
Dave Weaver

1st Vice President

Tom Ross

2nd Vice President

Jeff Bird

3rd Vice President

Bill Engel


Steve Montanino


Dave Calitree

Meeting Place: MacGreggors (Coldwater Rd.)

Date: 12/28/2006 (Thursday)

Time: 18:00 hours

All officers were present.

Meeting called to order at 18:15

I. Agenda

1. Minutes from the last meeting

a. The minutes were approved with Dave’s changes.

2. 3rd VP vacancy

a. Bill Engle was present and appointed to the 3rd VP post, on a unanimous voice vote.

3. Local Dues

  1. Dues collected at the recertification clinics will be collected by the local treasury. Then, upon the request of the SRC/SRA, our treasurer will forward the owed amount to the state.
  2. New referee’s local dues were collected by the entry class instructors, those instructors will forward the local money to our local chapter treasury later in the new referee training process.

4. Treasury Report

  1. The treasurer reports a balance of $9692 and change.
  2. Dave will meet with M&T Bank so that Dave Weaver will be added as the second signer and our unit will move entirely to online banking, which will save the cost of paper banking and mail.

5. Recertification

a. All dates are set. All clinics will begin at 9:00am.

6. Unit Meetings

  1. Selecting a meeting location was assigned to Bill Engle. He will look for the most convenient and economic option.
  2. Bill will select the meeting dates
  3. Bill will inform the unit of all dates and locations once they are secured.

7. Arbiter

  1. For the 2007 season WNY will not fund the arbiter.
  2. The RRU will offer to loan the money, upfront, to activate the Arbiter for one year. This offer will be made directly to the assignor of the adult and youth leagues (not tournaments) who will have the option to accept the use the arbiter.
  3. If the assignor chooses to use Arbiter, they will be responsible for repaying the loaned money at a time the board specifies during the 2007 season. It is up to the assignor, how they wish to recoup the cost to pay the board.
  4. It was recommended that the assignor may recoup this cost by charging each referee a fee equivalent to the cost of one license. Though this is not mandatory.


8. Referee Evaluations

  1. The Secretary should draft a letter to the RDYSL requesting the coach’s reviews.

9. Scholarship Fund

  1. A scholarship fund in the name of Joe Martuscello was established with an initial endowment of $500
  2. Outside sources of funding will be evaluated
  3. Donations from the unit members will be requested

10. RDYSL turn-back fees

  1. The RRU will not attempt to recoup any of the turn back fees for the RDYSL assignor or the RDYSL itself. We are no longer in an agreement with these parties and have no authority to intervene in this matter.
  2. The assignor may take whatever means are within his power to recoup this cost.
  3. Members with grievances could appeal to the State Coordinator of assignment.

11. Assault Committee

  1. Steve will set up a committee to educate the unit about assault and to create a training program to help referee’s deal with it.
  2. The committee will also be formed to help assault victims out and act as another initial contact point when incidents of assault occur.

12. AR Training

  1. Bill Bianchi, Steve, and Tom will work to create an AR training program.

13. Eurotech Soccer

  1. Steve will work with Eurotech soccer on possible donations for the scholarship fund. Also, on the equipment offerings to the referees.

14. RDYSL AR’s

  1. The RDYSL would like to use AR’s on more games.
  2. Dave W. and Bill Fahey will work together on this issue.

15. Website

  1. Steve will investigate purchasing a web-editor for the Referee Unit.

There was no other business and the meeting was adjourned at 20:50.