2011 Nomination – Acizzia veski

Section 1 - Legal Status, Distribution, Biological, Ecological

Conservation Theme

1.The conservation themes for the assessment period commencing 1October 2009 (for which nominations close 26 March 2009) are ‘terrestrial, estuarine and near–shore environments of Australia’s coast’, and
‘rivers, wetlands and groundwater dependent species and ecosystems of inland Australia’.
How does this nomination relate to the conservation theme? / This nomination is for a species that is co-dependent upon another species for its existence in the Stirling Ranges of Western Australia. It does not appear to fall within either of the conservation themes.


2. What are the currently accepted scientific and common name/s for the species (please include Indigenous names, where known)?
Note any other scientific names that have been used recently. Note the species authority and the Order and Family to which the species belongs (Family name alone is sufficient for plants, however, both Order and Family name are required for insects). / Scientific name: Acizzia veski Taylor & Moir, 2009
Family: Psyllidae
Suborder: Sternorrhyncha
Order: Hemiptera
Class: Insecta
Common name: Vesk’s plant-louse (Taylor & Moir 2009)
3.Is this species conventionally accepted? If not, explain why. Is there any controversy about the taxonomy? / Yes, based on a peer-reviewed research publication (Taylor & Moir 2009)
4.If the species is NOT conventionally accepted, please provide:
(i) a taxonomic description of the species in a form suitable for publication in conventional scientific literature; OR
(ii) evidence that a scientific institution has a specimen of the species and a written statement signed by a person who has relevant taxonomic expertise (has worked, or is a published author, on the class of species nominated), that the person thinks the species is a new species. / NA
5.Is this species taxonomically distinct (Taxonomic distinctiveness – a measure of how unique a species is relative to other species)? / Yes, based on a peer-reviewed research publication (Taylor & Moir 2009)

Legal Status

6. What is the species’ current conservation status under Australian and State/Territory Government legislation?



7.Does the species have specific protection (e.g. listed on an annex or appendix) under other legislation or intergovernmental arrangements, e.g. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Fauna and Flora (CITES), Convention on Migratory Species (CMS). / No


8.Give a brief description of the species’ appearance, including size and/or weight, and sex and age variation if appropriate; social structure and dispersion (e.g. solitary/clumped/flocks).


Acizzia veski is a small winged plant-louse (~3 mm) and, as with all species of plant-lice, requires expert taxonomists to distinguish it from other species. For a full detailed description, see Taylor & Moir (2009).

9.Give a brief description of the species’ ecological role (for example, is it a ‘keystone’ or ‘foundation’ species, does it play a role in processes such as seed dispersal or pollination).


This species is a herbivore. As for other plant-lice species, Acizzia veski is a key recycler of nutrients by expelling manna after feeding on the sap of plants. Plant-lice also account for a large part of the diet of many insectivorous birds and predatory invertebrates (e.g., Stone, 1996).

Australian Distribution

10.Describe the species’ current and past distribution in Australia and, if available, attach a map. / Acizzia veski is currently known only from one location (Mt Talyuberlup) within the Stirling Range National Park of Western Australia (see Taylor & Moir 2009). Past distribution is unknown.
11.What is the extent of occurrence (in km2) for the species (described in Attachment A); explain how it was calculated and datasets used. / Acizzia veski is currently known only from one population of its host plant, Acacia veronica in the Stirling Ranges. This population occurs within a 1km2 area. Further populations of plant-louse do not occur on any other known population of Acacia veronica (see Taylor & Moir 2009). Acizzia veski formed a part of a dataset from an ARC discovery funded project on the co-extinction of insects on threatened plant species. For this project, other Acacia and plant species within the area were sampled for the Acizzia without success.
  1. What is the current extent of occurrence?
/ Known from approximately 1km2
  1. What data are there to indicate past declines in extent of occurrence (if available, include data that indicates the percentage decline over the past 10 years or 3 generations whichever is longer)?
/ No past data is available for Acizzia veski. However, its host plant Acacia veronicais listed by the State Government as a conservation ‘Priority’ species because of its confined distribution (it is endemic to the Stirling Ranges) and vulnerability to threatening processes (e.g., see ; Barrett et al. 2008).
  1. What data are there to indicate future changes in extent of occurrence (if available, include data that indicates the percentage decline over 10 years or 3 generations whichever is longer (up to a maximum of 100 years in the future) where the time period is a continuous period that may include a component of the past)?
/ No data is available for Acizzia veski. However, its host plant Acacia veronica is listed by the State Government for ‘Priority 3’ conservation because of its restricted distribution (see ). Key threatening processes most likely include climate change (Barrett et al. 2008), inappropriate fire regime and habitat clearing.Given that only a single population of Acizzia veski is currently known from only one population of Acacia veronica (all other known populations of A. veronica were unsuccessfully searched for A. veski), it is extremely vulnerable to extinction if its host plant population was further threatened. (Most Psyllidae are highly host specific. It is highly unlikely that Acizzia veski occurs on hosts other than Acacia veronica).
12.What is the area of occupancy (in km2) for the species (described in Attachment A); explain how calculated and datasets that are used. / Approximately 1km2, as calculated from Taylor & Moir (2009).
  1. What is the current area of occupancy?
/ Approximately 1km2
  1. What data are there to indicate past declines in area of occupancy (if available, include data that indicates the percentage decline over the past 10 years or 3 generations whichever is longer)?
/ No past data is available for Acizzia veski as it was only discovered in 2007 (see Taylor & Moir 2009). However, its host plant Acacia veronica is listed as a ‘Priority’ species for conservation because of its confined distribution and vulnerability to threatening processes (e.g., ; Barrett et al. 2008).
  1. What data are there to indicate future changes in area of occupancy (if available, include data that indicates the percentage decline over 10 years or 3 generations whichever is longer (up to a maximum of 100 years in the future) where the time period is a continuous period that may include a component of the past)?
/ No data is available for Acizzia veski. However, its host plant Acacia veronica is vulnerable to the threatening processes of climate change (Barrett et al. 2008), inappropriate fire regime and habitat clearing (widening of roads, management of picnic area where population occurs, etc).Given that only a single population of Acizzia veski is currently known, it is extremely vulnerable to extinction if its host plant population was further threatened.
13.How many natural locations do you consider the species occurs in and why? Where are these located?
The term 'location' defines a geographically or ecologically distinct area. / Only one population of Acizzia veski is known at Mt Talyuberlup in the Stirling Ranges (Taylor & Moir 2009). Further sampling did not uncover the plant-louse on any other population of its threatened host plant, Acacia veronica (see also comment on host specificity, above).
14. Give locations of other populations: captive/propagated populations; populations recently re-introduced to the wild; and sites for proposed population re-introductions. Note if these sites have been identified in recovery plans. / No other populations known.
15. Is the species’ distribution severely fragmented? What is the cause of this fragmentation? Describe any biological, geographic, human-induced or other barriers causing this species’ populations to be fragmented.
Severely fragmented refers to the situation in which increased extinction risk to the taxon results from most individuals being found in small and relatively isolated subpopulations (in certain circumstances this may be inferred from habitat information). These small subpopulations may go extinct, with a reduced probability of recolonisation. / This information for A. veski is unknown, although only one population of A. veski has been found on the host plant, Acacia veronica. All other known populations of Acacia veronica have been sampled for A. veski without success (see Taylor & Moir 2009). The other populations of Acacia veronica occur some distance (>10 km) from the population harboring A. veski, therefore it is highly unlikely that A. veski can travel between these isolated populations of its host plant.

Global Distribution

17.Describe the species’ globaldistribution. / Acizzia veski is known only from Australia (Western Australia).
18.Give an overview of the global population’ssize, trends, threats and security of the species outside Australia. / NA
19.Explain the relationship between the Australian population and the global population, including:
  1. What percentage of the global population occurs in Australia;
/ 100%
  1. Is the Australian population distinct, geographically separate or does part or all of the population move in/out of Australia’s jurisdiction (give an overview; details in Movements section);
/ NA
  1. Do global threats affect the Australian population?
/ Climate change (see Barrett et al. 2008).

Surveys and Monitoring

20.Has the species been reasonably well surveyed?
Provide an overview of surveys to date and the likelihood of its current known distribution and/or population size being its actual distribution and/or population size. / In 2007 and 2008 I undertook fieldwork to sample plant species in the Stirling Range National Park and surrounding regions to identify possible co-threatened insects on threatened plant species. Acizzia veski was only found at one site. I have unsuccessfully searched for this species in other entomological collections (e.g., Australian Museum, Australian National Insect Collection, Western Australian Museum, Agriculture Western Australia). As all known populations of Acacia veronica were sampled for the psyllid, it is not possible that Acizzia veski occurs in another location on Acacia veronica. Also, eight other Acacia species and 95 other plant species were surveyed for the psyllid without success.
21.For species nominated as extinct or extinct in the wild, please provide details of the most recent known collection, or authenticated sighting of the species and whether additional populations are likely to exist. / NA
22.Is there an ongoing monitoring programme? If so, please describe the extent and length of the programme. / No

Life Cycle and Population

23.What is the species’ total population size in terms of number of mature individuals? How were population estimates derived and are they reliable? Are there other useful measures of population size and what are they?
In the absence of figures, terms such as common, abundant, scarce can be of value. / Population size is difficult to quantify for most species of invertebrates, especially insects which have a high annual turnover. Compared to other insects, Acizzia veski was relatively common, although restricted to Acacia veronica, at the time of sampling (October/November), with a total of 101 individuals found (xxxxxxxx unpubl. data).
24.Does the species occur in a number of smaller populations? How many? For each population give the locality, numbers and trends in numbers and tenure of land (include extinct populations). Can these be considered to be subpopulations and why?
Subpopulations are defined as geographically or otherwise distinct groups in the population between which there is little demographic or genetic exchange. / The only population known is at Mt Talyuberlup in the Stirling Range. This locality is currently listed as part of the Stirling Range National Park.
25.Provide details on ages of the following:
a. sexual maturity; / Unknown
b. life expectancy; / Unknown, but likely to have one to three generations per year, as per other plant-lice species.
c. natural mortality. / Unknown
For plants: When does the species flower and set fruit? What conditions are needed for this? What is the pollinating mechanism? If the species is capable of vegetative reproduction, a description of how this occurs, the conditions needed and when. Does the species require a disturbance regime (e.g. fire, cleared ground) in order to reproduce? / NA
For animals: provide overview of breeding system and of breeding success, including: when does it breed; what conditions are needed for breeding; are there any breeding behaviours that may make it vulnerable to a threatening process? / This species was discovered in October-November. Nymphs were also collected at the time. As many individuals were found, it suggests that breeding occurs during spring. Breeding conditions are unknown, although A. veski would need access to the host plant, A. veronica, for egg-laying and the successful rearing of nymphs through to adulthood.
27. What is the population trend for the entire species?
  1. What data are there to indicate past decline in size (if available, include data on rate of decline over past 10 years or 3 generations whichever is longer)?
/ No past data is available for Acizzia veski. However, its host plant Acacia veronica is listed statewide for ‘Priority 3’ conservation because of its restricted distribution, and vulnerability to key threatening processes including climate change (Barrett et al. 2008), inappropriate fire regime and habitat clearing.
  1. What data are there to indicate future changes in size (if available, include data which will indicate the percentage of decline over 10 years or 3 generations whichever in longer (up to a maximum of 100 years in the future) where the time period is a continuous period that may include a component of the past)?
/ No data is available for Acizzia veski. However, its host plant Acacia veronica is vulnerable to the threatening processes of climate change (Barrett et al. 2008), inappropriate fire regime and habitat clearing. Given that only a single population of Acizzia veski is currently known, it is extremely vulnerable to extinction if its host plant population was further threatened.
28.Does the species undergo extreme natural fluctuations in population numbers, extent of occurrence or area of occupancy? To what extent and why?
Extreme fluctuations can be said to occur in a number of taxa when population size or distribution area varies widely, rapidly and frequently, typically with a variation greater than one order of magnitude (i.e. a tenfold increase or decrease). / As with other species of plant-lice, A. veski would have extreme natural fluctuations in population size throughout one year, and over many years, because of its short life-cycle and dependence on the quality and presence of its host plant, A. veronica.
29.What is the generation length and how it is calculated?
Generation length is the average age of parents of the current cohort (i.e. newborn individuals in the population). Generation length therefore reflects the turnover rate of breeding individuals in a population. Generation length is greater than the age at first breeding and less than the age of the oldest breeding individual, except in taxa that breed only once. Where generation length varies under threat, the more natural, i.e. pre-disturbance, generation length should be used. / Generation length is unknown, but is likely to be less than 12 months. Most other plant-lice species have three discrete generations per year in temperate Australia, maturing in spring (September-October), summer (December-January) and late summer/autumn (March-May), respectively.
30. Identify important populations necessary for the species’ long-term survival and recovery? This may include: key breeding populations, those near the edge of the species’ range or those needed to maintain genetic diversity. / The only, and therefore critical, population known is at Mt Talyuberlup in the Stirling Range on the host plant Acacia veronica.
31. Describe any cross-breeding with other species in the wild, indicating how frequently and where this occurs. / None known.

Populations In Reserve

33.Which populations are in reserve systems? Which of these are actively managed for this species? Give details. / The only known population occurs within the Stirling Range National Park. It is not actively managed for A. veski.


34. Describe the species’habitat (e.g. aspect, topography, substrate, climate, forest type, associated species, sympatric species). If the species uses different habitats for different activities (e.g. breeding, feeding, roosting, dispersing, basking), then describe each habitat. / Acizzia veski relies on its host species, Acacia veronica, for its survival. Acacia veronica is a small, often spindly, tree (1.5–7 m) restricted mainly to watercourses in the Stirling Ranges of Western Australia, with smaller individuals growing at higher altitudes, and is often associated with marri (Corymbia calophylla) woodlands.
35. Does the species use refuge habitat, e.g. in times of fire, drought or flood? Describe this habitat. / Not known, but unlikely as it relies on the host plant (A. veronica) for survival.
36.Is the extent or quality of the species’ habitat in decline? If the species uses different habitats, specify which of these are in decline. / As noted in Taylor & Moir (2009), I searched for known populations of A. veronica to collect insects, which resulted in five populations of the plant rediscovered, four previously recorded populations found to be extinct, and a newly discovered population located. However, of the six populations of A. veronica sampled, only one yielded A.veski, suggesting that although the host has a low ‘priority 3’ conservation status, the psyllid is critically endangered (Taylor & Moir 2009).
37. Is the species part of, or does it rely on, a listed threatened ecological community? Is it associated with any other listed threatened species? / Yes, A. veski relies upon its host plant for its survival, and the plant, A. veronica, is listed by the State Government for ‘Priority 3’ conservation because of its restricted distribution, and vulnerability to threatening processes such as climate change (Barrett et al. 2008), inappropriate fire regime and habitat clearing.


38.Summarize the species’ food items or sources and timing/seasonality. / Acizzia veski feed on the phloem of the host plant, Acacia veronica. Most species of plant-lice have three discrete generations per year in temperate Australia. Adults are likely to occur in spring (September-October), summer (December-January) and late summer/autumn (March-May), respectively. Eggs and nymphs are likely to occur at most other times of the year.
39.Briefly describe the species’ feeding behaviours, including those that may make the species vulnerable to a threatening process. / Plant-lice feed from the phloem of their host plants (see Moir & Brennan 2007). As A. veski appears to be host-specific to a threatened plant species, A. veronica, it is vulnerable to all threatening processes which affect the plant (see Taylor & Moir 2009).

Movement Patterns (fauna species only)