Otselic Valley FFA News

Otselic Valley FFA has been busy the past two months. The highlight of the winter, so far, was when State FFA Secretary, Ivy Reynolds, came to visit our chapter for the day on January 14, 2014. Her enthusiasm and excitement were contagious as she talked about teamwork, putting our best foot forward and sharpening our communication skills. We practiced these concepts with several hands-on activities. The most fun was practicing our communication skills through the head-band game. It is kind of like “Charades” only in reverse.

We are still working on the finishing details in our shop. Now that the welding booth ventilation system is operational, we have been sanding, priming and painting cabinets to use for the many fasteners and other small items commonly used in many of our projects. It will be nice to get them put away instead of looking through all the boxes.

We are looking forward to the upcoming District #4 FFA competitions held at Afton Central School this year and the Farm Show in Syracuse. Our two Envirothon teams are working to prepare for the regional Envirothon competition in April at Highland Forest.

Our reporter, Christopher O’Hara, has been working on our FFA website. You can check it out by going to the school website at www.ovcs.org, go down the yellow boxes on the left until you come to “Teacher Websites” and click on that box. That will change the titles in the yellow boxes on the left. Go down the new titles on the left until you find “FFA and Betty Robinson” and click on that box. We hope you enjoy our efforts. Please don’t be too critical. We are still learning the process and have to work out some kinks yet, but we want to use it to highlight our members in a more detailed way. If you have ideas, please send them to our advisor, Mrs. Robinson.

Once we get more familiar with the mechanics of actually making the website, in addition to a Junior FFA section we want to add a historical section to pay tribute to the many fine Georgetown, South Otselic and Otselic Valley former FFA members. This is where you, the community, will play an important part. We would like you to lend us your pictures and FFA news. We would like to scan these articles and pictures to be used in this section. You still keep your mementos and we get the information. It is a win-win situation. If at all possible, please have the dates, names and what was happening in the picture for us to use, too. This month, we have included in our newsletter information, a picture of previous FFA members given to us by a community member. If you know who they are, please let our advisor, Mrs. Robinson, know. We are hoping that this will be a fun and active web site for many people!

Respectfully submitted,

Christopher O’Hara

FFA Reporter