Nursing and Midwifery – Entry Requirements @ Sheffield Hallam University

You must have some experience of delivering care in a professional or voluntary capacity, and a reference from a current or recent employer or educational institution.

Normally five GCSEs at grade C or above, including English language or literature, mathematics and a science (single or double) or equivalent*, plus one of the following

• 280 points with at least 120 points from 2 GCE/VCE full A levels or BTEC National qualifications and other qualifications in the UCAS tariff. AS levels and general studies A level can count towards the points total.

• Access – Access to HE Diploma for a QAA recognised Access to HE course in health studies, health science, social sciences or nursing. Normally we require 15 credits at level 2 and 45 at level 3 of which at least 15 level 3 credits should be graded at distinction level.

• other equivalent qualifications, including degrees in other subjects

This course is only open to home or EU assessed students.

*GCSE alternatives
The GCSE alternatives we accept are
• Level 2 Adult Literacy or Numeracy
• Key Skills Level 2 Communication or Application of Number
• Functional Skills Level 2 English or mathematics
• OCR science level 2
• science units gained on a level 3 BTEC or OCR National Qualification
• science credits gained on Access to Higher Education Diplomas (at least 12 credits gained at level 2 or 6 credits gained at level 3)

If English is not your first language you must have an IELTS score of 7.0 with a minimum of 5.5 in all skills or equivalent. If your English language skill is currently below IELTS 7.0 we recommend you consider a Sheffield Hallam University Pre-sessional English course which will enable you to achieve an equivalent English score.

Care experience
Before you apply for health courses, we require you to have gained some practical experience relating to your subject area. Download our applicant experience guidelines for information about the kinds of experience we expect you to have and the best places to gain it. Evidence of the experience gained, understanding of the profession and a genuine, reasoned commitment to studying a professional course must be explicit in your personal statement to be selected for interview.

Personal qualities
You must be able to demonstrate your potential to be caring and compassionate and the ability develop meaningful relationships with service users and carer.

Skill requirements
You need to demonstrate an ability to
• study academic subjects at degree level
• debate topics and issues
• draw on conclusions from written material
• study independently as well as a member of a group
• use computers and technology associated with contemporary teaching, learning and assessment methods
• successfully complete a range of assignments including researched essays and practical examinations

This is normally achieved by completing academic study at level three or above within the last four years.

The selection event
If you are shortlisted, we will invite you to a selection event, and you should bring a passport or photo driving license with you. You can bring other forms of photo ID for the selection event, but if you do, you will still need to present valid identity documents required by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) at your pre-course day.

View our selection event guidance to ensure you understand the selection process.

Course enrolment – professional requirements
Before enrolling, you must fully declare during the admissions process any
• unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands or warnings. For further information on convictions that must be declared see the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) website.
• disciplinary proceedings during paid or voluntary employment or educational establishments
• involvement with safeguarding proceedings, social services or related organisations

You also need to complete
• a DBS Enhanced Disclosure, and provide us with a copy of your DBS Enhanced Disclosure Certificate if requested. Enrolment also depends on the DBS check being deemed suitable for professional training.
• occupational health screening to determine your suitability to undertake the course and an approved programme of immunisation, as recommended by the Department of Health. Health screening and immunisation are provided by the University.
• a pre-course day

If you fail to comply with any of these requirements your offer could be withdrawn.

If your personal circumstances change in relation to any of the professional requirements – from when you apply to the end of your course – you must tell the Professional Issues Team immediately by calling 0114 225 3995 or 0114 225 5786.

Disability support
We strongly recommend that you tell us about any long term health conditions, learning difficulty or disability you may have. This is so we can assess whether we can deliver the course in such a way that you can meet the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) standards for education and training and take part without disadvantage both in University and on placement.

You can contact our nursing and midwifery disability co-ordinator on 0114 225 2470 to explore any issues you may have, or you can contact our university disabled student support team on 0114 225 3964 (voice and Minicom).

The Disability Disclosure booklet provides information for students on health and social care courses and will help you understand the importance of disclosing your disability at the earliest possible stage. This is so you can be assessed for the support you may require to succeed on the course.

Open day
As nursing and midwifery can involve strenuous physical, psychological and emotionally taxing work, we recommend that you come along to a University open day to learn more about the general expectations of the course.

See Sheffield Hallam’s website for more details