“unified as one”

Ephesians 4:1 – 7

“I Will Be a Unifying Church Member” – Ch 2

In our second of a six-week sermon series, we continue to reflect on the significance of being a biblically functioning church member. Every member is vital to the body of Christ, and unity in the church is critical to the fulfilling of its’ mission in reaching a lost world.

A unified church is a force that is terrible to behold against the powers of darkness and the forces of evil. Ultimately, unity in the church will influence the culture around us. Likewise, a disjointed church is impotent, vulnerable, and ineffective.

§  In fact, disunity is detrimental to the cause of Christ because ______


§  Time and time again, we who proclaim unity are ______



§  At Ebenezer, we are open to learning the importance of being “united as one” and ______


– in our text –

§  The Bible teaches that God designed the Church and the Believer to exist as one. ______



The Relevant Question > “What is unity a big deal?”

1 – unity results from ______

§  Unity is the result of our Lord ______


§  In John 17:21, Jesus asks for church unity. ______


§  Unity is a reflection of the Trinity: ______


§  Unity is an expression of our relationship with God thru Christ ______


§  Unity is a testimony to a lost world ______


Unity is also a product of the glory of God in us ______



2 – unity is powered by ______

§  Unity is actually powered by ______


§  Keep in mind, unity is not a product of ______


§  Please note that we are to bear with each other ______


§  In John 13:35, Jesus tells his disciple that ______


§  In Col. 3:14, Paul tells us that ______



3 – unity generates ______

§  Names on the church roll do not constitute unity. Unity is more than mere union. ______


§  Gossip and idle or negative talk will destroy unity in the church. Gossip and slander are sins. Gossip is any conversation that backbites or spread rumors about another person. ______


§  Gossip is destructive to the church and tears at the fabric of unity. How should we respond to the issue of gossip in our church? FIRST - ______


SECOND - ______


§  Unity can defeat gossip as it generates ______


§  In Matt. 6:14-15, Jesus states ______


§  That is, our unity with each other generates ______


§  In Col. 3:13, Paul affirms that we should ______



§  Unity in the church points people to the truth of God’s love and plan to redeem humanity. Unity enables the church to win the world. ______

