The Education Edge 7.85.52, Patch Readme

The patch readme lists the issues resolved in each patch. It’s updated one business day after the patch is released.

Last Updated August 19, 2013

Blackbaud, Inc.

7.85.52, patch 1

Integration (EE)


Contact number sharing options are changed after running synchronization

When running synchronization either automatically every 15 minutes or manually, the system is not pushing the Share options for contact information across to all records. For example, contact type of M/Cell is listed as Not Shared on John Smith (student) and does not appear for Mary Smith (John's mother), and Mike Smith (John's father). When changing this to Shared, the contact information now appears for the Student and Individual records in The Education Edge; however, it does not appear on the relationship record of John Smith to his father, Mike's constituent record.

Registrar's Office 7 (EE)


Incorrect count of credits received in the Student Requirements tab

When viewing the requirements tab on a student record, awarded credits are greater than the required credits as configured in the diploma setup.


Opening saved report with open button opens wrong report.

When opening a saved report by highlighting the saved report parameter and clicking the open button, the incorrect report parameter opens.

Student Billing 7


Payment split between students leaves one student with a credit balance and the other with a partially paid charge

When a payment is split between siblings and the Business Rule is set to distribute payments proportionally based on the balance using the overall balance, the payment distribution leaves one student with a credit balance and the other with a partially paid charge.

The Business Rule uses a calculation to determine how much of each payment should go towards each child. The calculation takes the amount owed by the specific student and divides it by the total amount that the payer owes. This creates a decimal that is then multiplied by the amount of the payment, giving an amount


Error: General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] String or binary data would be truncated. Native error: 8152 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The statement has been terminated. Native error: 3621 when printing refund check

When printing a refund check where the Print Check to field is set to a specific payer, the following error displays:

Error: General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] String or binary data would be truncated. Native error: 8152 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The statement has been terminated. Native error: 3621