Test in Functional stylistics for the 4 year students.

1. The word “style” is derived from …

A)  Greek

B)  French

C)  German

D)  Latin

E)  Russian

2. Special media of language which secure the desirable effect of the utterance are called…

A) functional styles

B) transferred meanings of the words

C) polysemy

D) stylistic devices

E) synonymy

3. Name one of the problems of functional styles.

A)  Interrelation between language and thought

B)  aesthetic function of language

C)  oral and written varieties of language

D)  emotional coloring in language

E)  Transferred meanings of the word

4. Emotional coloring in language is the object of …

A)  Theoretical phonetics

B)  Theoretical grammar

C)  Special lexicology

D)  Contrastive linguistics

F)  Functional styles

5. What does semasiological stylictics study?

A) peculiarities of the sound organization of speech: rhythm, alliteration etc if they are used in a stylistic function.

B) expressive possibilities of word-order, types of sentences, types of syntactical constructions.

C) functions of the transferred meanings of words and word-combinations (metaphor, simile, metonymy etc.)

D) stylistic possibilities within different grammatical categories adherent to this or that part of speech.

E) different layers of the vocabulary: dialect words, terms, colloquial words, slang, foreign words, neologisms etc

6. What is official style?

A) It covers such genres as essay, feature article, public speeches etc.
B) Official style observes in the majority of information materials printed in newspapers;

C) It is found in articles, brochures, monographs and other scientific and academic publications
D) Official style is represented in all kinds of official documents and papers.

E) Official style covers numerous genres of imaginative writing.

7. What is publicist style?

A) It covers numerous genres of imaginative writing.
B) Publicist style is represented in all kinds of official documents and papers.
C) Scientific style is found in articles, brochures, monographs and other scientific and academic publications.
D) It observes in the majority of information materials printed in newspapers;
E) Publicist style covers such genres as essay, feature article, public speeches etc.

8. The belles-lettres style has the following substyles:

A) the language style of oratory; the language style of essays;the language style of feature articles in newspapers and journals
B) the language style of poetry; the language, style of emotive prose; the language style of drama.
C)the language style of brief news items and communiques; the language style of newspaper headings; the language style of notices and advertisements.
D)the language style of brief news items and communiques; the language style of newspaper headings; the language style of notices and advertisements.
E) the language style of humanitarian sciences; the language style of "exact" sciences; the language style of popular scientific prose.

9. Expressive possibilities of word-order, types of sentences, types of syntactical constructions are studied in …

A) Semasiological stylistics
B) Grammatical stylistics
C) Syntactical stylistics
D) Lexical stylistics
E) Phono- stylistics

10. Name one of the functions of the language…

A) distinctive function

B) an aesthetic function

C) recognitive function

D) constitutive function

E) descriptive function

11. Irony is …

A) an EMs

B) belongs to the category language-as-a-system

C) is a SD and always contextual

D) is always trite and hackneyed

E) belongs to the category language-in action

12. Metonymy is based on …

A) identification of dictionary and contextual meanings of a word

B) association of dictionary and contextual meanings of a word

C) interplay of emotive and logical meanings of a word

D) similarity of two objects, concepts or phenomenon

E) similarity of three objects, concepts or phenomenon

13. As clear as a bell is a …

A) periphrasis

B) euphemism

C) hyperbole

D) simile

E) proverb

14. The biggest little town is an…

A) epithet

B) oxymoron

C) epigram

D) antonomasia

E) irony

15. A figure of speech that implies a direct likeness between two unlike things

A) metaphor

B) metonomy

C) irony

D) oxymoron

E) epithet

16. Genuine metaphors are mostly used in

A) newspaper articles

B) oratorical style

C) emotive prose

D) scientific language

E) the style of official documents

17. In the examples "heart-burning smile", "voiceless sands"

A) the adjectives indicate the property inherent in the object

B) the adjectives do not indicate any property inherent in the objects

C) the adjectives point to a feature which is essential

D) the adjectives don't strike the reader by their novelty

E) the adjectives point to a feature which is proper

18. Such words and set expressions as 'well', 'so to say', 'you see', 'you know', 'you understand', 'and all' are …

A) morphological forms of the spoken language

B) ellipsis

C) fill-ups

D) bookish "space-wasters"

E) syntactical forms of the spoken language

19. In case of Zeugma polysemantic verbs with unlimited valency are combined with…

A) nouns which are homogeneous members but not connected semantically

B) subjectively evaluative adjectives

C) logical attributes

D) objective adjectives

E) structural adjectives

20. Unexpected Metaphor is called

A) genuine

B) hackneyed

C) stale

D) trite

E) original

21. A mild or inoffensive word substituted for one that is considered gross, indelicate or taboo.

A) euphemism

B) epigram

C) hyperbole

D) quotation

E) simile

22. The most powerful EMs of any language are

A) morphological

B) phonetic

C) lexical

D) syntactical

E) word building

23. What is included into a group of SDs known as “play on words”

A) hyperbole

B) irony

C) oxymoron

D) zeugma and pun

E) metonomy

24. Lexical stylistic devices are …

A)  Ellipsis, inversion

B)  Chiasmus , repetition

C)  Synecdoche, irony

D)  Polysyndeton, asyndeton

E)  Rhetorical question

25. Syntactical stylistic devices are …

A)  Rhetorical question, repetition

B)  Antonomasia, epithet

C)  Hyperbole, oxymoron

D)  Irony, synecdoche

E)  Metaphor, metonomy

26. Lexico-syntactical stylistic devices are …

A) Hyperbole, oxymoron

B) Metaphor, metonomy

C) Periphrasis, antithesis

D) Irony, synecdoche

E) Chiasmus, repetition

27. He opened up a wooden garage. The doors creaked. The garage was full of nothing.

A) Metaphor

B) Metonomy

C) Oxymoron

D) Chiasmus

E) Epithet

28. The hall applauded is a …

A)  Epithet

B)  Simile

C)  Personification

D)  Metonomy

E)  Periphrasis

29. Into a singularly restricted and indifferent environment Ida Zobel was born.

A)  Epithet

B)  Inversion

C)  Simile

D)  Metonomy

E)  Irony

30. «Very windy, isn’t it?»- «Very.»- «But it’s not raining.»- «Not yet.»

A)  Elliptical sentence

B)  Inversion

C)  Simile

D)  Metonomy

E)  Irony

31. Which words aim at secrecy?

A) jargonisms

B) dialectal words

C) slang words

D) professionalisms

32. Bread-basket is a …

A)  slang word

B)  term

C)  jargon

D)  professionalism


33. Slang words are …

A)  words used in a definite trade, profession

B)  words that are crude or offensive in language

C)  words whose use is generally confined to a definite locality

D)  words whose aim is to preserve secrecy within one or another social group

E)  special vocabulary used by any set of persons of a low or disreputable character

34. The language style of oratory belongs to …

A)  the publicist functional styles

B)  the newspaper functional styles

C)  the scientific functional styles

D)  the official document functional styles

E)  the belles-lettres functional styles

35. The language style of brief news items and communiques belongs to …

A)  the publicist functional styles

B)  the newspaper functional styles

C)  the scientific functional styles

D)  the official document functional styles

E)  the belles-lettres functional styles

36. The language style of “exact” sciences belongs to …

A)  the publicist functional styles

B)  the newspaper functional styles

C)  the scientific functional styles

D)  the official document functional styles

E)  the belles-lettres functional styles

37. The language style of drama belongs to …

A)  the belles-lettres functional styles

B)  the official document functional styles

C)  the scientific functional styles

D)  the newspaper functional styles

E)  the publicist functional styles

38. The language style of notices and advertisements belongs to …

A)  the belles-lettres functional styles

B)  the official document functional styles

C)  the scientific functional styles

D)  the newspaper functional styles

E)  the publicist functional styles

39. The language style of poetry belongs to…

A)  the publicist functional styles

B)  the newspaper functional styles

C)  the scientific functional styles

D)  the official document functional styles

E) the belles-lettres functional styles

40. The function of the Publicist Style is …

A)  Aesthetic- cognitive

B)  Regulative

C)  Social influence and public opinion manipulation, informative

D)  Communicative

E)  Rational cognition

41. The main object of stylistics…

A) Intonation structure of the language

B) Description of the vocabulary of the English language in respect to its origin, development and current use.

C) Specific study of language elements and their usage in speech

D) Descriptions of the vocabulary of the English language in respect to its origin, development and current use.

E) word combinations and types of sentences.

42. What are functional styles?

A) special media of language which secure the desirable effect of the utterance

B) expressive means

C) emotional coloring in language

D) individual manner of the author in making use of language

E) The types of texts that are distinguished by the pragmatic aspect of communication

43. Oral and written varieties of language are one of the objects of …

A) Functional styles

G)  Theoretical phonetics

H)  Theoretical grammar

I)  Special lexicology

J)  Contrastive linguistics

44. What does lexical stylistics study?

A) functions of the transferred meanings of words and word combinations

B) different layers of the vocabulary: dialect words, terms, colloquial words, slang, foreign words, neologisms etc

C) stylistic possibilities within different grammatical categories adherent to this or that part of speech.

D) expressive possibilities of word-order, types of sentences, types of syntactical constructions.

E) peculiarities of the sound organization of speech: rhythm, alliteration etc if they are used in a stylistic function.

45. What is the object of syntactical stylistics?

A) different layers of the vocabulary: dialect words, terms, colloquial words, slang, foreign words, neologisms etc

B) peculiarities of the sound organization of speech: rhythm, alliteration etc if they are used in a stylistic function.

C) functions of the transferred meanings of words and word combinations

D) stylistic possibilities within different grammatical categories adherent to this or that part of speech.

E) expressive possibilities of word-order, types of sentences, types of syntactical


46. What is belles-lettres style?

A) It is represented in all kinds of official documents and papers.
B) Belles-lettres style covers numerous genres of imaginative writing.
C) It observes in the majority of information materials printed in newspapers;
D) Belles-lettres style covers such genres as essay, feature article, public speeches etc.
E) this style is found in articles, brochures, monographs and other scientific and academic publications

47. What is newspaper style?

A) It covers numerous genres of imaginative writing.
B) Newspaper style is found in articles, brochures, monographs and other scientific and academic publications.
C) Newspaper style observes in the majority of information materials printed in newspapers;
D) It covers such genres as essay, feature article, public speeches etc.
E) It is represented in all kinds of official documents and papers.

48. The majority of information materials printed in newspapers are observed in …

A) publicistic style
B) official style
C) newspaper style
D) Belles-lettres style
E) scientific style

49. Different layers of the vocabulary: dialect words, terms, colloquial words, slang, foreign words, neologisms etc are studied in …

A) Semasiological stylistics
B) Grammatical stylistics
C) Morphological stylistics
D) Lexical stylistics
E) Phono- stylistics

50. Name one of the functions of the language…

A) distinctive function

B) recognitive function

C) pragmatic function

D) constitutive function

E) descriptive function

51. Metaphor is based on…

A) similarity of two objects

B) simultaneous realization of two logical meanings - dictionary and contextual

C) identification of two objects

D) association connecting two concepts which this meaning represents

E) contrary concepts

52. Epithets which don't lose their poetic flavor and used in ballads and folk song are called…

A) associated

B) fixed

C) traditional

D) speech

E) reversed

53. Oxymoron is…

A) A figure of speech that implies a direct likeness between two unlike things

B) The use of one name for something closely associated with it

C) A statement in which the intended meaning is the opposite of the literal meaning

D) A word or short phrase that aptly describes and labels a person or thing

E) A rhetorical combination of contradictory terms for special emphasis

54. Thousand pardons is a …

A) hyperbole

B) simile

C) periphrasis

D) euphemism

E) metonomy

55. A young middle-aged woman is an…

A) epithet

B) oxymoron

C) epigram

D) antonomasia

E) irony

56. The use of one name for something closely associated with it

A) metonomy

B) oxymoron

C) epithet

D) metaphor

E) irony

57. Figurative (transferred) epithets are formed of …

A) metonymy and simile

B) zeugma and pun

C) irony

D) oxymoron

E) antonomasia

58. The word containing irony acquires…

A) the primary meaning

B) the opposite to its dictionary meaning

C) the dictionary meaning

D) the opposite to its contextual meaning

E) the opposite

59. Two epithets joined by a conjunction or asyndatically are

A) single epithets

B) pairs of epithets

C) chains of epithets

D) two-step epithets

E) simple epithets

60. Riddles and jokes are often based on the use of…

A) zeugma

B) pun

C) simile

D) nonsense of non-sequence

E) epithet

61. A short, pointed statement, often humorous or satiric …

A) euphemism

B) epigram

C) hyperbole

D) quotation

E) simile

62. The dimunitive suffixes –y, -ie, -let are examples of EMs used at ______leve1.

A) morphological

B) phonetic

C) lexical

D) syntactical

E) word building

63. Lexical stylistic devices are …