RBG Community Cohesion Small Grants Fund: Project Proposal Form

Please fill in the project proposal form below and then send it to by 31stMarch 2016. You may wish to discuss the outline of your project with your Development Officer at GAVS for some initial feedback before submitting your proposal. Tel 0208309 8231 or email . Before completing this form please read the Funding Proposal Form Guidance Notes.

About your group

Name of your Group:
Main contact:
Position in group:
Postal code:
Email address of main contact:
Main telephone number:
Are you a charity / Yes No
If no do you have a constitution / Yes No
Does your Organisation have a bank account / Yes No
If no, which organisation will hold these grant funds if your application is successful

About the project

Project Title Give your project a short title so it can be easily identified (Max 10 words)
What do you want to do and how you are going to do it? Please describe your project and what activities you intend to carry out/how you are going to deliver this project(No more than 750 words):
Which Priority does this project address? (please tick all that apply – however remember that it is unlikely your project will meet all the priorities)
Supporting new and emerging communities to access services
Reducing social isolation
Supporting individuals with specific disabilities e.g. autism, spina bifida etc
Supporting the community and individuals to understand their rights under the Care Act
What is the focus of your project? (Please tick all that apply).
Culture and recreation (e.g. art, sport, music, history)
Community cohesion and engagement
Social activities (e.g. fun days, bingo, lunch clubs)
Health, wellbeing and personal and social development
Financial hardship
Training and education
Community safety (e.g. crime, anti social behaviour, safety initiatives)
Other (please specify)
How many of the beneficiary groups listed below will you be working with? (Please write a number in the second column) Please note your project should focus predominantly on adults above the age of 18.
Older people
Minority ethnic groups
Low income groups
People with various disabilities
People with mental health problems
People with a specific disabilities (please specify)
People with learning disabilities
The whole community
Other (please specify)
Please name the venue where the project will take place?
How large an area do the people involved in the project come from? (Please tick all that apply).
Within the local community (i.e. a ward area or smaller)
Within the local area e.g. Woolwich or Greenwich or Thamesmead or Eltham etc.
Within the whole of the Royal Borough of Greenwich area
Don’t know
What is the start date for the project and when will it be completed?
Is the timetable for the delivery for this realistic?
Start date (must be after end April 2016): / End date (must be before end of March 2017):

The Local Community

How many people will be involved in organising and running the project?
What will their role be? (Please tick all that apply).
Development roles (e.g. coaching and training)
Manual roles (e.g. gardening, clean-ups, maintenance)
Marketing and promotion
Coordination and planning (e.g. event organising)
Creative roles (e.g. script writing, performing, directing)
Social support, advocacy and advice (e.g. befriending)
Other (please specify)
Which of these Outcomes will your Project contribute towards?(Please tick all that apply but remember it is unlikely your project will achieve all the listed outcomes).
People have an increased sense of self-worth
Reduced experience of inequality
Adults with disabilities and other vulnerable adults are more independent
Adults with disabilities and other vulnerable adults have increased physical and mental well-being
More adults with disabilities and other vulnerable adults are full and equal members of and contributors to society
Fewer adults with disabilities and other vulnerable adults are socially isolated or excluded.

Project Budget

Total Project Budget (please double check your breakdown below equals the total project cost) / £
How much are you applying for? / £
Breakdown by cost:
Item / Cost £
If your project costs are more that you are asking for, please explain where the remaining funding is coming from
How does your project represent good value for money?
How will you provide us with information to show the numbers and types of people who have benefitted from the project and how they feel they have benefitted?
Mandatory report on the improvements/impact the project has made
Data taken from sign up sheets/attendance lists
Data/information taken from surveys/interviews
Before and after case studies
Other (please specify)

Please send your completed application to by5pm,31stMarch 2016