Thursday 22 October 2015 at 7.00p.m.

At 1 Church Walk, Holmes Chapel, CW4 7AZ

1. Attendance / Cllr S Ranger
Cllr B Bath
Cllr M Blomeley
Cllr D Savage / Mrs NL Clarke – Clerk
2. Apologies / RESOLVED (f15/16/08) to accept the apologies of Cllrs RC Parry and M Ranger
3. Declarations of Interest / None
4. Public Forum / None
5. Minutes / RESOLVED (f15/16/09) to approve the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 16 July2015
6. Matters arising / The external audit has now been received.
HCCC membership fees have been approved and sales will begin shortly by ES&R.
7. Finance reports/update / The Clerk as RFO informed members accounts had been prepared to the 2nd quarter of the financial year. They have balanced and the Bank accounts have been reconciled. Points to consider include:
  • several large payments are committed (£72,000) in the next month including capital payments for SIDs, PCSO contribution, Christmas lights and insurance.
  • costs continue to come in for the HCCC to bring the site into use by ES&R. Legal fees have been higher than anticipated.
The Finance Member reported that he has worked with the Clerk on the current financial position and likely outrun for 2015-16.
RESOLVED (f15/16/10) to accept the reports from the RFO and Finance Member.
8.Banking / Members considered a report from the Clerk on banking arrangements. RESOLVED (f15/6/11) to approve the recommendation to open an account with Unity Trust Bank and close the Barclays account.
9. Review of Financial calendar / The Clerk detailed action taken on items listed and confirmed all items have been completed. RESOLVED (f15/16/12) to amend the calendar to include the HCCC loan repayments.
10. Budget 2016-17 and 5 year plan / The committee considered requests from committees to include in the draft 2016-17 budget and 5 year plan. Work will continue on the budget for the next Finance meeting in December 2015.
13. Chairman’s and Clerk’s Reports. / The Chairman informed the committee of changes to the office and the need for alterations.
Meeting closed at 8.25 p.m.
These minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 10 December 2015 Until approved they are draft minutes.

Signed as Chairman of the Committee as a true and accurate record:
