SHORT TERM E-NIT NO. 42 OF 2014-15
For and on behalf of Governor of J& K State , e-tenders on item rate basis are invited from approved and eligible contractors registered with J&K State Govt. for the following works:-
S.No. / Name of the Work / Estt. Cost of work (Rs in Lacs ) / Earnest Money / Time for completion / Class of contract / Cost of tender document / Major Head / Tender receiving Authority1.. / Permanent Restoration of F.P work on Either Side of Lidder Nallah at Village Adder by way of laying of Crates . / 7.26 / 14520/- / 10 days / CEE/DEE / 800/- / State Plan F.R of
09/2014 / Executive Engineer Flood Control Division Anantnag
2. / Permanent Restoration of F.P work on Either Side of Lidder Nallah at Village Seepan by way of laying of Crates . / 7.26 / 14520/- / 10 days / CEE/DEE / 800/- / -do-
3. / Restoration of F.P Work by way of Crate bund on Bringi Nallah at Kralwani Vailoo at spots / 16.38 / 16380/- / 15 Days / SHG / 1200/- / -do-
4. / Restoration of F.P work by way of S&B Bund with Toe crates on R/S of Veshow Nallah at Village Arigatnoo / 29.73 / 59460/- / 20 Days / AAY/BEE / 3000/- / -do-
5. / Restoration of F.P work on Ardwani Nallah at TantrayporaKanelwan / 8.20 / 16400/- / 12 Days / CEE/DEE / 1000/- / -do-
01. The NIT consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria specifications, Bill of quantities (B.O.Q), set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen /downloaded from the departmental website from :-
1 / Publishing date : / 18-03-2015 / At 10.00AM
2 / Downloaddate start: / 18-03-2015 / At 11.00AM
3 / Bid Submission date start: / 19-03-2015 / At 10.00 AM
4. / Bid Submission date Ends: / 25-03-2015 / Upto 4 P.M
5. / Submission of Hard Copies / 26-03-2015 / Upto 4 PM
6. / Date of Opening / 27-03-2015 / At 11.00 AM
02. The bids shall be deposited in electronic format on the departmental website
03. The bids uploaded on the Web Site up to due date and time will be opened on 27-03-2015 at 11.00 am in the office of Executive Engineer Flood Control Division Anantnag. In presence of the bidders who wish to attend. In case of holiday or office happening to be closed on the basis of opening of the bid, the same will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.
04. bids must be accompanied with cost of tender Document in the shape of Demand Draft in favour of Executive Engineer Flood Control Division Anantnag, pay able at Anantnag and earnest money /Bid security in shape of CDR/FDR pledged to tender Receiving Authority. the bids for the work shall remain valid for a period of 90(Ninety) Days from the date of opening of bids.
05. the earnest money shall be fortified if :-
- Any bidder /tenderer withdraws his bids /tender during the period of bid validity or makes any
b. The contractor fails to execute the agreement within 10 days after fixation of contract.
6.1 Instruction to bidder regarding e-tendering process:- Bidders are advised to download bid submission manual from the "Downloads" option as well as from "Bidders Manual Kit" on website bid submission process.
6.2. To Participate in bidding process bidders have to get Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) as per
information Technology Act. 2000 Bidders can get Digital Certificate from Approved vendor.
6.3. The bidder have to submit their bids online in electronic format with digital Signature . No Financial
bid will be accepted in physical form
6.4. Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in para -3
6.5. Bidders must ensure to upload scanned copy of all necessary documents like CDR/PAN/Tin/Demand
Draft/Registration Card duly renewed and hard copies thereof Physically to tender receiving authority
before date of opening of bid.
Note:- Scan All document on 100dpi with black and white options.
07. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reason.
08. Scanned copy of cost of tender document in shape of demand draft in favour of Executive Engineer,
Flood Control Division Anantnag and earnest money bid security in shape of CDR/FDR pledged to
tender receiving authority must be uploaded with the bid the original demand draft (cost of tender
Important Condition :-
09. Contractor / Bidder who fails to submit the hard copies for their uploaded tenders will be debarred from participating in the tendering process for a period of six months in the first instance. Their online uploaded tenders will not be considered for the said period.
10. The CDR / DD uploaded for the work shall be forfeited.
CDR/FDR (Earnest Money / bid security) and relevant documents to be submitted to the tender receiving authority by registered post / Courier / by hand before due date of opening of tender as per time schedule specified.
11. In case contractors are not allowed to submit their hard copies in the office of the tender receiving authority , they can submit it at next higher offices as well wherever they feel it feasible. However the hard copy should reach to these offices well within the prescribed time and priority should be given to submit it in the office of the tender receiving authority.
Unbalanced bid:In case of bid of the lowest diver is found unbalanced, the successful shall have to produce additional performance security in shape of CDR/FDR/bank Guarantee before fixation of contract as per following break up:-
Sl. no / %age of unbalance bid viz advertised cost on account of low rates / Additional performance security
1. / Upto and including 15% below / Nil
2. / Greater than 15% and upto 20% below / 3%
3. / Greater than 20% and upto 25% below / 3.5%
4. / Greater than 25% and upto 30% below / 4%
5. / Greater than 30 below / 5%
No:- FCD/Ang/15/ 8190-8216Sd/-
Date:- 17-03-2015 Executive Engineer,
Flood control Division Anantnag.
Copy to the:-
1.Chief Engineer, Kmr. Irrigation and Flood Control Department Srinagar for information and necessary action
2District Development Commissioner Anantnag for information.
- Additional District development Commissioner Anantnag for information.
- Superintending Engineer, Hydraulic Circle, Anantnag for information.
- Senior Superintendent of Police Anantnag for information.
- Superintending Engineer, R & B Circle Khanabal Anantnag.
- Executive Engineers, ______.
11 Deputy Director Information department Srinagar with five copies of NIT for Publication of NIT
into local leading dailies of Kmr. Province
12 Kmr. Advertising services Jawahir-Nagar Srinagar.
13-17Assistant executive Engineer, irrigation Sub-Division Anantnag / Kulgam / Dooru/ Kokernag / D.H.Pora
18-21President Contractors Association ______.
- Head Draftsman /Head Clerk/ Camp Clerk Divisional Office.
27. Office Notice Board.