The followingtravelguidelines applytoallOPPemployeesand arein accordancewith

Penn StateTravel policy.

General Guideline: Travel fortrainingandeducational programs is discretionaryand has to be approved bythe designated supervisor, manager, and director. Reimbursement of expenses incurred in travel fortrainingoreducation is intended to cover additional expenses an employeeincurs, overand abovethose which would be incurred iftravel had not occurred.

Specific Guidelines:

1. Staff employees atOPPmaymaketheirown travel arrangements, effective immediately. Requestsfortravel for trainingandeducation programs aremadeon the OPPTravel RequestForm andareforwarded to the supervisor/manager/directorfor approval. Onceapproval is granted, forms can be returned to thestafftravelerto maketheirownarrangements. HR will continue, forthe timebeing, to maketravel arrangements for staffwhorequest theservice and for alltechnical service employees. Incomplete requestsformsforwarded to HR for arrangementswillbe returnedfor completion prior to processing. Travel requestsshould besubmitted as far inadvanceofthetravel dateor conference as possible. Requestssubmitted at least fourweeks prior to thetravel datewillbe given first priority.

2. Staff employees willnot be given cashadvances fortheirtravel. Acredit card or purchasing card is to beused forreservations and expenses.A personal credit card or purchasing card numberis neededfor all hotel reservations. Cashadvances provided to Technical Service employees must be settled withinten (10) days ofreturningfrom thetrip.

3. Themode oftravel will be themosteconomical useof time and moneyof the personnel involved and the requirements of thetrip. Consideration willbemade as to thenumberof employees traveling, distance, etc.

4. To be reimbursedfor airtravel, theticket passenger receiptfrom theairlinemust be attached to theTravel Expense Account Form when submitted for reimbursement.Travel agencyinvoices orcreditcard receipts arenot acceptable. Bagcheckfees up to $25.00 each waywillbe reimbursed. TheUniversitywillnot payformorethan one checked bag.

5. Fleet vehicles maybedriven onlybyUniversityemployeesat least21years of age who hold a valid appropriate class operator's license. Vehiclesarenot to beused

fornon-Universitybusiness. Fines incurred mustbepaid bythe individual and will not be reimbursed bytheUniversity. Vehicles must be pickedup the daytheyare

to beused and maynot betaken to an individual'shome. OPPdoes not purchase the zero deductible coveragewhenrentinga fleetvehicle; therefore,employees should not check the"zero deductible"boxon thefleet checkout form.

6. Useof privately-owned vehicles forUniversitytravel is discouraged, but maybe donewith theprior approval of theAVPor adesigneebysubmittingaRequest to UsePrivate Vehicle to the AVP. If permission is granted to useapersonalvehicle, mileage fortravel will bepaid for mileageinexcess of that normallydriven from home to work. The financial loss fordamageto aprivatelyowned vehicleusedon business is not reimbursable bytheUniversity.

7. Extra expenses incurredbecause of atraveler's own convenienceor bytaking along aguest willnotbe reimbursed bythe University. For example, if several employees aretravelingin a Fleet vehicle but another personwishes to drivehis or her own vehicle, or travel byair, that travel expensewillnot be reimbursed. Extra mileage and expenses forindirect routes willnot be reimbursed; reimbursement for expenses will be based on such charges as wouldhavebeen incurred bytraveling the most direct route.

8. Parkingand toll chargesareallowable travel expenses.Receipts are required for reimbursement ofparkingexpenses. Whenever possible, receiptedbills or stamped tickets fortollsshowingtheexact payment shouldbesubmitted.

9. Rental automobiles maybe requested when the overallcost of therental is less than the cost of otherreasonablyconvenient means of transportation, suchas taxicabs or airport limousines, or when thereis noothermeans of transportation. Other circumstances whererental cars maybe allowable: 1. Extended stays(over 4 days) in non-metropolitanareasforuse toget eveningmeals. 2.Circumstances where a rental car is themostcost effectivemeans of transportation to andfrom

the training. Anyemployeeon travel status renting avehiclefrom Nationalusing the Big10 ratemustDECLINE theoption for anyadditional collision insurance. Rentals from other agencies mustACCEPT theoption to eliminatethe collision deductible.

10. Lodgingexpenses shallnot exceed the normal maximum rate forasingle room.

The receipted bill specifyingdatesand rates must be attached to theTravel

Expense Report when submitted.Creditcard receipts arenot acceptable.

11. Tips, except formeals, will notbe reimbursed (i.e.valet parking, bellhops,room service, taxi).

12. Meal expenses and tips related to meals:

  • will be reimbursed via the meal and incidentals per diem. The cost formeals consumed is reimbursedbased on rates shown onthe Travel OnLionweb page( whichestablishes themaximum amountthat willbereimbursed.
  • Employees will claim per diem for individual meals. Employees may, at their own discretion, submit actual expenses for meals if less than per diem. In no case will receipts for individual meals be required.
  • However, itemized receipts are required from the employee hosting a business group meal.
  • TheUniversitywillnot reimbursethe costs for alcoholic beverages.
  • If meals are provided by a conference or host, then the meal per diem for that trip will be adjusted to correspond with the meals that were provided. In the event that all meals for a day are provided by a conference or some other source, no meal per diem can be claimed for that day.

13. When requesting reimbursement forgroupmeetingmeals, thenatureof the function, names ofthe persons inattendance,andappropriatereceipts must be submitted. The costsincurred for such meals mustbeprudent, reasonableand in

the best interest of the University. A GroupMealSupport Form must be filled out. See FN-10,

14. Optional recreational activities (ex. dinner cruises,tours oflocal sites, etc.)willnot bepaid forbytheUniversity,unless included in the regular registration fee.

15. Therewillbeamaximum of $5/dayof miscellaneous expenses reimbursed. These expenses can includethings likethe cost ofaphone callhome, etc.

16. Travel expense reimbursementswillnot be processed until all signed receipts are submitted. Reimbursement submitted within 2 weeks of returningfrom travel will begiven first priority.

Directors can makeexceptions to theseguidelines, forunusual circumstances. Issued: 7/1/90

Revised: 5/29/91;9/30/91;8/25/93;11/10/95;10/27/99;6/25/02;4/22/03

;10/11/07;08/12/11; 10/16/13; 3/25/14; 3/4/16

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