MBA Board Meeting Minutes

Friday, June 12, 2009 10:00 am

O’Malley’s – Canyon Ferry Lake

Taken by Jim M. Gappa and Joelle Selk

Meeting Minutes (Joelle Selk)

The meeting was called to order at 10:20 am. Jim requested a motion to skip the minutes reading. Motion by Jason Tounsley, seconded by Brendan Burns, motion passed. Motion by Roger Peffer to accept the previous meeting minutes, seconded by Marvin Drake, motion passed.

Jim Gappa stated we would try a different format for this meeting and set primary focus toward strategic issues.

Tentative Committee (Steve Kamps)

Jim announced that Don Davidson and Rosey feel we need to file a lawsuit against the FWP Department for limiting bowhunter opportunities in Montana, due to the new limited elk archery regulations applied to the “other 23” hunting districts. They feel that until the MBA files a lawsuit against FWP, the MBA will continue to be viewed as a “marshmallow” organization. What they are implying is the MBA has a voice, but no real power and FWP will continue to do anything without regards to the MBA. The Board did not feel we should pursue this option.

Steve Kamps asked for a discussion of the “23 Other Districts” (23OD) proposal in regards to the limited elk archery permit regulations. Jason distributed information regarding permit and draw statistics this past year. There were 4,040 total permits in the 23OD, which included the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice of both residents and non-residents. He talked about his conversation with Dan Vermillion. The 2009 permit numbers will be 100% of the previous years’ applications (4,080). Vermillion seemed to be open to solutions we present within the permit system. Jason would like to formulate some ideas and solutions, with our initial efforts focusing on HD 590, which Vermillion cited as the most problematic area. Jason handed out info specific to HD 590 and several articles about elk population management and landowner-generated solutions (i.e. Devil’s Kitchen).

Jason had also spoken with Quentin Kujala, who was receptive to brainstorming sessions with us and regional biologists. FWP is currently reviewing elk numbers and planning for public meetings around the state. Jason suggested we write the biologists to request elk management numbers be reassessed.

Ray Gross wanted to see a survey done to gain the membership’s opinion on Limited Entry Districts (LEDs). Several stated we could add relevant questions to the upcoming survey.

Steve Kamps asked what direction the Tentatives committee should take. Jason requested a subcommittee comprised of those that hunt the specific 23OD areas to further assess options and formulate solutions. Jason and Steve advanced the idea of a working group to work within the Tentatives committee. Board decided to form a subcommittee which will work by way of email communication. Jason took volunteers. Ongoing status reports will be posted on the Board member forum. Mark Seacat expressed a need to have a clear-cut message and policy on the 23OD and limited permits.

Jim called for a discussion regarding an MBA Position statement regarding opposition to limited elk archery permits that are not based on biological reasons. (HD 321). Ray Gross presented information about concerns in HD 321. He and several other supporters would like to see MBA advance the idea of an LED in 321. He expressed concern over the loss of quality bull hunting in SW Montana. He stated their group feels HD321 has peculiarities due to the elk movement into ID during the rifle season. He stated it is thought archery is the primary hunting pressure source. He has been working with others to get FWP to change the Elk Management Plan objectives. Currently, the regs allow for either sex harvest. Ray’s group wants to see brow-tine only. During the ensuing discussion, the Board generally cautioned against promoting limitations which will hurt archery opportunity. Steve Kamps presented FWP statistics which suggested very little would be accomplished by limiting archers. [Insert FWP stats here]. Ray asked that the MBA give some type of endorsement to the idea. The Board decided we would remain a neutral body on this issue. Individuals would be free to sign Ray’s petition if they chose.

The Board discussed archery only season for mountain lions and black bear. Billy Lewis suggested we ask for an August 1 opener and later spring dates. Others pointed out that the likelihood of getting later spring dates was slim, and that we should take a conservative approach with the fall opener. Motion made by Billy Lewis to propose an Aug. 15 archery only fall bear season to the commission. Motion seconded by Roger Peffer, the motion passed.

The Board felt any attempt to modify the current lion season would raise the ire of the houndsmen. It was decided that the chances of getting a lion during an archery only season were very marginal, so the Board declined to pursue it at this time. Motion made by Billy Lewis to maintain the status quo on mountain lion seasons. Motion seconded by Marvin Drake, motion passed. An action item was requested to add questions to the survey regarding archery only bear and lion seasons.

The Board discussed requesting an extended archery only season for antlerless elk in HD 290. Suggested that we request the season be extended until Jan. 1.

Financial Statements (Leah Kailey and Sue Miller)

Leah distributed financial summaries and charts. She reviewed the current financial status and the results of the Great Fall Convention (breakdown of income, expenses, etc.). Membership is currently at 706 members, so we need to do work to get delinquent members back.

We had a newsletter discussion regarding the difficulties in working with Century Publishing. Multiple checks were needed due to additional charges demanded by Century. Due to these issues, Leah recommended we discontinue business with them.

Regional Meeting Reports

Region 1 – Paul Martin presented an MBA plate design. He suggested this would be a good fundraiser for the MBA. We will need to get clarification on the plate design specifications from the Dept. of Motor Vehicles and get someone to come up with a final design. Motion made by Paul martin that the MBA will pursue design of an MBA license plate not to exceed $5000. Seconded by Ray Gross, motion passed.

Region 2 – Brent Hunsucker passed along an interest for an early turkey opener.

Region 3 – Brendan Burns and Billy Miller. Brendan reported 30 members attended his regional meeting, and he signed up 15 new members. The group discussed HD 321 and they opposed limited permits there as well as the 23OD. Billy reported the FWP counts for elk in the Gallatin area are down. Local members want to see a Sept. 15 opener for antlerless elk.

Region 4 – Adam barker and Roger Peffer. Membership opposed to limited entry in HD321, with a mixed response on limited entry in 23OD. Roger urged the Board to send in comment regarding the proposed Marias State Park and archery hunting opportunities therein.

Region 5 – Jason Tounsley reported a mixed response on the 23OD.

Region 6 – no attendees.

Region 7 – no attendees.

Region 8 – Craig Marr, Marvin Drake, Joelle Selk. Discussed a work party with membership. They were open to the idea and made suggestions about which ranches to assist (BMP and others). Marvin discussed plans for additional signage in HD290. Craig discussed new director of FWP and need for us giving input as to direction.

Membership Survey (Jason Tounsley)

Jim expressed the importance of the survey format, since in years past we have not had a good return. Others suggested a “blended format” of both website and paper. Steve kamps reported we have 435 member emails and need to get more. Website should help with this effort over time as people sign up. Steve expressed concern over technical controls of the website, i.e. survey monkey-wrenching. Marvin took an action item to research the controls which may be in place to prevent vote manipulation. Marvin took an action item to finalize submitted survey questions to ensure they are non-leading and easy to understand prior to posting them.

Example survey questions:

·  Support or Oppose limited elk archery in the “Breaks” -

HD 417, 410,700,620, 621, and 622?

·  Support or Oppose limited elk archery permits in the “other 23” hunting

districts – HD 401,403, 441, 450, 411, 412, 426, 511, 530, 420, 447, 455, 500, 570, 502, 575, 510, 520, 580, 590, 702, 704, and 705?

·  Would you support or oppose limited elk archery permits based on

biological reasons?

·  Would you support or oppose limited elk archery permits based on Social


·  Should the MBA be involved in ATV Legislation?

MBA Income Tax Issue (Steve Sukut)

Steve Sukut reported the MT Dept. of Revenue has taken exception to our particular non-profit status in regards to donation reporting. He will investigate with our accountant Rocky Torgeson. We may need to set up a foundation that people can donate to and allows them a “tax write-off”.

Convention Committee (Ernie McKenzie)

No speaker booked as of yet. Send ideas to Ernie.

Magazine / Website Committee (Steve Sukut / Marvin Drake)

Magazine quality slipped a bit with Journal Publishing’s issue (Spring 2009). We need to continue researching best quality printer/cost. Billy lewis suggested PFL in Livingston. Jim took an action item to work with Steve Sukut with Century Printing. Ad sales will continue to be critical to continue funding the full-color magazine. Jason Tounsley wanted to continue pursuing a promotional packet which we can hand off to business to enhance our ability to sell ads. Steve Sukut needs additional assistance with magazine workload. Joelle suggested separating the Magazine Committee from the Website Committee and adding more active board members to the magazine committee. Marvin will chair the Website Committee, with additional members of Joelle, Adam, and Steve Kamps. The Board discussed requests for links to other organizations. Board determined we will handle these on a case-by-case basis.

Merchandise (Brent Hunsucker)

Sitka gear sold well at the convention and we will be ordering more. Brent is reviewing the inventory. We will not be ordering garments in the basic colors in the future, as camo patterns sell better.

NABC (Jim Gappa and Billy Lewis)

Billy explained current issues and the importance of involvement with the NABC. Crossbows and adaptive equipment will continue to be a familiar chord, and the NABC network will help us stay abreast of developments nation-wide. The Board agreed we will continue to send a representative.

Public Relations (Mark Seacat)

Joe Esperanza of Sportsman’s Access is putting together an article for Big Sky Outdoor news describing what the MBA does. He’s looking for reasons why individuals should become members – please send him input.

Ron Aasheim conversation: FWP is producing a landowner/hunter relations commercial.

Legislative Update/Discussion (Joelle Selk and Billy Lewis)

Billy gave an update regarding finalizing modifications for Ryan Jennings’ equipment. Jesse had assisted in getting and tuning the bow and George Bolender of the NY Bowhunters assisted with contacts for the wheelchair setup. Billy reported Ryan seemed satisfied with how things are progressing. Mark Seacat and Jesse will work on a PR article to be submitted to the Bozeman Chronicle. This will put a positive spin on the previous “David and Goliath” article written during the legislative session which made the MBA appear to be callous to Jennings’ concerns. Joelle took an action item to work with FWP on the PTMAE packet and its distribution to all regional offices.

Lucas Zemlicka reported on the Sportsman’s Legislative Alliance meeting in Bozeman on June 9th. The purpose of the meeting was to form potential alliances prior to the Legislative and/or Tentative processes so we can all be more effective. Group discussed ways to encourage voters to elect sportsman-friendly legislators and other officials, billboards advertising sportsman issues, and the possiblility of forming a larger group “Sportmen for Wildlife.”

General Board Topic or Issues (Anyone)

Fostering relationships with other Organizations (NASP or ATA – youth): Joelle asked whether the Board wanted to currently pursue direct financial support of either NASP or ASAP. Board does not feel we can afford outlay at this time.

MBA Board member participation during discussions on our website. Jason discussed importance of individual expression being separate from Board affiliation. Individuals need to be very careful in how they present ideas on the forum and with other groups. No statements can be made regarding Board endorsement unless the Board has an official policy.

Jim discussed the Jack Creek Preserve hunt raffle. Dan Bertus won, but cannot accept (he’s too young). Board discussed the possibility of giving the hunt to this year’s winner of the Shafer Award. Jim will pursue the matter with Dan to get his opinion.

2nd Annual Montana State Bowhunters Championship (Saturday, June 20th).

Next Board Meeting (Jim Gappa)

Saturday, December 4th, 2009

Billings, Montana (Ernie will make arrangements with Hotel)

Adjournment (Jim Gappa)

Motion to adjoun was made by Billy Lewis and seconded by Adam Barker.