Honors World Geography Summer Assignment 2016

National Geographic Articles

Welcome to Honors World Geography! In this course, you will learn about geography, history, and cultures from around the world. As we start this journey around the globe, you will learn about another culture by choosing from the list of articles in National Geographic. To read the article, you must sign up on the website for a free account at www.ngm.com. Once you sign up, they have every magazine online since 2005 under the heading, “Archives”. After reading the article, you will need to type responses to questions. The responses must be in MLA format, 12 point Times New Roman. If you have any questions, please let me know at .

National Geographic has changed their website throughout the summer. If the above directions do not work, please try the following BEFORE contacting Erin McGee.

To access the articles, complete a general Google search. You should still log into your free National Geographic account. When searching for the article, type in the article title, National Geographic, and published date and year on the Google search screen.

Ex: Search for, "Fast Lane to the Future India, National Geographic October2008"

The article usually appears within the first two or three links that Google makes available.

If you are looking for a specific article on the list, but are not able to find or access it, please inform Erin McGee at .


After you read your article, answer the following: 70 points

1. Describe in at least 6 detailed sentences the physical geography from the article. This should include the characteristics of the climate, landforms, rivers, lakes, and or climate.

2. Summarize the article in at least 150 words with details.

3. Explain the issues or questions the article raises on the topic. (At least 6 detailed sentences.)

4. Explain the relevance to the world today. (At least 6 detailed sentences.)

5. Research the author of the article and explain his or her background. (At least 6 detailed sentences.)

6. Explain the point of view of the author. Point of view means their perspective or opinion on the topic. How has their life experience influenced his writing? (At least 6 detailed sentences.)


Visual: 30 points

Design the cover of your own magazine!

On an 8”x11” cardstock paper, design your own magazine cover. You must have the map

You must have the map of the city, region or country, one or more visuals that capture the story, captions or quotes from the article, and picture of the author. It must be original (not the same cover from NGM) and presented in a professional, creative way.


National Geographic Articles

South Asia

“Fast Lane to the Future: India”October 2008

“Faces of the Divine” January 2008

“India’s Nomads” February 2010

“Why K2 Brings Out the Best and Worst in Those Who Climb It” December 2015

“Asia’s Wildlife Trade” January 2010

“Answers from Angkor” July 2009

East Asia

“China’s Instant Cities” June 2007 “First Skiers” December 2013

“Bitter Waters” May 2008

“Gilded Age Gilded Cage” May 2008

“Shanghai” March 2010

Southwest Asia

“Ancient Soul of Persia” July 2008

“Syria: The Chaos of War” March 2014

“Afghanistan’s Lost Treasures” June 2008

“Guest Workers” January 2014

“Bethlehem 2007” December 2007

“Pakistan’s Heartland Under Threat” July 2010

“Opium Wars” February 2011

“Child Brides” June 2011

“Baghdad After the Storm” July 2011

“Fraternite in Marseille, France” March 2012

“Nile Journey: Egypt in the Moment” May 2012

“Yemen” September 2012

“David and Solomon” December 2010

“Afghan Women” December 2010


“Great Barrier Reef” May 2011

“Koala Rescue” May 2012

“Australia’s Lost Giants” October 2010


“Sicily’s Mummies” February 2009

“Sugar” August 2013

“Melting Alps” February 2006

“Coastal Norway” November 2013

“Vesuvius Countdown” September 2007

“Brunelleschi’s Dome” February 2014

“Roman Walls” September 2012

“Sochi, Russia” January 2014

“East London” August 2012

“Seine River, Paris” May 2014

“Cleopatra” July 2011

“Roman Boat” April 2014

“In the footsteps of the Apostles” March 2012

“Siberia’s Medical Train” June 2014

“Da Vinci Revealed” February 2012

“Anglo Saxon Gold” November 2011

“King James Bible” December 2011

“Vikings and Native Americans” November 2012

“Stonehenge” June 2008

“Alps Tunnel” March 2011

“Under Paris” February 2011

“Viking Weather” June 2010

“Greenland Melt Zone” June 2010

“Unseen Titanic” April 2012

The Americas

“Cuba’s New Now” November 2012

“Sacred Cenotes” August 2013

“Rio De Janeiro” October 2012

“Native American Horses” March 2014

“Inca” April 2011

“Gulf of St. Lawrence” May 2014

“Brazil’s Maroon People” April 2012

“Exotic Pets” April 2014

“Greatest Aztec” November 2010

“Utah’s Dinosaurs” May 2014

“Mexican Saints” May 2010

“War Dogs” June 2014

“Nasca” March 2010

“Yukon Gold Fever” February 2014

“Path of the Jaguar” March 2009

“Easter Island: If only they could talk…” July 2012


“Hatshepsut” April 2009

“Living with Lions” August 2013

“King Tut’s Family Secrets” September 2010

“The Hadza” December 2009

“Animal Mummies” Nov. 2009

“Mbuti Pygmies” September 2005

“Lost in the Sahel”April 2008

”Hip Hop Planet” April 2007

“Telltale Scribes” January 2011

“The Sahara’s Tuareg” September 2011

“Africa’s Albertine Rift” November 2011