Volume II (editors: Bart van Ark and Robert Stehrer)

1Introduction (Bart van Ark and Robert Stehrer)

2Europe in global perspective (Bart van Ark, Mary O’Mahony and Marcel Timmer)

3 KLEMS in OECD (Jorgenson, Ho and Timmer)

4. Germany, France and UK (Bernd Görzig, Laurence Nayman and Mary O’Mahony)

5.Denmark, Sweden and Finland (Martin Junge, Hans Olof Hagén and Matti Pohjola)

6.Italy and Spain (Matilde Mas & Carlo Milana)

7Austria, Belgium and Netherlands (Michael Peneder, Chantal Kegels and Henry van der Wiel)

8Central and Eastern Europe (Robert Stehrer)

9Japan and Korea (Kyoji Fukao and Hak Pyo)

10Projection of long term growth in European Union (Jorgenson and van Ark?)

Time schedule: Volume II

February 07: full proposal to publisher

March 07: outline paper Volume II + feedback (discussion at 16/17 March – breakout session)

April 07: contract with publisher

May 07: working papers on Volume II

November 07: first draft Volume II

January 08: final manuscript Volume II

Autumn 08: publication Volume II

Provisional set up of first EU KLEMS Productivity Report:

Features (2 pages each):

-Introduction (1 page) + description of EU KLEMS (box)

-Description of major productivity trends in EU at industry level (Bart van Ark)

-France, Germany and UK (authors from Vol II)

-Nordic countries (authors from Vol II)

-Spain & Italy (authors from Vol II)

-Austria, BelgiumNetherlands (authors from Vol II)

-Central and Eastern Europe (authors from Vol II)

Columns (1 page each):

-Policy perspective (Commission)

-Monetary policy perspective (ECB)

-Business perspective (The Conference Board)

Also put productivity report with database on CD-ROM or memory stick?

Time schedule: productivity report

End January 07: outline productivity report (Bart)

Early February 07: Groningen delivers

  • 4 introductory tables (+ shift share contribution to LP growth?)
  • Time periods: 1970 (1976) – 1995 and 1995-2004
  • Actual and detrended (with HP, 100)

Mid February 07: deadline features for productivity report:

  • deliver 2-4 pages to Bart (a bit longer than the actual feature but not too long will be edited)
  • brief general description focus on 1 key topic

End February: draft of report + feedback from authors

Early March: in production

Time schedule: database

20 January (!): response to check reports

20 January (+) Comments & new data delivery

20 February: final version available for internal use

15 March (afternoon): public release of database and productivity report

16/17 March (afternoon): WP7-10 research