MINUTES of a MEETING of the HIGHWAYS & PLANNING COMMITTEE of BOURNE TOWN COUNCIL held on TUESDAY 16 July 2013 at 7.30pm at Town Council Offices, SK Community Point, Bourne

(Recorded by Town Clerk)

Present: Chairman Cllr B Russell

Councillors D Higgs P Knowles Mrs P Moisey

T Holmes D Mapp Mrs H Powell

Ms J Kingman R McKinney 0 members of the public


Proposed Cllr T Holmes, seconded Cllr Mrs P Moisey and unanimously

RESOLVED: To accept the reason for apology for absence from

Cllrs Mrs S Cliffe, P Fellows, Mrs B Johnson, C Pattison, Mrs J Smith and J Smith

1796P DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (Declarable Pecuniary Interest – DPI & other Interests)

None declared at this point


No requests had been received


No residents were present


Proposed Cllr D Mapp, seconded Cllr R McKinney and

RESOLVED: To adopt the Notes of the meeting held on 25.06.13 as a true record and for the Chairman to sign them as the Minutes of the above meeting


Cllr Mrs H Powell – SKDC/LLC member – reported that the application for 3 crests at the Corn Exchange had been approved; waiting restrictions at Eastgate were still under consultation and that additional money was available for treatment of roads and pavements.

1801P QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILLORS - None had been received


Resolved to forward the following observations:

a) Ref: S13/1681/FULL/PC1

Applicant Mr & Mrs M Favell

Proposal Erection of dwelling (amendments to p/p S13/0244)

Location Plot to rear of 10 West Road

Proposed Cllr D Mapp, seconded Cllr T Holmes and resolved

OBSERVATION: Bourne Town Council has no objections

b) Ref: S13/1682/FULL/PC1

Applicant Agent – Rick Smith Design

Proposal Change of Use of existing shop building to tanning shop

Location Unit 9, The Burghley Centre, Hereward Street

Proposed Cllr Ms J Kingman, seconded Cllr D Mapp and resolved

OBSERVATION: Bourne Town Council has no objections

c) Ref: S13/1748/FULL/PC1

d) Ref: S13/1663/ADV/PC1

Applicant Mr Stradling, Specsavers

Proposal Installation of new shopfront and internal alterations works

Proposal Installation of advertisement signage

Location (Two Jays) Unit 9-10, The Burghley Centre, Hereward Street

Proposed Cllr Ms J Kingman, seconded Cllr R McKinney and resolved

OBSERVATION for items ‘c’ and ‘d’:

Bourne Town Council has no objections - Please note: the address is Units 10 & 11 and not as stated in SKDC correspondence Unit 9 & 10

e) Ref: S13/1595/FULL/PC1

Applicant Alison Lea, Larkfleet Homes

Proposal Erection of Eco demonstration house – extension of time

Location Southfield Business Park, Falcon Way

Proposed Cllr P Knowles, seconded Cllr D Mapp and resolved

OBSERVATION: Bourne Town Council has no objections

f) LCC Ref: PL/0111/13 – Grid Ref: 514269 318697

Proposal Development for retrospective planning permission for the use of

land and buildings for waste recycling operations

Location Blue Sky Plastics Ltd, South Fen Road

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr Ms J Kingman and resolved

OBSERVATION: Bourne Town Council has no objections provided the Planning Authority carries out a site visit to determine manufacturing process risks and to look at the condition of the road in relation to the increased volume of traffic especially regarding HGVs.


A) For information only – to be received en bloc (available for perusal)

A) For information only – to be received en bloc (available for perusal)

a) S13/0041/ADV SKDC 3 non-illum. crests & signage Corn Exch. Abbey Rd Withdrawn

b) S12/3271/FULL Hammond; Erection of 50Kw wind turbine hub height 36.4m

Main Rd junc with A15 Withdrawn

c) S13/0278/LB Murray-Smith; alterations to listed building Cawthorpe Farm Approved

d) S13/0795/HSH Taylor; 1st floor side & 2 storey side ext 7 Broadlands Avenue Approved

e) S13/0791/FULL Gibson; demolition of 2 agricultural buildings & erection of new agricultural barn Dock Furrows Farm, North Road Approved

f) S13/0924/HSH Rudkin; 2 storey front extension 35 St Gilberts Road Approved

g) S13/0781/FULL Wild Heart; CofU from retail to café Unit 3, Angel Precinct Approved

h) S13/0882/OUT Hadfield; renew outl p/p single storey dwelling 37 Meadowgt Approved

i) S13/1178/NMA BGS; replacement window sw elevation with a door, additional air con units on se elevation Bourne Grammar School, South Road Approved

j) S13/1032/FULL Southfield Business Pk; erection of temporary electric generating equipment test rig for 3 years Land at Southfields Business Park Approved

k) LCC – temporary traffic restriction; Ro0ad closure order on Exeter Street from 23/06/13 to

30/06/13 (Sundays only) alternative route A15 North Street & B1193 West Street

l) LCC – temp. traffic restriction; Rd closure order on Eastgate from 15/07 to 27/09/13

m) S13/1096/TCA Wren; remove upper branches silver birch/garden 87 North Rd Approved

n) S13/0777/RM Allison Homes Eastern; Reserved Matters application for residential development Plots 64-65 (revised house types Zone 1 Elsea Park Approved

o) S13/1211/FULL Elsea Park Community Trust, Fitness trail (5items of adult gym equipment) reallocation of equipment, Linear Park Approved

p) S13/1246/LB Wild Heart Enterprise Ltd, Remove blockwork wall to reinstate archway between units 3 & 4, Angel Precinct Approved

q) S13/0880/RM Allison Homes Eastern Ltd, App. for Reserved Matters re Plots 25-32 and Plot 36 of Zone 3, Elsea Park Approved

r) S13/1421/FULL Wells, Rutland Estate, CoU from B1/B8 Light Industrial/Storage with Trade Counter to A1 Non-Food uses, Units 1, 2 and 10 Cherry Holt Road Approved

s) S13/0991/MJNF Tesco Stores Ltd, Removal of condition 1 of p/p S12/2310 to allow 24hr deliveries Tesco Stores, Cherry Holt Road Approved

t) S13/0605MJRR Allison Homes Eastern Ltd, Minor material amendments to reserved matters application S07/1706 (variation of conditions 1 an 4 to change elevation treatment of apartments 36-41, 42-54 and 55-60) Zones 1 and 2 Elsea Park Approved

u) S13/1370/ADV Installation of 3 non-illuminated crests, Bourne Corn Exchange, Abbey Road

This application will be reported to the Dev. Control Committee on 16 July 2013 at 1pm.

v) LCC Highways – Temp. Traffic restriction for Essential maintenance works, Exeter Street from 23.6.13 – 7.7.13 (Sundays only)

w) LCC Highways – Emergency Rd Closure –maint. works at Meadow Drove 2.7.13 – 9.7.13

x) LCC Highways – Emergency Rd closure –maint. works – Manor Lane 24.6.13 – 28.6.13

y) LCC Highways - Temporary Road & Footpath closure, essential maintenance works,

Manning Road – public footpath 7/7 (Spalding Rd to Manning Rd) 29.7.13 – 2.9.13

z) LCC Highways - Travel and Transport Briefing Summer 2013 Issue 29

Aa) SKDC – Planning Policy and Partnership Service manager – Adoption of the Wind Energy Supplementary Planning Document, Notification - this document has been adopted on 3.6.13

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr R McKinny and unanimously

RESOLVED: To receive items ‘a’ to ‘Aa’ en bloc

B)  Correspondence for Discussion

1) SKDC – Planning Policy and Partnership Service Manager - Consultation on further proposed modifications to the Site Allocation and Policies Development Plan Document and a Sustainable Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA) addendum report.

The proposed modifications address various issues that were discussed at the examination hearing sessions held in November 2012 and as a consequence of the SA/SEA addendum report. Documents are avaialbel at http://www.southkesteven.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=3965. consultation end 16.08.13. (members were notified of this via email on 5.7.13)

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr T Holmes and unanimously

RESOLVED: Bourne Town Council objects to the reduction of the commercial site in the West of Bourne as no further residential properties are required.

Bourne Town Council gratefully accepts the increase of the site in the East of Bourne as there is a need for further employment opportunities.

2)  LCC Technical Services Partnership – Review of traffic sign Bourne – SL007169 - Response to BTC email of 26.6.13. What LCC requires is input from BTC with regard to any requirement for signing to car parks in the town. In effect, we need to know where any car parks are that the TC would wish to see signed, who owns them (TC or SKDC) and whether there is any requirement for naming the car parks or indicating that there is free parking (if relevant). No response has been received yet from SKDC. Signing proposals will follow once this information is available; we do not with to expend time producing designs without the correct information. Following extensive discussion it was

Proposed Cllr B Russell, seconded Cllr D Mapp and unanimously

RESOLVED: National standardised blue signs should be placed in the town to direct people to

the following car parks and signage to include the fact that the car parks are Free of Charge

Burghley Street Car Park (behind Post Office in West St)

South Street Car Park (on South Street)

Corn Exchange Car Park (adjacent to Burghley Centre off Hereward Street)

Abbey Road Car Park (on Abbey Road)


The Clerk informed the meeting that planning permission would not have been necessary when Heron took over from Woolworths as this was going from retail to retail. Regarding deliveries Heron would have inherited delivery hours from Woolworths. As Woolworths was in situ for many years, it probably would never have needed planning permission or delivery hour conditions imposed and Heron would now be working under the same scheme.

Proposed Cllr P Knowles, seconded Cllr B Russell and unanimously

RESOLVED: To inform Heron that representation has been made to the council about the traffic problems when deliveries are being made and ask for Heron’s comments on how Heron could help to solve this problem.


The Clerk reminded the committee that this item had been deferred from March 2013. She further pointed out that a Neighbourhood Plan would help to shape the future of Bourne in accordance with the community’s wishes and ideas as once adopted it would become part of the Local Development Framework and would have to be consulted with planning applications etc.

It was reported that a plan would be costly to compile, but it would provide a blue print as a base plan and on which to build.

Proposed Cllr P Knowles, seconded Cllr D Mapp and unanimously

RESOLVED: To start by having a small working group from the council to check out feasibility of such a plan. The following volunteered: Cllrs D Mapp, T Holmes and R McKinney


The Clerk reported 3 items:

·  Queen’s Bridge Eastgate - repairs will start on 12 August 2013

·  LIVES is in desperate need for volunteers or it may fold. Notice has been placed in the council’s notice board. It was suggested that the information is sent to the press.

·  Proposed Bourne Town Trail to commemorate BRM – Bourne Academy is hoping to do a project including leaflets, video and footpath markers using the Heritage Lottery Fund. The Clerk felt that this was a very positive project; members appeared to be in agreement.

Due to there being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed at 8.38pm


Highways and Planning Committee meeting held on 16.07.13