Surrey City Council

Tuesday January 3, 2017

Regular Meeting

7:00 pm


Mayor: Jason Strand. Council Members: Rod Hjelden, Lindsay Coca, Karla Walsh, Travis Dalby and Jared Klimpel; City Administrator: Jason Vaagen. Police Officers: Sergeant Coca. Officer Kircher. PW Employee: Kastner. Planning & Zoning President: Kimberly Shaw. City Engineer: Trevor Tharaldson and Brent Erickson.


Discussion ensued regarding Chapter 8 of the City ordinance. Council requested that revisions be made and presented at the next meeting.


Mayor Strand called the Public meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Hjelden/Walsh made a motion to approve the bond resolution for the issuance of MIDA bonds for the Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. All Aye.

Mayor Strand called the Regular meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Review & Approval of Minutes and Financial/Other Reports

Mayor Strand read the consent agenda. Klimpel made a motion to approve the minutes for the December 5, 2016 meeting. Dalby seconded. Roll Call: All-aye. Discussion ensued.

Mayor Strand asked for a motion to approve the financial reports, including bills to be paid for $74,881.83 (an itemized copy of the bills are attached to the minutes) and payroll for $78,247.59 Hjelden made a motion to approve the financial reports and bills to be paid. Klimpel seconded. Roll Call: All-aye.

Monthly Business

Pack 403 addressed Council regarding Building a Better World. Various Boy Scouts asked questions of the Council. Discussion ensued.

Unfinished Business

Mayor Strand brought up the skating rink. Discussion ensued.

Public Works Department

City Administrator Vaagen addressed Council regarding Snow Removal. Discussion ensued.

City Administrator Vaagen Addressed Council regarding hours of the Public Works Employees. Discussion ensued.

Discussion ensued regarding the PW Department keeping emergency responders access to the roadways open. Council concurred this needs to be done to ensure best potential response time.

Police Department

Sergeant Coca addressed the Council stating the calls for service in 2016 are down compared to 2015.

Sergeant Coca also stated that it is Chief Howe’s intention to address the next class at the academy to let candidates know of the opening after the resignation of Officer Schrage.

Discussion ensued regarding potential review of staffing needs in the Police Department.

Sergeant Coca was commended for his hard work taking calls during the storms.

Engineer’s Report

Tharaldson addressed Council regarding the Engineer’s report. Discussion ensued.

Tharaldson indicated the city’s TAP application was completed and submitted Friday and the City should hear regarding this in March.

Tharaldson also addressed Council regarding the electrical punch list at the water tower. Discussion ensued.

Tharaldson requested to yield the floor to Erickson regarding further discussion on the water tower.

Erickson indicated that there is a potential warranty issue on the tower property, but the City is able to still provide quality drinking water to the residents while troubleshooting the issue. Erickson provided the Council with a timeline for the troubleshooting.

City Administrator

City Administrator Vaagen provided Council an update regarding the quiet zone.. Discussion ensued.

City Administrator Vaagen provided Council with information regarding the potential for Emergency funding. Discussion ensued.

Additions to the Agenda

City Administrator Vaagen addressed Council regarding PW Employee Kastner’s 90-day evaluation and recommendation for a wage increase of $1/hr. Discussion ensued. Klimpel/Dalby made a motion to increase PW Kastner’s wage by $1/hr. retroactively. Roll: All Aye

City Administrator Vaagen addressed Council regarding the Mayoral Proclamation of a Snow Emergency. Discussion ensued.

January 4, 2017

Jason Vaagen, City Administrator Date Submitted

Jason Strand, Mayor Date Approved