to keep out the draughts. Unfortunately they do give us a little challenge when delivering so please forgive us if you get a slightly scrunched newsletter or you miss an edition … we do try our best to ensure every home in Chavey Down gets a copy.

Footpath 21

The process of confirming its permanent status is progressing. Once achieved, the possibility of installing steps at the London Road end may be considered. That exit is hazardous; being sloped and with obstacles.

Pump Rough Replanting

We are pleased to report that replanting is finally taking place after our constant nagging to the Borough Enforcement team. Our local Councillors will be monitoring this carefully and have said that if it is not done to BFC’s satisfaction, it will be done by them and South-East Water will be billed for it.


15/01006/ful: Lapland. Application for LUK Events Ltd as permission holders to hold permanent winter event. (was temporary) Approved

14/01333/out– Gladman – 88 Houses on Locks Ride. Appeal postponed due to Planning Inspector being unwell. Waiting to be notified of new date.

15/01176/out – Gladman – 75 dwellings on Locks Ride. So far there have been 67 objections from local residents and 1 letter of support from a Bracknell resident. New Application.

15/00309/ful – 108 Locks Ride – Erection of 1 x 5 bedroom house with garage, and 2 x 3 bedroom bungalows and garages. Construction of a new access road. Approved.

15/00383/ful – Change of use of land adjoining WarfieldPark for the siting of up to 82 mobile homes. Pending

16/00030/ful – Denbigh – Erection of part single/part 2-storey rear and side extensions. Approved.

16/00171/PAC – The Brackens, London Road – Approval of change of use of existing office to residential use (32 apartments). Approved. Application16/00299/PAC now in to increase to 33

16/00061/trtpo – Merrymead, Birch Lane – Application to fell 14 trees. Pending.

16/00013/trtpo – Wimbrell, Long Hill Road –Replacement dwelling. In abeyance at appeal

14/01333/OUT – Land at Locks Ride - Outline application for a residential development of up to 88 dwellings with vehicular access from Locks Ride, open space and associated works.

15/00200/FUL – Land at the Yard, Chavey Down Road - Erection of 1 x 5 bedroom dwelling, 1 x 4 bedroom dwellings and 2 x 3 bedroom dwelling following the demolition of the existing structures.

15/00005/3 - St Mary’s School - provides for a ‘surge’ classroom and to extend car parking on King George V playing field. The CDA has requested that we are returned to catchment area and are being supported by parish and local councillors to try to rectify this previous injustice of being cut out of the catchment area for the school that Chavey Down families supported and attended for over 125 years.

13/00746/out Binfield appeal (Important for the Locks Ride Application above). Appeal dismissed but the decision could have been better. Look it up!

14/01255/ful Locks Ride play area - Pedestrian safety scheme comprising a new footpath link into the site from Forest Road at the western end of the car park. The works will also incorporate a new ditch crossing and an optional footpath around the outside perimeter of the car park. Approved.

Winkfield Neighbourhood Development Plan

Chavey Downers are urged to become involved with the production of a Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. Local plans help local communities positively influence development within their area. They help us to ensure that issues that are important to us are recognised and must be taken into account by the powers that be, including Borough Councils and government departments. So if you have issues regarding school places, inappropriate siting of housing developments or want to protect historic landmarks or greenbelt/countryside, then this plan is your opportunity to influence decision making in the place you live! As this is a Parish wide project it is vital that Chavey Down is properly and fully represented. If you are interested in helping contact Anne-Marie Edwards at Winkfield Parish Council on 01344 885110 or by email at . Don’t assume others will do this for you! The Borough Council has promised to help us too.There has been significant progress with this since our last communication. A Steering Committee has been formed which includes representatives from local residents associations and Winkfield Parish Councillors We have appointed a consultant to assist us through this huge project and have been formally designated by the Borough as a Neighbourhood Area. Six topic groups have now been set up: Press and Publicity, Housing Character and Design, Allocating sites for development, The Green Infrastructure, Community Facilities and Traffic and Parking. We are still looking for volunteers, particularlyresidents from Brockhill, and Cranbourne.If you are interested in helping to shape your neighbourhood, please do get in touch by contacting Anne-Marie Edwards, at Winkfield Parish Council by telephoning This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 01344 885110.