Stonelaw High School Parent Council
Minutes of Meeting on Thursday 31st March 2016 at 7.15pm
Present: Apologies
Gordon Brownlie (Chair) Ross Murray
Lesley FletcherJulie Allan
Hugh McGheeAudrey Scott
Roz HaugheyAileen Newton
Elaine AitkenJoanna Gold
Brenda McLachlanJim Jarvie
Mark Loftus
Gail Fulton
Ailsa McMillan
Gill Gowran
Wilma McLaughlin
Action1. / Welcome
Gordon welcomed all to the meeting
2. / Apologies
As above
3. / Minutes of Last Meeting
Proposed: Mark Loftus
Seconded: Lesley Fletcher
4. / Matters Arising
Gordon confirmed that a letter has been sent to SLC regarding staffing cover. A response has been received confirming it is being given due consideration.
5. / Correspondence
a)Gordon advised that Helen Jones has resigned from the PC due to other commitments. Everyone at the meeting supported Gordon’s thanks for her contribution over the past years.
b) PC insurance – from is not completed and policy/schedule will be held by the school
6. / The Partnership Group – Isabel Gilchrist and Pupils
Comprehensive and moving presentation was given by the Pupils who had been on trip toIkusasalethu High School in South Africa. The presentation highlighted the benefits to both Stonelaw and Ikasasalethu pupils. Blog of their visit is available at
7. / Head teacher’s Report
The Head teacher’s reports were circulated for February and March and the following areas were highlighted and discussed.
- Staffing update – SLC have now commenced recruitment for staff to start in August which is a positive move as the schools 1st year intake for 16/17 is likely to be higher than in previous years
- School are currently looking to improve BEST (Beating Exam Stress Techniques) as this is an area which has been highlighted for improvement. Parents of young children currently working towards exams agreed this would be beneficial.
8. / 50/50 Club
In Aileen’s absence no draw was made. 2nd place for December draw to be confirmed at next meeting for the minutes.
Dec draw –
1st Kirsty Wallace
2nd ?
9. / Fundraising Sub Group Feedback
- Fundraising group are looking for donation for Landemer day tombola stall. Donation to be handed into the office by 11.06.16. Agreed to tweet and FB request for donations.
- Teachers coffee morning confirmed as 5th May
- Fashion night to be held on 15.09.16 in Bowling Club. Re:volve to provide clothing and perhaps the seniors could model them. Suggested that school’s beauty group could also attend and provide treatments.
10. / Communication Sub Group Feedback
No items
11. / AOCB
- 5th year prefects – a parent has asked why there are none this year. Brenda advised that this decision was taken by Pupil Support and was due to lack of numbers only.
- Drama results – Gordon raised an issue with incorrect information being sent out to pupils. Brenda advised that this is a manual exercise and there was an error that had not been picked up during the checking process. This process has now been tightened up and new letters were issued.
- Parent Council night out – Peking Palace 29th April 2016
- School day – Brenda advised that there have been some issues with shop lifting and fighting at lunch times and as a result of this consideration is being given to reducing the amount of time young people have for a lunch break. Current lunch break is 50 minutes.
13. / DONM – 28th April 2016
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