Mr. Endicott’s Disclosure Statement

Scholars! Welcome to the Fantastic World of Language!

Welcome to our classroom! I hope you are as excited to be back to school as I am. There are many fun and interesting activities planned to help you improve your scholarship (learning) this year. Therefore, we will need to cooperate and maintain an environment that fosters learning in order for each of us to reach our potential. For this reason, I have outlined for you my policy guidelines, expectations, and general class info.

Policy & Guidelines:

There is a certain level of behavior required by the district, the school, Mr. Endicott, and society in general. Copies of the district and school rules are found in your planner or online. All students will be held to these standards so learn them! In addition, I have some specific “Non-Negotiable Rules” that I ask you to follow in our class. They are HERO-ic:

H.  HELPFUL, HARDWORKING, and HONEST – Following directions and guidelines allows everyone the opportunity to enjoy their classroom/learning experiences. Showing integrity means being honest, even with yourself. Be prepared to give your best every day, come ready with the proper supplies, and use time wisely. (Avoid robbing yourself and others of learning moments by napping, goofing, etc.)

E.  EMPOWER Yourself and Others – You have many life experiences that make you unique! We will all learn best when we learn from each other as we journey. EAGERLY ENGAGE in life; it has so many positives. Seek these out! Jump in! Help out! Participate! Participate! Participate!

R.  RESPECTFUL, RESOURCEFUL, and RESPONSIBLE – act accordingly; hopefully, enough said. We all have the right to learn/teach in a safe and welcoming environment. Let’s keep ourselves, our property, and our room in a condition that’s ready to learn.

O.  OBSERVANT, OPTIMISTIC, and OPPORTUNISTIC – Find balance in your day. Practice a Positive Mental Attitude (P.M.A.) throughout your day. There is a huge difference between “I Can’t do That” and “This is Hard for Me.” Make the commitment to give your best. Show up ready for English in English, for math in math, etc. There’s enough negativity in the world; let’s keep our room upbeat and positive. Look for ways to help those around you.

RJHS Consequence Levels*

1. Warnings (S)

a.  Written or Verbal

b.  Teacher-Student Mini-Conference

2. Intervention + Tracking (S)

c.  Teacher-Student Mini-Conference

d.  Student Response & Behavior Goal

e.  Parent Notification (FYI: Citizenship)

3. Parent Contact + Tracker (N)

f.  Call/Text and/or E-mail home

g.  Parent-Student-Teacher Conference

4. Parent-Teacher Conference + Tracker (N)

h.  Parent-Student-Teacher Conference

5. Office Referral (N-U)

i.  Administrative Referral

*Severe Behavior Clause:

Removal from Class: Time-Out Room; ISS Administrative Conference; etc.

The Rewards!!!!!

1. Positive Praise – verbal recognition

2. Positive Notes/Calls/E-mails Home

3. Personal Rewards (Razors, treat tickets, etc.)

5. Class Rewards (Games, treats, etc.)*

We cover these rules in class in greater detail, so if you have any questions please ask! Follow these rules in order to have fun learning this year.

*Treats: Store-bought. Please let me know of any food allergy concerns. J

Just a note:

Remember –

Whoever you are, whatever you are, you are bound to be some body’s hero someday.

Whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not.

And because you are their hero, they are going to become a little like you.

Whether you want them to or not.

Bea good hero!

-Neal A. Maxwell via Mr. Laryrn Jones J


Scholars, you are to take an active part in the class! This participation not only helps you learn better, but it also helps the class grow as a whole. There will be at least one-to-two major writing assignments each term, along with a major reading text (novel or unit). Students, you are to turn your best, completed work in on time. This demonstrates responsibility and maturity on your part. For my part, I will hold you to these timelines while providing the support to help you accomplish them. For example, the Reading Logs are recorded nightly and turned in weekly (due TUESDAYS).

Generally, a standard day in my class will involve a combination of the following activities: Bell ringers; skill builders; writing (journals, reflective, portfolio); reading; communication (listening, viewing, speaking); and various assessments.


Parents, the PORTAL system is fantastic! You have “anytime access” to your student’s grades. Updates are automatic after 11:00 P.M. each night, but look for changes/updates at least every Thursday, or sooner. Two grade notices are sent out each quarter (Mid-terms & Finals). If your student is in danger of failing, I will make every effort to contact you via phone, e-mail, or text (provided current contact information is given). The Mid-term reports, the PORTAL updates, and the DFI-notices also act as notifications. I invite you to take advantage of these communication tools. If you do not have access to the Internet, you and/or your student can access their accounts from school or the public library. Also, if you do not know your account number or access code, please contact the Student Center (801-476-5272). Please contact me via e-mail, phone, or text, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments as well.

General Class Info:

We use a variety of texts in our Language Arts classrooms. All textbooks are provided here in a classroom set (so that students don’t have to be responsible for four (4) or more books for one class). Any book used in this classroom may be checked out as needed for OVERNIGHT use by coming in BEFORE or AFTER school.

A note on hall passes: Punch-Passes are provided each quarter. The students may use these as needed for permission out of class, or to cover tardies. They may also turn them in at the end of each quarter for extra points. As ‘emergencies’ may arise, students are encouraged to use hall passes wisely.

Again, welcome to our family here at Roy Junior. Let’s have a great year! Together we will accomplish many great goals with our students. Please contact me as needed.


Mr. Endicott

School: 801-476-5260 Your Fellow Scholar

Cell: 801-644-2548

Blog: E-Mail:


I have read Mr. Endicott’s disclosure statement. I understand and agree to follow all rules, as mentioned. I agree to do my best in learning, and allow others the same opportunity.

Student’s Name / Signature: / Date: ______

*I have read Mr. Endicott’s disclosure statement. I understand and agree to support my student’s positive behavior and education.

Guardian’s Name / Signature: ______/ Date: ______

Current E-mail: Contact Phone: