Meets at the American Hotel Thursdays at 6:30 PM

John Kenny / Bill Redden
Mark Wyse / Amanda Hayes
Assistant Governor / LIMA TREASURER
Lynn Freshman / Wanda Tubbs

Lima Rotary Website

Rotary Internationals Website

For meeting ofApril 29, 2010

Members Absent:Pat Brady, Maria Conner, Jim Frenck, George Gotcsik, Russ Holsopple, Jim Murray and Tom Wheat.

Guests:Dan Marcellus

Fines:Mike and Amanda returned back from their 3 weeks vacation in Florida and also their 6 day of traveling. Wanda was asked to spin the wheel to determine her fine after telling us how much she liked being in Florida. The wheel stopped on the $7 fine but she volunteered to donate $25 each for her and Mike for a total of $50. Thank you very much Mike and Amanda for your generous donation.

Club Business:President Bill reminded everyone that they need to contact the vendors that they were assigned for our golf tournament. He advised us that we need to have all information in by next Thursday night. He also asked who will

District 7120 Website

be available to help work at the food tent next Saturday. Right now Mike & Amanda and Wanda are going to be there. He also informed us that we will be holding a Board Meeting on May 13th and we will be joining the Honeoye Club on May 20th for our second round of the Euchre Tournament.

Wanda Tubbs was asked to give her impression of the District Conference held last week at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Albany. Wanda told us that that she was very impressed with our RI representative, Past RI President Bill Boyd. PP Bill Boyd gave two very emotional speeches. She encouraged everyone to consider attending next year’s conference that will be held in Gettysburg. President Bill presented to Pat Reynolds, our Literacy chairperson, the award that we won at the District Conference. He also informed the club that we were awarded two first place for our website and the Life Straws program. We also got a second place award for supporting the Honor Guard Flight.

Program:President Bill introduced our guest speaker Dan Marcellus. Dan is the owner of Qwicnet Inc. here in Lima. He is here tonight to talk to us about the HF-Lima-Mendon website and Lima Family Day. Dan explained how each community will be able to add items to this calendar so that it can be shared between each of us. He showed us what it should look like once it is finalized. He hopes that our club will consider signing up so we can add our activities to it.

Dan also talked to us about the Lima Crossroads upcoming Family Fun Day. It is set for August 7th. He explained the changes and additional events that will be held on that day. He is looking for help to run some of the events. He also offered us the opportunity to run the Car Show and sell food there. This is something our club will discuss at our next board meeting.

Queen of HeartsOur pot has now grown up to $177 and our guest Dan was asked to pull out the lucky ticket. He pulled one of Wanda Tubbs tickets and she then pulled the 10 of hearts to win $5.

District Events

June 6th / Rotary Day at Frontier Field
June 20-23 / Rotary International Convention in Montreal
June 30th / District Change Over Dinner at The Esperanza mansion in Point Bluff

Upcoming Programs & Events

The Bloomfield Club will be holding their annual Tasting Extravaganza & Silent Auction onMay16th at the Bristol Mountain. Tickets are available from any of their members for $10. If you are interested President Bill can help you get the tickets.

May 6th / Rotary Golf Tournament program
May 8th / Rotary Community Golf Tournament 8 AM shotgun start
May 13th / Board Meeting
May 15th / Rte. 15A Cleanup 9 AM
May 20th / Euchre tournament with Honeoye Lake in Honeoye
May 22nd / Operation Road Cleanup on Rt. 15A 9 AM
May 27th / Open
June 3rd / Open
June 10th / Board Meeting
June 17th / Callie Rabe-Costa Rica Trip
June 24th / Passing the Gavel Picnic

Quote of the Week

"Nobody can be exactly like me. Sometimes even I have trouble doing it."

Tallulah Bankhead

Joke of the Week

Birthday Miracles...

All of his life Len from Cape Breton had heard stories of an amazing family tradition. It seems that his father, grandfather and great-grandfather had all been able to walk on water on their 21st birthday. On that day, they'd walk across the lake to the boat club for their first legal drink.
So when Len's 21st birthday came around, he and his pal Corky took a boat out to the middle of the lake. Len stepped out of the boat and nearly drowned!
Corky just managed to pull him to safety. Furious and confused, Len went to see his grandmother. 'Grandma, it's my 21st birthday, so why can't I walk across the lake, like my father, his father, and his father before him?'
Granny looked Len straight in the eyes, and said, 'Because, you idiot, your father, grandfather and great grandfather was born in January, you were born in July.'