Military Resistance: / / 5.24.14 / Print it out: color best. Pass it on.

Military Resistance 12E10

[Thanks to SSG N (ret’d) who sent this in with caption. She writes: “This just about sums up our ‘patriotism.’”]

Chosen Memories Day

From: Dennis Serdel

To: Military Resistance Newsletter

Sent: May 23, 2014

Subject: Chosen Memories Day

Written by Dennis Serdel, Vietnam 1967-68 (one tour) Light Infantry, Americal Div. 11th Brigade; United Auto Workers GM Retiree


Chosen Memories Day

After some close fighting

the Captain pulled us back

to an open space

& says “This is where we will stay tonight.”

A Pfc says, “Captain, what about that

unexploded B-52 Bomb in the middle?”

“Jesus Christ,” said the Captain.

Standing in line, The Buck Sarge said,

Where is your duffle bag with all your shit?”

The Soldier hands him a paper

from Headquarters that saying everything

was destroyed by mortars

& what you see is what your get.

The Soldier stood there in a dirty t-shirt,

ripped pants, worn out jungle boots,

his helmet, his M-16 & he laughs.

Sitting on the open ledge of a chopper

in the air on another assault

the chopper suddenly tilts

so the Soldiers are looking

at the ground, one grabs a hand rail

to hold him & when they land

“I’m glad I grabbed that rail”

& the other says, “I know it, but when

we leveled off, I looked behind me

& I was holding onto the handle of

my entrenching tool,” & we laughed.

The Platoon has been hit so many times

with the enemy on high ground

& the Platoon on the low ground

that the Ltn. & the squad

leader who have been together

for 11 months & are hit again,

the Ltn says to the squad leader

“What are we going to do now?”

then they look at each other

& start laughing.

In from the Boonies, back to the base camp,

sitting in the Mortars hooch, smoking

& joking, they had a record player playing

“Magical Mystery Tour,” then they are

hungry at 2:30 in the morning,

hump to the Mess hall breaking the lock,

grabbing some long bread, cheese

& leftover roast beef & chocolate milk

in a big floppy plastic container & a big can

of peaches that took one man to carry it

back to the hooch, eating & laughing,

the peaches are the best part.

The replacement is a black kid

who shoots off his trigger finger,

sending him to a Hospital Ship

patching him up, goes back to

Headquarters where he is

CM-ed & flys back home

to be DD-ed from the Army.

When the guys find out, one says,

“I can’t do that,”another says, “Why? Can’t

you pound your pud with one finger off?”

then everybody starts laughing.

Walking on a jungle path

with a limb sticking out, the guy

ahead pulls the branch back

& hits the guy behind him hard

right in the face. He yells, “You

dirty cocksuckers, if anybody

does that again, I’m going to shoot them,”

then everybody starts laughing.

Back at Base Camp, a grunt is in a big

tent, trying to get some sleep with

a big light on where five other guys

are playing cards & won’t quit.

So he takes his 16 & unloads on

the light, shooting it out.

When the guys in the morning find out,

they think it is funny & then one guy

says, “The best part is, the cunts

in the back here thought they were

being attacked.” & they all start laughing.

Effy went to church every sunday

back in the States, he is so fragile

everybody thinks he will be killed

but now Effy is sitting on some sandbags

with a joint in one hand & a bottle

of whiskey in the other. One of the guys

walks up & says, “Effy, how are you doing?”

Effy inhales on the joint then takes a

a slug of whiskey and says “I’m

doing great” & then they start laughing.

Tom went into Duc Pho & bought

a watch for the next day in the boonies.

The next day in the jungle the guys

were heating up Ham & Motherfuckers,

Beef Stew & others with C-4

& Tom’s watch stopped. He took it

apart & found part of a Bud

beer can & the guys start laughing.

written by Dennis Serdel for Military Resistance


Fixin’ To Die Rag: 1969

[And Two More At No Extra Charge]

Fortunate Son:

We Gotta Get Out Of This Place:


Jessica Lynch Rescuer, Martin Barreras, Dies In Afghan Attack

Command Sgt. Maj. Martin R. Barreras. U.S. Army

May 17, 2014 Associated Press

Tucson, Ariz.

A U.S. Army soldier from Tucson has died from wounds suffered during an attack in Afghanistan, the Department of Defense announced Thursday.

Command Sgt. Maj. Martin R. Barreras died Tuesday in San Antonio Military Medical Center, officials said. He had suffered wounds earlier this month when his unit was attacked in Herat Province, Afghanistan, the Department of Defense said.

Barreras was part of a special forces team which rescued Jessica Lynch in 2003, as The Christian Science Monitor reported.

“On March 23, 2003, a 19-year-old Army private first class Jessica Lynch, was working as a supply clerk for the 507th Maintenance Company when the convoy she was in was ambushed in Nasiriyah, Iraq. Lynch, who was seriously injured in the crash and hospitalized, was rescued by a nighttime special operation raid by U.S. Army Special Forces, Air Force Pararescue Jumpers , Army Rangers, and Navy SEALS on April 1, along with the remains of eight soldiers.”

Intense media interest in her story, initially characterized as the first rescue of an American woman POW, fueled controversy and dispute. While she received military honors including the Bronze Star, Prisoner of War and Purple Heart medals, she later testified before Congress that the Pentagon had “chose to lie and make me a legend.

The 49-year-old Berreras enlisted and served with the Marines for five years, before joining the Army, and became a member of the 75th Rangers Regiment. When he was wounded, he was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Infantry, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division in Fort Bliss, Texas. The 1st Armored Division, also known as “Old Ironsides,” dates back to before World War II.

“He could have been sitting behind a desk. Some say that’s maybe where he belonged at that age. But no, Barreras was not that kind of guy. He wanted to be right there with his guys,” Tuscon News Now quoted the commander of American Legion Post 132, addressing veterans there for their regular meeting.

In a statement, Rep. Ron Barber, D-Tucson, called Barreras a brave member of the United States Army.

“Command Sgt. Maj. Barreras’s death is a reminder that although the United States is winding down our combat role in Afghanistan, we still have men and women who are placing themselves in harm’s way every day,” Barber said. “I thank each one of them, as well as their families, for their service and for their sacrifice.”

Barreras is survived by his parents, Ray and Gloria, two brothers, David and Andy, wife Melinda, three children, Calvin, Amice and Victorria, and three grandchildren, Collin, Noah and Claire.



27 Police Officers Capatured By Afghan Taliban:

“The 27 Officers Were Hiding In A Cave”

“Some 50 Other Officers In The District Hiding In The Area Escaped”

05/22/14 Pakistan Times

Taliban fighters captured 27 police officers during an assault on a north-eastern province in Afghanistan, authorities said Thursday.

Gen. Fazeluddin Ayar, the police chief in Badakhshan province, said that the 27 officers were hiding in a cave during the Taliban attack Wednesday in Yamgan district.

The Taliban took the officers hostage and police have launched an effort to try and find them, Ayar said. Some 50 other officers in the district hiding in the area escaped, Ayar said.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack in a message to journalists. The militants routinely execute security forces they capture.

Insurgents ambushed several police checkpoints in Badakhshan province, killing at least six police officers in Yamgan district, Ayar said Wednesday.

The fighting started late Tuesday and lasted into Wednesday.

Reinforcements were sent to the site, but the police were forced to pull back from the area and were fighting the Taliban forces from surrounding mountains as army helicopters flew overhead, Ayar said.

Five insurgents also were killed, and three policemen were wounded, he added.

The Taliban said its fighters had raised the movement’s white flag above the district headquarters.

Badakhshan province, nestled in the Hindu Kush and Pamir mountain ranges and bordering China, is one of the most remote in the country.

The area has seen few attacks from insurgents following the 2001 U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan. A recent landslide in the province killed hundreds in a rural village.

More Resistance Action


May 19 2014 By Ghanizada, Khaama Press

At least three Afghan national army soldiers were martyred following improvised explosive device (IED) attack.

Defense ministry spokesman, Gen. Zahir Azimi said the three Afghan national army soldiers were martyred following IED explosion in the past 24 hours.

Azimi did not disclose further information regarding the exact location of the incident where the three of Afghan soldiers martyred.


May.20, 2014 WNA

KABUL At least five Afghan national army (ANA) service members were killed in the past 24 hours, an official said Tuesday.

Gen. Zahir Azimi, Afghan Defense Ministry Spokesman told media that the Afghan soldiers have been “martyred” during improvised explosive device (IED) blast, but didn’t disclose the exact location.

The spokesman said Afghan army casualties in 2013 had been 3.8 percent daily mostly originated from explosives devices attacks.


May 21, 2014 By Ghanizada, Khaama Press

According to local authorities in southern Zabul province of Afghanistan, the Taliban militants killed at least six policemen who were captured a week ago.

The officials further added that the policemen belonged to Afghan Local Police (ALP) forces were captured while they were on their way Naw Bahar district.

Deputy provincial governor Mohammad Jan Rasoolyar said the dead bodies of the policemen were recovered on Tuesday from the same district where they were captured.


05/22/14 Afghanistan Times

KABUL: At least nine people including three soldiers were injured as a bomb went off in Ghazni city, the capital of Ghazni province on Thursday, an official said.

Governor’s spokesperson, Shafiq Nang, said militants planted explosives on a bicycle went off when a number of soldiers were waiting in a queue in front of a local bank to receive their salaries. “Nine people including three Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were injured in the blast,” he said.

All injured persons were shifted to the nearby hospital by security forces, he said.

Meanwhile, a witness speaking on condition of anonymity said that around 12 people were injured in the blast, some of them are in critical condition.


May.22, 2014 by Ghulamullah Habibi, WNA

JALALABAD: At least three policemen had been wounded during a spate of anti-militants conflicts in eastern province of Nangarhar, an official said Thursday.

Police spokesman Hazrat Hussain Mashriqiwal told Wakht News Agency that the clash had been erupted last night in Khiwi district’s Kodyali area, where an insurgents’ local police checkpoint attack triggered a clash between the two sides.

The exact number of the rebels’ casualties was not clear, but three local policemen had been killed and some arms including two Machinegun rifles had been seized by police, the spokesman said and Khiwi district chief Malik Zamari confirmed.

The wounded had been rushed to the nearby hospital and taken under treatment, the district chief said.




“400 Sahwa Council Members And Policemen Desert Their Posts And Join Revolutionaires In Bou Assaf Area Of City Of Ramadi”

[Iraqi Resistance -- Weekly Report From Iraq]

(May 10-16 2014)

May 17, 2014 IRAQ COMMITTEE INFO USA via Uruknet

In total disregard for Iraqi civilian lives AlMaliki is hitting rebelling cities with explosive barrels some made in Iran and using AlMuthana airport to launch his hateful campaign.

Meanwhile on May 10th in AlNoaymeyeh south of AlFallujah the resistance destroys 5 tanks and 13 Hummers. In Nineveh province the resistance ambush criminal army in Ein AlJahsh area kill 20 and capture 9 criminal soldiers.

Diyali province in AlSaadeyah area double explosive kills 2 SWAT criminals and 8 soldiers.

Salah ElDein province on Suliman Beik-Karkouk highway convoy carrying criminal commander Baker Zibari is targetted by 6 explosives planted by the resistance that lead to several dead and injured including the criminal Zibari who is reported to have been transferred to an Irbil hospital.

Babel province Jarf AlSakhar area ambush leads to 20 criminal soldiers killed or injured when planted explosive devices are detonated by the resistance.

May 11, 10 Hummers and tens of criminal soldiers killed in AlKarmah, Banat AlHasan area fighting.

AlTameem province, liquidation of Safawi agent police chief Saqr in attack in AlAbassi area. Attack on check point in AlRashad area of Karkouk by tribal revolutionaries kills all criminal Safawi forces manning the post.

The heroic Iraqi Resistance intercedes a so-called elite force convey on Djeil-Balad road and engages it with fire-arms killing 11 and wounding 13. Five vehicles were burned in the attack and two damaged. The resistance takes over weapons and equipment from the battle.

In Baghdad, Tarameyah area tribal revolutionaries kill 22 of criminal federal police militias.

The resistance launched several attacks on May 12 that resulted in liquidating several criminal commanders in AlAnbar province with tens of soldiers killed and wounded throughout the province.

In Nineveh several army headquarters, surveillence towers, and checkpoints were stormed by the resistance with many criminal soldiers killed, wounded, or captured prisoner.